400 gamerpoint dlc eh... I've played quite a bit of dlc in my time and as a rule dlc packs and arcade games get charged at 800. This is a price microsoft is happy with and they only let the price drop lower when the deal is meant for impulse buys. Unless you really love avatar gear you might understand that impulse buys are all shit. So going by microsoft standards this will be shit because nobody who knows about it would bother paying for it.
The other side is if EA and Bioware decided on the price in which case it will be shit. Going by the Dragon age track record Return to Ostagar cost this much and was incredibly short, the stone prisoner was overpriced if you didn't get it for free and Awakenings was 3200 for a 14 hour linear campaign. So whether we compare it to the set value of Ostagar or the divided time investment of Awakenings we can reach a few conclusions.
This will be short, it will use entirely recycled enemies, character models and locations, there will be no challenge for anyone who bought awakenings or anyone using a mage in the original the reward will be a short lived gimmick which alters nothing in the gameplay. Also going by the glitch record, the release glitches will remain.
To anyone who is thinking of buying this always remember that the arcade games and deals of the weak are the only good deals you will get and will always be better than dlc.