Best/Favourate Anti-Zombie weapon?


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I would have the say the thing that made me enjoy killing zombies the most was the lawn mower from dead rising, It just made me so gleeful every time i saw one.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
thiosk said:
Wait, no one mentioned the rocket propelled chainsaw?

Effing. Pure. WIN.

Also for scav runs: A 10/22 rifle (Probably Ruger) in an airsoft P90 frame (to reduce weight, and create a more tactical size/shape for close quarters), a pair of Cold Steel butterfly swords ( they's sharp), a crowbar and a .22R handgun (why carry more than one type of ammo and add weight?).

Why? .22 ammunition is lightweight, cheap as hell, PLENTIFUL and perfect for going through skulls at mid to short ranges. Use .22 Varmint grenades for very similar ballistic effects to a .50BMG (Varmint Grenades are high-velocity hyper-frangible rounds, you won't get multi-headshots, but anything you hit's going to hit the ground, and hard).

An M1A4 Abrams (assuming I had a fuel source) would be AWESOME

And back at my home base, any .50 BMG, 7.62x54R, .308, or .223 rifle for sitting back and picking things off from a rooftop. Preferably .50BMG with tungsten core Penetrator rounds. Yum.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
ssgt splatter said:
Dark Crusader said:
090907 said:
a lawn mower
Kais86 said:
Street sweeper, AKA automatic shotgun.
That's a very good idea^^ Although the recoil'd be a *****.
tellmeimaninja said:
Ak-47 (world's best assault rifle, and of course, for close encounters, the crowbar.
Didn't the AK-74 replace the AK-47?
As for me, I'd rather have the Galil over the AK. But I've never used either, and am basing my prefrence solely on games(Galil appears to be more accurate over longer distances, but slow firing), I have no idea whether the games hold true to life or not. The XM8 looks to be the Assault rifle I'd pick if I had a choice though(and I'd much rather have a flak gun, it's my favourite gun out of all guns I've used in games).

EDIT: Sorry for the double post.
Dude i'm not trying to shoot you down but in COD4 the AK 74 is a sub machine gun not an assult rifle. Don't get me wrong it's still a cool gun but i'd still take the AK 47 over the AK 74. To answer the question, minigun and as backup, Skorge's chainstaff from Gears 2

The ak-74 [] is an assault rifle. On CoD4, the U [] variant was placed with the SMG's because it is very similar to an SMG. However, it still fires assault rifle rounds, making it an assault rifle but with the size of an SMG, perfect for close range.

Mr. Ejuice

New member
Feb 24, 2009
Dark Crusader said:
The zombie's would turn into BBQ! Although, one you quite probably would not want to eat.
Or smell, for that matter.

In my opinion, I wouldn't want to be toting around a backpack full of shotgun ammunition, so I'd probably choose a .303 or .30-06 rifle, lighter ammunition and you wouldn't need as much. Sure, you need to aim, but if you know how to use a rifle that won't be a problem. Oh, and a .45 pistol and a hatchet for backup (unless I could find a shaolin spade).


New member
Apr 17, 2008
If we can have anything, I'd have a Death Star. Planet infested by zombies? Not any more!

But if not, then I'd take a minigun with a pair of sawn-offs for backup. Then a chainsaw for further backup XD


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Dark Crusader said:
scumofsociety said:
Dark Crusader said:
090907 said:
a lawn mower
Never seen 'Braindead' then?

My choice : Potato gun.
Nopes, I'm kinda behind with my movie catalogue, although the name does ring a bell as something I wanted to watch but wasn't in the rental shop.(If I recall correctly it has two names, one outside of the states and one in).[quote="090907" post="18.91743.1436518

The other name was "Dead Alive"


New member
Apr 3, 2008
Trivun said:
Shotgun easily. If a zombie apocalypse occured and I had my pick of armament, I would choose a shotgun to hold, with two pistols in a dual holster, and a sniper rifle in a seperate carrying thing on my back. Long, mid and short range weaponry, and I'd have twin swords also attached to my belt. A veritable killing machine. Plus, given I've known how to use a gun, and fired them myself, ever since I was 14 years old (surprising since I live in the UK), I know how to fire and exactly where to aim to kill a man (or zombie). Not that a shotgun really needs much aiming, just point and shoot. No way will I die in a zombie apocalypse...
forgive my ignroance but dont the cokcy ones die?


New member
Aug 20, 2008
There is nothing. NOTHING. More satisfying than blowing some zombies heads off with a shotgun. If a game has zombies and no shotgun, it isn't a real game in my eyes.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
It's the Fisto! []
I love my Fisto! If ever zombies attack, my Fisto! will make quick work of them.
RedDiablo said:
Shotgun for sure. I haven't heard of a game with zombies that lack the good old 12 gauge.
WarCraft III has oodles of zombies and no shotguns. I guess that doesn't really count, being a fantasy game?


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
ffxfriek said:
Trivun said:
Shotgun easily. If a zombie apocalypse occured and I had my pick of armament, I would choose a shotgun to hold, with two pistols in a dual holster, and a sniper rifle in a seperate carrying thing on my back. Long, mid and short range weaponry, and I'd have twin swords also attached to my belt. A veritable killing machine. Plus, given I've known how to use a gun, and fired them myself, ever since I was 14 years old (surprising since I live in the UK), I know how to fire and exactly where to aim to kill a man (or zombie). Not that a shotgun really needs much aiming, just point and shoot. No way will I die in a zombie apocalypse...
forgive my ignroance but dont the cokcy ones die?
Only in the movies. I have confidence, that's all...

(proceeds to shoot ffxfriek for insolence)


New member
Feb 2, 2009
JannixPizzalordofdoom said:
A lightsaber, it would cut through them (And anything else) like butter and it never runs out out of ammo... or batteries!
They did have to be recharged occasionally according to one of the books. And I'd probably lose an arm and a leg fucking around with it.

I'd go with a semi-auto .22, a trenchspike, and or a crowbar.

.22 ammo is light and easy to carry and common to find. A trenchspike because that's what the Zombie Survival guide told me to do. And a crowbar because that's what a videogame told me to do.

But if I had it my way I'd just call in a low orbital strike. That would pretty much take care of everything.