Becoming the head of every org in Skyrim is stupid.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
DalekJaas said:
And not just in Skyrim, in Oblivion as well. I am playing through Skyrim at the moment and am really enjoying it (other than the fact that patch 1.3 is crashing the game every 2 mins now)but one of my biggest pet peeves with the game is the fact that you become the head of every organisation.

I had the same problem with Oblivion to.

The only organisation that it makes sense for you become the head of is the Dark Brotherhood, and only because the Night Mother picks favourites. She is willing to see her whole org fail until someone she likes comes along, and generally there is barely anyone left in the Dark Brotherhood after you finish it so it makes sense.

The Thieves Guild, Fighters Guild (Oblivion), The Companions and especially the Mages Guild are all ruined when some senior member has been with the group for decades says to the player 'well you may have only been in the guild for 2 days, but now you are its leader'.

The actions your perform, while notable as the player in my mind do deserve a high rank or a special status within the guild. But as for becoming arch-mage, its just ridiculous. It really ruins the immersion I have in my story.

I recently finished the Thieves Guild, and dialogue comes up where Brynolff says that they have decided you are leader of the Thieves Guild (cause you successfully pulled off 2 legit thieves guild missions?) and I followed the dialogue branch that says no, but it forces you to accept anyway. When Brynolff should clearly be the leader, with Vex and Delvin a close 2nd, and then a million other members before you.

The Mages Guild in Oblivion was particularly bad, you could finish the whole thing without casting a spell, and they make you the arch-mage over dozens of high ranked, experienced, decades old guild members.

I havent done the Mages Guild in Skyrim but I have heard its the same.

Lastly, becoming head of the Companions was absurd. I didn't like the Companions story line at all, and just because you can kill some Hargravens and get through a Dungeon does not make you worthy of leading the dozens of people who are involved in the group.

So for discussion, do you like being absurdly put as the head of every organisation or would you prefer to reach an elevated, honorary position at the end of a guild's story?

I have heard people on here saying they want a story line to become the emperor, all I can say is never let Bethesda hear your opinion. I want the game like Daggerfall, where you just did a lot of missions, but never became the leader of most organisations in High Rock and Hammerfell.
You don't have to become the head of every guild, it's possible yes because some people enjoy finishing all the quests and content, those who want to immerse themselves in the game just simply dont become the heads of all the guilds.

I think it's good to be able to choose because I'm more of a completionist than a role player, and there is so much content that I dont want to have to make 4 different chars just to do all the quests.

some people may want to roleplay a genius superhero who could in fact become the head of everything, then not being able to join all the guilds would break their immersion.

It's all about choice, play the way you want just because it's possible doesn't mean you have to do it. Elder scrolls has always been about good gameplay and ability to roleplay for the people who want to.

Restrict yourself, why restrict other people? It breaks your immersion that the game isn't restricting you? The game also allows you to climb mountains, be the richest man in skyrim, carry 300lb of gear with no backpack, swim in artic waters for hours with no clothes on, survive arrows to the face.

So why pick on this as an immersion breaker?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Jandau said:
EDIT: Also, it bothers me that I can't do the Thieves' Guild quest chain without consigning my soul to Nocturnal. I don't want to do that. Pick someone else, I'm just here to murder the shit out of the old guildmaster for stabbing me in the back. One crappy suit of armor and a useless Power aren't worth my eternal soul. Likewise, I don't want to be a warewolf. So when the nice hunter lady goes all wolfey and asks me to drink her blood, I'd like to be able to say "No thank you, I'll just go do stuff NORMAL people do, like hunting Draugr or something. Let me know if anything sane comes up..."
Completely agree! At that point I went, 'hold on a minute, I have no respect for the Daedra and I certainly do not want to bind my soul to one'. All the thieves guild was to me was a glorified Daedra quest. I would forgo becoming a nightingale if the option was available, it did not help me to decapitate Mercer Frey in a few hits. Also normally I defend Bethesda's right not have you able to play as both sides of a story but for the Companions I did not want to become a werewolf and kill the silverhand. I supported the Silver Hand, werewolves are filthy daedric creations who generally murder indiscriminately and the majority can't control their powers. The Curse of Hircine Oblivion mod did werewolves better than Skyrim.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
DalekJaas said:
I have no idea what is wrong with the thread, it screwed up. This new website layout does not like google chrome.
or Fire Fox I think it,s a bug in the new layout system or the new layout simply hates the posting system.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
I haven't done it yet but I agree. It is kind of retarded that you can become the head of everything in a single playthrough.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
xXxJessicaxXx said:
I like to think it's pretty funny I mean can you imagine if you pissed off a mage during a companion assignment and he was like 'I'm going to tell the archmage about this!'


On a more serious note you can't even get into the mages guild unless you have so much magicka/ are able to do a ward spell. You also have to learned 2 spells for a later quest. My friend couldn't get into Winterhold when he first went there and had to go and get big plus magicka pots

You also have to do a skill related test to get into the thieves guild if I recall. With lots of sneaking and stealing
Ya but the sneak one you can do with the bare minimum. The spell one is a little tricky since its random. The first time I did it I had to conjure a sword so big deal lvl 1's can do that (plus I was a mage and my mana was over 200). This time though I'm a tankier archer, and I got summon flame atronach which I can't pull off with a full mana pool. Not sure how people are getting in as dragon born though.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
I'd prefer an honored position, but not leadership. There are certain cases where it would make sense, but for the most part I don't think it's stupid for any guild to allow the player to become leader.

I agree with the OP that for the Dark Brotherhood it sort of makes sense, but for the rest it's out of place.

Also, when I read the title of this thread I thought it was going to about how you can join most if not all factions of the game at once. I find that to be the most irritating. I'm not saying they should make the guilds all conflict with each other, but I think it'd be nice if you're loyalty to a guild meant something.

For instance, after joining the Thieves and completing all the missions and becoming the leader, I turned my skills from sneaking towards the Dark Brotherhood. A certain mission within the Dark Brotherhood sends you to speak to a member of the Thieves' Guild. That member casually remarked something along the lines of; "Hey boss, haven't seen you in a while, but I guess you're busy with that other guild so don't worry about it."

THAT IS RIDICULOUS!! How can a guild I'd been absent from for more than an in-game month not even care that I've been gone that entire time. If I were only a high-ranking member it wouldn't be so bad, but because I was the guild-master it was just.. stupid.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
I don't really care if it makes since to be honest. From what I've gathered, nothing in The Elder Scrolls makes since and you can do everything you want no matter what (Granted I've only played Oblivion and Skyrim). I'm actually disappointed I didn't become High King of Skyrim for finishing that horrible Civil War questline...


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
xXxJessicaxXx said:
I like to think it's pretty funny I mean can you imagine if you pissed off a mage during a companion assignment and he was like 'I'm going to tell the archmage about this!'


On a more serious note you can't even get into the mages guild unless you have so much magicka/ are able to do a ward spell. You also have to learned 2 spells for a later quest. My friend couldn't get into Winterhold when he first went there and had to go and get big plus magicka pots

You also have to do a skill related test to get into the thieves guild if I recall. With lots of sneaking and stealing
All I had to do was cast a fireball spell (which was provided to by the lady at the start of the bridge to the college) on the ground. I never leveled up my magicka once and that was the only time I cast a spell in my 120+ hours in the game. And I was a Redgaurd, which I think has one of the smallest starting magicka pools (after Orsimers and Nords...maybe?).

I just needed to get in there (or I thought I needed to) so I could question someone for Azura's quest. But it turns out the person I needed to talk to was in the tavern, so I tarnished my "no magic" run for nothing...

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
Edd4224 said:
It would be better if people in the game responded to you becoming the head of the various guilds. Would lead to some hilarious dialogue options if nothing else.
Farengar: You know, if you have the aptitude, you should join the College of Winterhold.

*finds big thing, finds shiny rod, kills bad guy, becomes arch-mage*

Farengar: You know, if you have the aptitude, you should join the College of Winterhold.


RaNDM G said:
"So, you're the head of the Thieves' Guild now?"


"And the Mage's Guild?"


"And the Companions?"

"Yes, that's right."

"... I used to be an adventurer like you."
However, he had an unfortunate run in with an arrow. I used to be an adventurer like him, too. But then I took a sword to the chest.


New member
Dec 9, 2012
DalekJaas said:
And not just in Skyrim, in Oblivion as well. I am playing through Skyrim at the moment and am really enjoying it (other than the fact that patch 1.3 is crashing the game every 2 mins now)but one of my biggest pet peeves with the game is the fact that you become the head of every organisation.

I had the same problem with Oblivion to.

The only organisation that it makes sense for you become the head of is the Dark Brotherhood, and only because the Night Mother picks favourites. She is willing to see her whole org fail until someone she likes comes along, and generally there is barely anyone left in the Dark Brotherhood after you finish it so it makes sense.

The Thieves Guild, Fighters Guild (Oblivion), The Companions and especially the Mages Guild are all ruined when some senior member has been with the group for decades says to the player 'well you may have only been in the guild for 2 days, but now you are its leader'.

The actions your perform, while notable as the player in my mind do deserve a high rank or a special status within the guild. But as for becoming arch-mage, its just ridiculous. It really ruins the immersion I have in my story.

I recently finished the Thieves Guild, and dialogue comes up where Brynolff says that they have decided you are leader of the Thieves Guild (cause you successfully pulled off 2 legit thieves guild missions?) and I followed the dialogue branch that says no, but it forces you to accept anyway. When Brynolff should clearly be the leader, with Vex and Delvin a close 2nd, and then a million other members before you.

The Mages Guild in Oblivion was particularly bad, you could finish the whole thing without casting a spell, and they make you the arch-mage over dozens of high ranked, experienced, decades old guild members.

I havent done the Mages Guild in Skyrim but I have heard its the same.

Lastly, becoming head of the Companions was absurd. I didn't like the Companions story line at all, and just because you can kill some Hargravens and get through a Dungeon does not make you worthy of leading the dozens of people who are involved in the group.

So for discussion, do you like being absurdly put as the head of every organisation or would you prefer to reach an elevated, honorary position at the end of a guild's story?

I have heard people on here saying they want a story line to become the emperor, all I can say is never let Bethesda hear your opinion. I want the game like Daggerfall, where you just did a lot of missions, but never became the leader of most organisations in High Rock and Hammerfell.
Agreed. If it was possible to become Leader, after rigorous effort, but initially (in place of what they offer now) you get a special title for each guild with special priveleges. They could even make it more interesting by re-instating a Title that hasn't been used for a longtime thereby reinforcing the Dragonborn as a welcomed and honored member of an old tradition. All this would be better than what they are doing now. I feel like I am playing Mario Brothers again with the guild. So, I only do Dark Brotherhood to get Shadowmere and the Thieves Guild to get the Skeleton Key and then stop right there. I roleplay that I turn my back on these lily-livered lessers and carve my own path to greatness by taking Alduin off his self-appointed throne.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
Yeah, it's really stupid how my Assassin character who often uses bows and daggers can be the leader of the Dark Brotherhood (logical), Thieves guild (logical) and the College of Winterhold (wtf?). I mean, I use Illusion magic but only enough to use Invisibility so I can sneak up and shank dudes in the throat! All I did was help some guys who wouldn't take no for an answer and all of a sudden I am their Arch-Mage! What the hell?

I learned better when I moved to play Oblivion. For some characters I didn't even complete the main quest because it didn't seem logical for them to do it.

Telsa DeBerry

New member
Dec 21, 2012
Frankly, I can converse with Bethesda on the level of not wanting to force people to do Side missions. Some people actually play Skyrim solely for the plot of the main quest. As for Guilds, I would have to say that they could probably have done better as they have far more potential in the way of making a Guild's leader have more responsibility. But hey, maybe Bethesda will simply create a patch/DLC to cope with their current lack in that department.

As for me though, I am very content with Skyrim as it is and find it hard to see anyway in which the game is bad or has poor gameplay all things considered.

EDIT: Spell-check.