Ben Affleck is The New Batman


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Phlakes said:

I'd say something about how it would be better to wait and see how this turns out rather than freak about how Ben Affleck is going to personally burn every Batman comic and movie that's ever existed, but haters gonna hate.
Ha good to see I wasn't the only one who remembered this. I'm not going to pretend that I'm not surprised about this casting but I will reserve judgement.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
StewShearer said:
...the mental image of Ben Affleck growling "swear to me!" is making us laugh.
DAMMIT! Now, that's making me laugh... It's contagious, I tell ya!

OT: Um... I'm more concerned that it's still Snyder directing this new "Bat-leck" alongside the "Cavill of Steel"... Don't get me wrong, I still respect Zack and his directing... and how this is suppose to be a more mature/older Batman that's going to be in this sequel...

But, I'm having a hard time trying to wrap around how Zack is going to pull this all off... Because I can so imagine Ben being the Dark Knight (without trying to pull off an old-sounding Bale impression) and I still be like "That was a good batman"...

Eh... So, the plot thicken... Time to sit back and wait for more updates to pop up... again... (Also, could John Hamm be a better Dark Knight than Ben Affleck? Wait... why did I just think of that question just now?)

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Some actors, good or bad, I have a hard time forgetting who they are while they're acting. Me, I see Ben Affleck in a movie and I can't even process his character's name - he's just Ben Affleck playing out actions and emotions. Ben Affleck in WW2. Ben Affleck in that comic book movie. Ben Affleck in that reverse engineering movie. To see him put on the Batman costume would be... I dunno, look, there's Ben Affleck wearing the Batman costume.


New member
May 9, 2011
This stinks of 'They wanted him to direct Justice League or something and the only way he would say yes is if he could play Batman.' I mean...come on. Ben freaking Affleck? And, no, you can't use the Heath Ledger analogy for this. Ledger was a truly brilliant actor. But Affleck?! Great writer/director? Yes, agreed. But it's just not possible for him to go to the right place as an actor for Batman, especially a grounded, brooding Batman like their going for in the new DC Man of Steel Universe, and not make it look comical. I mean...shit. I was glad Bale was out but now I kind of want him back. This is just...My God. What the hell Warner Bros? After the 'Wtf' moments of Man of Steel did you want to try *really* hard to make people not interested in seeing the MoS sequel? Jesus, Disney/Marvel must be throwing a party right now. "Whelp. We dodged that bullet."


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Well as many are apparently very negative towards this choice.
I won't be, it might sound as a strange choice, yes, but I will want to watch the movie before I make my judgement on the case.
Then again if I am very negative, expecting nothing, I might be positively surprised...
Also I never thought I'd see N. Cage in a Batman outfit, yet he did it in kickass and it was good!

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I like Ben Affleck, but I don't like the fact that Man of Steel sequel will have Batman in it. I do not plan on ever seeing that movie. It reeks of disappointment before it was even made.


New member
Mar 15, 2013
if he can pull this off he should get the Oscar

there is so many wrong things about this superman vs barman shit its even hard to list. (MOS sucked and its only 1 movie, it feels rushed, after making Christian Bale batman they changing actors [Ben Affleck ffs])

i know its crazy (on so many levels) but since its somehow repleted to dark knight returns i thought we will get old batman (and Christian Bale would fit technically) but if not bale i was hoping for... michael keaton
i know, i know...


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Abomination said:
orangeapples said:
There could be a worse pick. Michael Cera comes to mind. Not sure why I went straight to him, but it did...
Because Michael Cera is perhaps the worst actor you could possibly have playing Batman?

So bad that any woman could play BatMAN better than Michael Cera.

I don't like Michael Cera... he has the most punchable face.
What about Shia Lebeouf? He's another good contender.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I only liked Ben Affleck as the paddle bully from Dazed and Confused. It's the only role where his Ben Affleckiness worked in his favor.

A Ben Affleck Batman... I would almost be tempted to pay to go see that trainwreck. Ol' Ben spends all this time making people forget about his mediocre acting with pretty decent filmmaking, and then he goes and pulls this.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
Ben Affleck is a (sometimes) good actor, but totally wrong for the role. Give us some Jon Hamm.

P.S. Thanks


New member
Jun 26, 2008
It's not an all out bad choice, there's possibility for it to work, it's just terribly uninspired. Then again, that's kind of been a recurring theme with this whole affair.

What's really disappointing is that Ben Affleck will have to take a break from directing :-/


New member
May 12, 2011
iniudan said:
KeyMaster45 said:
Nathan Fillion should totally be the next Batman.
Actually, I think he would be better with Aquaman.
I must disagree when I think green lantern I think Nathan fillon I mean the dude is pure hal jordan they really miss cast ryan reynolds becuase he would be an awesome flash


New member
Jan 25, 2010
So people are seriously bitching that Oscar winner Ben Aflick is going to be batman. I love unqualified nerd rage. He will be a perfect Bruce Wayne. As for batman, that's always the fault of the director. Directors have never got a good handle on the look of batman. Classic example is the voice. I can never understand why they always ask the actor to put on the voice. Surely it makes more sense that Bruce Wayne would use a throat mic to hide his voice and make it more "scary" and it would save us from the likes of chris bales chain smoker growl.

Compatriot Block

New member
Jan 28, 2009
Apparently nobody here saw Argo? That was pretty recent and critics went nuts for it. Say what you will about him matching the role, but he can act.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
They should get him to write and direct also, then it might actually be good^^. As a guy who thought Christian Bale was terrible ( and has been since his brilliant performance in American Psycho) i don't really mind Afleck, atleast he's a brilliant actor these days (not so much back with Daredevil).


New member
May 14, 2011
Johnny Novgorod said:
Some actors, good or bad, I have a hard time forgetting who they are while they're acting. Me, I see Ben Affleck in a movie and I can't even process his character's name - he's just Ben Affleck playing out actions and emotions. Ben Affleck in WW2. Ben Affleck in that comic book movie. Ben Affleck in that reverse engineering movie. To see him put on the Batman costume would be... I dunno, look, there's Ben Affleck wearing the Batman costume.
Basically this (though in all fairness I haven't seen any of his latest work. The equivalent would be scratching your head over a Keanu Reeves casting with only Bill and Ted to go on).

That said, I say give the man a go. As others have said I doubt he'll have any problems as public-eye Bruce Wayne (he's got the smirk), and I'm curious to see if he can play private Bruce Wayne without coming across as the pretentious whiner he did circa his Kevin Smith movies. To be perfectly honest I don't think any actor to date has been a competent Batman, though Bale has probably come the closest (but that was largely thanks to the script).

In fact, the more I think about it the more I think Affleck is a good cast for the "rich douche that jeopardises his dynasty and its shareholders by putting all his energy into dressing up and being a thug because he's too immature to deal with his grief like an adult" angle of Batman. I can see the plot now: Batman is being an angsty douche, Superman steals the spotlight from him by being a more public-friendly hero, Bats gets jealous and tries to peg Supes as the bad guy so he can justify beating him up, Supes flexes his uber-morality and makes Bats see his "justice" is all about serving his own interests, Bats hangs up the cape and cowl and turns his energy towards running Wayne Enterprises, but during Wayne's absense the company had done some shonkey real estate deals with Lex Luthor, Supes tries to play the hero only to get himself in a pickle, Bats suits up one last time to kick Luthor in the nuts, Supes and Bats make out, Supes flies away to fight more crime while Bats returns to directing his empire. Oh, and there's dinosaurs somewhere.

Also, am I the only one that's ok with the Bat Voice? I mean, the last thing he wants is for someone to say "Hey, you kinda sound like that Wayne guy that's always on the tv..."


New member
Apr 13, 2013
The horror, the horror! I'm in shock reading this, I mean I hope he does a good job, I just don't see how it's going to work. He was good in "The Town" but aside from that I just don't see how this is going to work out...