Best and worst tv series finale.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
So what tv series had the best and worst finale and why.
Best: Angel
No happy ending just a fight to the death.
Worst: Alias
It was clear that chunks of the story was left out to make it short enough for a last episode.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I think you spelled finale wrong :) But a lot of shows I watch haven't finished yet.
Dead Set was pretty good.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
I dunno, most manage to pull a good ending out of somewhere, but Lost's ending was just awful, and the end of the first FMA anime (excluding the movie) seemed a bit underwhelming to me.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Well I can't remember many, but from the ones I've seen recently.

Best: The Venture Bros. Brock's face when they all turn, just, classic!

Worst: Oh, I don't know. I'm going to go for Warehouse 13. Granted it's not finished for good and they might pull it back next series, but seriously, what sort of weak sauce was that?


New member
Jun 12, 2011
Best: ...I've got nothing. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, maybe?
Worst: My bet goes on Transformers: Animated. Final episode was a rushed and anticlimactic piece of sh*t. It was propably caused by the fact, that until the very end of season 3 writers belived, that they will get to make season 4.

Aaron Jordan

New member
Jun 20, 2011
Worst: flash forward, you could see how much the funding had been cut and since there's no second season none of the loose ends can get tied up.

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010

Best: Matt Smith's first series as the Doctor had a really damn good finale. I think I'll go with that.

Worst: Deep Space 9. Not horrible, but so anticlimactic and a bit predictable.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Worst: Star Gate SG1. Seriously? The ending is 'Here's everything you ever wanted, ever. What you just spent the better part of a decade fighting for. Enjoy. What, the last two foes you haven't slain yet? What's going on? Hope like hell we get movie funding!'

I mean, yeah, we lucked out and they did, but all the same. Poor last showing, Star Gate.

Best? Arrested Development. That it ended was sad. How it ended was exactly how I imagined it would: In a blazing display of the ridiculous.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
believer258 said:
Worst: The ending of the original Full Metal Alchemist, hands down. And the movie was worse.

Best: I'm not sure. Cowboy Bebop, maybe?

I don't watch many TV shows, I can't be arsed to stick to their schedule so all I really know of are the few anime finales I have seen.
please as far as anime goes there is much worse than FMA at least the movie helped fix it up Berserk had a much much much worse ending


New member
Apr 14, 2011
Best: Friends

Worst: Smallville, man they just did not try to make that a decent episode. The whole thing was just "we know he's going to become superman, you know he's going to become superman, hell even the characters in the show know it, so we wont bother with any real struggle, because he's superman."


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Best: Babylon 5 (with and without the 5th season) and Scrubs (I am not counting the 9th season)

Worst: Neon Genesis Evangelion


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Worst: Inuyasha. They ended it how they started it. Which sometimes is clever, but after ten seasons, that meant they accomplished nothing and did not develop their relationships as characters. Which, as a decidedly girlier anime goes, is a pretty big fucking deal.

Best: Honestly? How they ended Firefly. It was sad to see it end, but there was just this overall warm tone to it. The movie came in and reminded you that what happened in that warm ending wasn't really so warm and fuzzy, that it was the beginning of something cold and evil. And the end of the movie was bittersweet, but overall made me feel happy with the entire series. Sorta like what Cowboy Bebop did.

Sad to see it go, glad it went before it overstayed its welcome.

etyuLare o-kaeri indeed, captcha.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
believer258 said:
aba1 said:
believer258 said:
Worst: The ending of the original Full Metal Alchemist, hands down. And the movie was worse.

Best: I'm not sure. Cowboy Bebop, maybe?

I don't watch many TV shows, I can't be arsed to stick to their schedule so all I really know of are the few anime finales I have seen.
please as far as anime goes there is much worse than FMA at least the movie helped fix it up Berserk had a much much much worse ending
Do. Not. Get. Me. Started. On. That. Shit. Of. A. Movie.

Seriously, whose idea was it for both Ed and Al to stay on the other side of the fucking gate? Why? There was no reason! He spent that ENTIRE show trying to get himself back to normal so he could lead a normal life but instead he got stuck in a strange world where he's far from normal! And eventually his brother got stuck there too, which fucking sucks!

The OVA Kids heals some of those wounds, even if it isn't canonical. But that movie is horrible. Let's not forget that the latter half of FMA pretty much takes a machine gun and riddles the plot with holes, and if that weren't bad enough the climax falls flat on its face as just a bunch of talking and almost no real fighting.
now take that n times it by 20 and you get how bad berserk ended it was that bad

Michael Hirst

New member
May 18, 2011
Best: Blackadder, going over the trenches, it was a good ending to a great show even if the tone did change drastically.

Worst: Lost. Seriously I just coudln't handle the purgatory thing, it seemed too forced and too idealistic/happy for a show thats supposed to have been rather mericless.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
Best: The final tenth Doctor special. "I don't want to go..."

Worst: Pokemon, the original series. Not so much for what it did, but for the whole. By Brock and Misty. *Ten days later.* Holy crap, it's Brock!


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Donbett1974 said:
So what tv series had the best and worst finale and why.
Best: Angel
No happy ending just a fight to the death.
Worst: Alias
It was clear that chunks of the story was left out to make it short enough for a last episode.
Man, the Angel ending is actually my worst. It pissed me off that it basically threw away the reason that you cheered for the guy through the series by him signing away the ability to redeem his soul. Not to mention that basically everybody dies. Not just Angel, not just his group of friends, EVERYBODY. Including everyone over at Buffy, which kinda screws over that shows somewhat hopeful finale.

Best, I'd have to say Star Trek: TNG. Brought the series full circle, and was a shining example of what made TNG different from any other Star Trek show.