Best and worst tv series finale.

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
Best would have to go to Friends hands down not many people pull off a show that lasts 10 years but they did and it was very sadd at the end
Cough cough, Fraser, cough cough. which actually ran just a bit longer than Friends, ended at round about the same time (at least when is was shown in the UK) and did it with a much better ending than Friends did. Ross and Rachael end up getting together, my what a huge shock that turned out to be, at least Fraser ended it with him going after his love interest and left the viewer wondering if she said yes or not. That's why Friends gets the worst from me, it ended with the biggest none shock they could have come up with.

Best, another vote for Blackadder, Red Dwarf, yeah the six and seventh season were a bit meh but Rimmer kneeing death in the nuts!


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Rockchimp69 said:
LuckyClover95 said:
I think you spelled finale wrong :) But a lot of shows I watch haven't finished yet.
Dead Set was pretty good.
I felt sick and a little disturbed after watching that ending..
So yeah good horror :D
I really liked it, because it had a really cool last 10 mins of so (not that the rest of it wasn't also awesome). I liked that it ended with the woman who worked at Big Brother sitting in the Big Brother chair, and the guy who 'won' talking to her from the studios. Then you see her stumbling to the door and no other zombies and you think she might be ok, before she looks up at the camera and you can see from that she's a zombie :(
I'd like to know if other people in the world lived. The fact they were so safe just because the grounds we 'fan-proof' was a great idea :)


New member
Dec 4, 2010
LuckyClover95 said:
Rockchimp69 said:
LuckyClover95 said:
I think you spelled finale wrong :) But a lot of shows I watch haven't finished yet.
Dead Set was pretty good.
I felt sick and a little disturbed after watching that ending..
So yeah good horror :D
I really liked it, because it had a really cool last 10 mins of so (not that the rest of it wasn't also awesome). I liked that it ended with the woman who worked at Big Brother sitting in the Big Brother chair, and the guy who 'won' talking to her from the studios. Then you see her stumbling to the door and no other zombies and you think she might be ok, before she looks up at the camera and you can see from that she's a zombie :(
I'd like to know if other people in the world lived. The fact they were so safe just because the grounds we 'fan-proof' was a great idea :)
Yeah I thought the whole idea was great and the bit you mentioned with the guy in the office and the girl in the diary room was great as well :)

Only Big Brother contestants could mess up being in a fortress like that :p

The end of the first episode with the fire extinguisher was brilliant as well.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
What was intended to be the Scrubs finale, with JD going to the new hospital, is probably my best. Tears were shed.

Supernatrual's could have contested with that had the show ended on season 5 LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO!. But since its still going, who knows how it will end.

Worst? I'll have to give that honor to Las Vegas. The show was cancelled on a cliffhanger. What the hell?

Special mention goes to Christopher Eccleston's run as The Doctor. The first half of his season wasn't that great, but once Captain Jack came into the picture, that season started kicking ass, and then it ends and he regenerates before you could build up any attachment to his Doctor. Shame he couldn't work with Russel T. Davies. I wouldn't have minded at least one more season with Eccleston.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Rockchimp69 said:
LuckyClover95 said:
Rockchimp69 said:
LuckyClover95 said:
I think you spelled finale wrong :) But a lot of shows I watch haven't finished yet.
Dead Set was pretty good.
I felt sick and a little disturbed after watching that ending..
So yeah good horror :D
I really liked it, because it had a really cool last 10 mins of so (not that the rest of it wasn't also awesome). I liked that it ended with the woman who worked at Big Brother sitting in the Big Brother chair, and the guy who 'won' talking to her from the studios. Then you see her stumbling to the door and no other zombies and you think she might be ok, before she looks up at the camera and you can see from that she's a zombie :(
I'd like to know if other people in the world lived. The fact they were so safe just because the grounds we 'fan-proof' was a great idea :)
Yeah I thought the whole idea was great and the bit you mentioned with the guy in the office and the girl in the diary room was great as well :)

Only Big Brother contestants could mess up being in a fortress like that :p

The end of the first episode with the fire extinguisher was brilliant as well.
Haha you're right, most people would have done anything for a fortress like that but two self centred pricks managed to ruin everything. Although, when self centred prick number 1 (forgotten his name - he ran the studio) died it was really funny, he was shouting something like "Come on then, have a bite, yeeah" heehee :D
I'm not usually big on zombies in a "It's cool because zombies" way, but that show was great. I can't decide whether I like fast or slow zombies though - I like slow zombies like in The Walking Dead comics, but in Dead Set or 28 Days later they're a lot scarier :S


New member
Dec 4, 2010
LuckyClover95 said:
Rockchimp69 said:
LuckyClover95 said:
Rockchimp69 said:
LuckyClover95 said:
I think you spelled finale wrong :) But a lot of shows I watch haven't finished yet.
Dead Set was pretty good.
I felt sick and a little disturbed after watching that ending..
So yeah good horror :D
I really liked it, because it had a really cool last 10 mins of so (not that the rest of it wasn't also awesome). I liked that it ended with the woman who worked at Big Brother sitting in the Big Brother chair, and the guy who 'won' talking to her from the studios. Then you see her stumbling to the door and no other zombies and you think she might be ok, before she looks up at the camera and you can see from that she's a zombie :(
I'd like to know if other people in the world lived. The fact they were so safe just because the grounds we 'fan-proof' was a great idea :)
Yeah I thought the whole idea was great and the bit you mentioned with the guy in the office and the girl in the diary room was great as well :)

Only Big Brother contestants could mess up being in a fortress like that :p

The end of the first episode with the fire extinguisher was brilliant as well.
Haha you're right, most people would have done anything for a fortress like that but two self centred pricks managed to ruin everything. Although, when self centred prick number 1 (forgotten his name - he ran the studio) died it was really funny, he was shouting something like "Come on then, have a bite, yeeah" heehee :D
I'm not usually big on zombies in a "It's cool because zombies" way, but that show was great. I can't decide whether I like fast or slow zombies though - I like slow zombies like in The Walking Dead comics, but in Dead Set or 28 Days later they're a lot scarier :S
Yeah I'm not sure either so I guess I like both :)

That last scene you mentioned with the producer guy messed up my sleep that night.