Best Realistic/Brutal Fight Scenes


New member
Feb 22, 2009
afaceforradio said:
Sparrow Tag said:
Ahh, thankee opening poster. I do believe my boredom can be lifted by seeing people beaten within an inch of their life.

Just as a side note, not sarcasm. People don't see to understand when I'm joking or not nowadays.

afaceforradio said:

I mean, erm.
*backs away slowly*
Don't not be afraid! I am human, just like you! Except, I'm giant!

(I would note, that's from Scrubs. Not a euphamism.)


New member
Mar 2, 2009
As far as brutality/realism in combat, the Bourne movies (Matt Damon) do a VERY good showing of proper fighting technique: I.e.: Drop the guy with whatever it takes, as fast as possible.

Also: The movie Taken. Holy crap. Very good showing of training vs none.

Panda Mania

New member
Jul 1, 2009
I'd have to say, yes, the bathroom scene in Eastern Promises takes at least part of the cake (bonus pts. to Viggo for taking them out completely unarmed...and unclothed). But Watchmen continually impressed me with its articulate and gritty style of cinematic fighting...I could sense every bone breaking, that knife skewering the forearm (awesome shot).

Sigel said:
Peter Griffin vs the Chicken.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
The fight between The Comedian and the burglar in the beginning of Watchmen was really good. The music just kind of fit with the whole scene.

US Crash Fire

New member
Apr 20, 2009
well it is a tv show and it doesnt get more realistic than this!

Lord Beautiful

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Aug 13, 2008
ChromeAlchemist said:
-Zen- said:
The fights in the Rocky movies tend to be pretty brutal, and I assume they're somewhat realistic.
Rocky takes a hundred punches, has a face like a red cauliflower and is still standing, then hits his opponent 8 times then they go down? Nah, not too realistic. Great to watch though.
I suppose I should have italicized "somewhat" to better express my thoughts. As far as fights in a lot of action movies, Rocky's scenes are a bit more believable than stuff in, say, The Matrix. I know that it's not completely realistic, but I find it more grounded in reality than most action movies I've come across.

EDIT: Whoopsidoodle. I messed up a little. But now it's fixed.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
The two main fights Jacki Chan vs little guy(Bradley James) in Gorgeous up till the part when they start to be "funny"



New member
Mar 11, 2009
The director of Ong-Bak did another flick called "Chocolate" starring a dancer named Jeeja Yanin and she had to train for two years for the role plus another two years to film it. Watch the credits and see how many times she smacked, punched or kicked in the head. Ouch.
The Protector was pretty extreme, too. They're not good movies per se, but they're entertaining as all hell.


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Sep 20, 2008
Fat_Hippo said:
I remember Watchmen being a never ending bloodfest. I actually thought it was kind of a bit too much, don't know how faithful to the comics it was. Pretty goddamn brutal.
Rorsach with the meat cleaver got me.


New member
Nov 4, 2007
Fat_Hippo said:
I remember Watchmen being a never ending bloodfest. I actually thought it was kind of a bit too much, don't know how faithful to the comics it was. Pretty goddamn brutal.
I thought so too, until I listened to a particular podcast that reviewed the movie (at a guess, google Kevin Smith Podcast Watchmen - should get it for you). The podcasters (including Kevin Smith) agreed it was bloodier than the comic, but there was a point to it: the original comic was trying to push boundaries in comic book violence. It would only be fitting for the movie to do the same.

As for most realistic/brutal fight scenes, well that's tough, but I'll say that Public Enemies gets my vote simply because I've never seen a movie in which a man is shot through the cheek. And that's the exit wound. Not particularly brutal considering other movies, but definitely honest about one thing: sometimes you're shot where you least expect. Too many people are shot through the forehead in movies. Of course that's the execution shot; but it loses its bite after a while. But the cheek - that's just unsettling.

And kudos to Deadwood. Great show, great fight scenes. Also, brutally honest shootouts. No 15 paces - at least as far as I've seen.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
-Zen- said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
-Zen- said:
The fights in the Rocky movies tend to be pretty brutal, and I assume they're somewhat realistic.
Rocky takes a hundred punches, has a face like a red cauliflower and is still standing, then hits his opponent 8 times then they go down? Nah, not too realistic. Great to watch though.
I suppose I should have italicized "somewhat" to better express my thoughts. As far as fights in a lot of action movies, Rocky's scenes are a bit more believable than stuff in, say, The Matrix. I know that it's not completely realistic, but I find it more grounded in reality than most action movies I've come across.

EDIT: Whoopsidoodle. I messed up a little. But now it's fixed.
Well if you say believable, then fair enough. I do kind of hate the fact that my house-mate is kind of spoiling me. *Protagonist fires 13 shots from his gun* 'THAT'S NOT REALISTIC! THAT'S A 12 ROUND CLIP, HE COULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT!'

'For the last time mate, this isn't a documentary! And sit down, we're trying to watch a film here.'

esperandote said:
The two main fights Jacki Chan vs little guy(Bradley James) in Gorgeous up till the part when they start to be "funny"
God I loved Jackie Chan movies. They were like Jean Claude Van Damme films, only most of them were actually good. The humour and wackiness is unique, but there is only so much of it I can take, I preferred him in Project A: Bruce Lee grade ass whuppins.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Every fight from Fight Club. The sounds of the punches, blood, shattered teeth - everything just looks and sounds so realistic.

The alley fight from Watchmen was downright brutal, especially how Dan broke the thug's arm. The meat-cleaver and saw scenes didn't affect me at all, but somehow the arm got me.

Private Custard

New member
Dec 30, 2007
A pretty poor movie, bought by me a few years ago when I went through a phase of collecting films on the HKL label.

The bad guy is a proper bastard!