BEST AI in a game


New member
Mar 22, 2009
Everyone asks about the worst, but what's the best?
For me, the enemies in Condemned 2 were really unpredictable, the bad guys from Metal Gear Solid 4 and all computer players from GRAW2 were impressive on how they may react to a move you made, and Sheva from Resident Evil 5 made every shot, and only screwed me over when using a pistol against a boss or eating a golden egg, but I still think that she's one of the best computer controlled allies.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Awh damn ninja, gotta go with Kz 2 A.I it is very well done

BudZer said:
Naughty Dog makes amazing AI in their games. Although I'm probably just a fanboy. Ellena in Uncharted was one of the best AI partners I've ever had.
seconded, just out of curiosity, what other A.I partners do you know that were good, because i cant think of any

captain awesome 12

New member
Dec 28, 2008
Battlefield:Bad Company and the Halo Marines. Oh wait you said best...

I think currently it's Killzone 2, Although Alyx Vance and most all of the AI in Half Life was good.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, the AI in Star Wars: Republic Commando was pretty good too. Your squad was usually awesome, and some of the enemies, namely the Trandoshans, were really good. They would kick thermal detonators back at you and didn't just stand around to be blown up.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Monsters in Ninja Gaiden 2 were pretty damned skilled.

O and I think the AI in FEAR is overrated. They just flank and take cover, they're terribly easy to fool: plant proximity mines near one entrance, move slightly towards the other entrance and they'll immidiatly start flanking you from the other side, followed by a satisfying "boom".


New member
Jan 25, 2009
jeretik said:
- Half-Life 1
- FEAR 1 (didn't play 2 yet)
- Rise Of Nations & Rise Of Legends
- Unreal 1, Unreal Tournament series, Quake 3
- Halo 1

So... The best is in FEAR 1, probably.
Halo? with the marines? are you serious? no just no


New member
Aug 15, 2008
I don't think any game really has a "good" AI. It's all a matter of which game stacks the AI, giving you a larger handicap against them. "Smart" AIs don't exist, there are some FPS games where the AI units have better pathing than others, Half-life 2 was pretty good at this, especially for its time. Call of Duty 4 had an AI that was swarmy and Accurate enough to be a pain on the hardest difficulty, especially when two shots would kill you, but the units themselves were rather dumb. If you want to play against a "good" AI it'd be best to play a game like Supreme Commander with an AI mod pack, which makes the AI much more efficient and effective with the different tiers, allowing something close to a "Smart" AI, especially with the ten-some variants of strategy you can pick. A few examples of AI modes... Fortress, Rush, Technology, Adaptive. Essentially a turtle player, rush player, advance-before-attacking player, and adaptive which is basically just a /roll the dice and decide on one of the above.
The AIs in games are getting better, but it's easy to find and break their limits, after just a few encounters with them. (Like noting the trigger points for units, which, if avoided, leaves the units to stand like statues until you activate it)

So, to immediately void my previous point, there is no Good AI. There are just HORRIBLE AIs then Bad AI used well.

Of course my bit here could be over pessimistic, keep throwing up your good AI examples, I'd love to try them, maybe I'll be surprised.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
A while ago I would have said Left 4 Dead has good AI but today permanently changed my mind. I was playing Versus as Survivors at the time and someone had quit the previous round so we were stuck with AI Bill. Everyone was out of the safe room when we noticed that Bill had forgotten his health pack and weapon.

We all went back into the safe room clicking the left stick on the weapons and first aid so he'd notice to no avail. He refused to pick either up. He died pretty quickly.

tl;dr: L4D's AI sucks.


New member
Jul 21, 2008
I agree, the survivor AI does tend to cripple you in the most ridiculous aspects (LIKE NOT FUCKING ENTERING THE GODDAMN SAFE ROOM AFTER BEING DOWNED CLOSE TO FIVE FUCKTARDING TIMES!!!), but in many other aspects, they are pretty damn helpful, they know how to stay together (something appreciatable, knowing how many retards just tend to run off or lag behind), they help each other and you, they almost close to ALWAYS aim for the head (watch AI from the deathcams and you'll realize), they find pills EVERYWHERE, and they mostly do very well. Not to mention the zombi AI. Even on the easiest levels, you can tell they are trying their best. It's jsut the fact you are a human equivalent to the tank. And mind you, my team (and shamefully I included) once got all downed by a single tank on normal. Truly, Valve have done a superb job with their AI director. Just go to the developer's commentary (Yes, I'm THAT big a fan.)

Oh and mind, they will NEVER give a shit about how much you spam left stick, that function is oriented towards playing with humans.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Im going to get shot for this probably, but I really liked halo 1s AI. The friendly AI was useless if you played the higher difficulty settings (even though they would make attempts to dodge grenades, the splash damage was always so big that they would die even though they jumped away..) A video showing the AI fighting a battle:

But what made the enemy AI so great was that it was so unpredictable but at the same time never dumb. Its not one of those games where you can stand behind cover with a shotgun and wait for the enemy to arrive in lines to get killed (*cough*, GRAW), neither is it a game where the enemy wont go after you if you loose your shields etc.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
The most challenging enemy A.I I have encountered is the S.T.A.L.K.E.R A.I. I have yet to encounter useful friendly A.I.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
Gears of War had decent AI. Unfortunately most of it was scripted, but it was better than the usual 5 seconds an AI spends running towards the wall I'm hiding behind.

I would love to see an AI that learns from it's mistakes. The problem is that this takes a lot of processing power, the AI has to 'communicate' with the other AIs in the area, decide the path it will take, 'see' the result, pick a new strategy and then start the process all over again.
Of course, this could result in an unbeatable AI, which would suck. But anything is better than "hey, the player went through that door let's all follow him and ignore the 50 that were killed after stepping through that door"


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Pandalisk said:
jeretik said:
- Half-Life 1
- FEAR 1 (didn't play 2 yet)
- Rise Of Nations & Rise Of Legends
- Unreal 1, Unreal Tournament series, Quake 3
- Halo 1

So... The best is in FEAR 1, probably.
Halo? with the marines? are you serious? no just no
Agreed, the marines were horrible.
But to answer the question: Probably Killzone 2.