Best Stealth Game Ever?


New member
Dec 20, 2013
Who Does Stealth the Best?

Which one game throughout the history of gaming reigns supreme as the king/queen of stealth, and why?

Many game developers have made stealth games over the years, but few truly get it right and capture the essence of what it truly feels like to be secretive and undiscovered, yet do so without taking away from the beauty of in game killing.

I can only speak on the behalf of a few games. These include the latest hitman, a few splinter cell titles, assassin's creed games and dishonored. I haven't played other popular games like thief, sly cooper and MGS so I won't be 'that guy' who acts like I know something that I don't. I've even heard of well reviewed underrated gems like tenchu, deus ex and mark of the ninja that I have yet to get my hands on.

I know, this is a very subjective matter, especially considering that some emphasize the stealthy approach more than others, but it's not a matter of quantity here, it's more about the quality of the experience.

AI that seems realistic is the most important aspect of stealth oriented games to me. I can't feel immersed if the game feels like, you know, a game. Little things like consistent mechanics, variety in structure, multiple approaches, user friendly controls and a viable reason for my wrongdoings/ good deeds (I.e a good storyline) are also little pieces that make the stealth experience so addicting and embody every game I've noted thus far. Some hit every point while others seem to miss a few marks. So who, in your opinion, does it best?

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
While it may not be the best stealth game in the world, my personal favorite goes to Tenchu Z. When you boil it down, a stealth game is nothing more than a puzzle game in which the "puzzle" is figuring out how to navigate a certain environment while avoiding guards/cameras/whatever, and I've had hours of fun working out the best ways to infiltrate the enemy compounds by memorizing patrol patterns and looking for the little crack in the defenses that allows me to pick off the first unsuspecting guard and following through with a plan of attack to bring the rest of them down from that point on.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Hooof....that's a good question. I love me some stealth games but if I HAD to choose just one to strangle the others and hide the body for no one to find it would be...

It might be nostalgia talking but:

Hitman 2

You get so many options in this game that I could probably play through it ten times and kill my target ten different ways. I can sneak in, I can knock people out, I can murder everyone, I can take on a disguise, I can distract; there's just so many ways to do your thing that it's like poetry in motion when everything goes right. And if it goes wrong, 47 is not a pushover...

Also FYI astrogamic: your avatar is broken; dead link image :(

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I'll tell you this much, Assassin's Creed has nothing on stealth. With the exception of those following missions, most of the time you can just sprint from wherever and stab your mark on the head.

WoW Killer

New member
Mar 3, 2012
Probably Tenchu 3. I thought that built nicely on the mechanics of the first two games and was the last properly decent game in the series. Great atmosphere as well. There's some seriously creepy enemies in the game, from those ghoul things in the cemetery to those clockwork robot things. And the story... well, it was silly, but it was silly in a good way:

I'm still hoping for a series revival. Maybe some sort of open-world game.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
It's Thief or Thief 2, and it's not particularly close.

Amongst more modern offerings, DE:HR and Last Light have done stealth reasonably well, although there really isn't any NEED for it.


New member
May 19, 2008
For me it's a tie between Theif 2 and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.

These two epitomize what a great stealth game is with their level design, lighting, sound, and multifaceted approaches. I played them both for the first time this past summer (so none of that rose tinted nostalgia), and the only other stealth game in recent memory that comes close to these twos greatness is Mark of the Ninja. I've yet to play another other stealth game that hits it out the park such as those three.

I'm pretty much only considering actual stealth games on not games where stealth is just sort of an option. I still loved Deus Ex and Human Revolution, but sometimes the stealth (mainly the original) can just feel rather wonky. At least in some of the early and a few parts near the end. MGS loses marks for forcing into action sequences with more often than not ham fisted controls. Seriously as much as I commend the unique boss battles, they are also fucking annoying at times.

But seriously, go play Mark of the Ninja if you haven't already!!!


New member
Jun 30, 2011
Deus Ex: Human Revolution by far. Just amazing.

Some other good ones included Splinter Cell's, and Thiefs (first two at least).


New member
Dec 30, 2013
Of those stealth games I've actually played for more than one level (sorry Thief/Deus Ex) I'd probably have to say Dishonored. Absolutely love the level/mission design, it's just a shame that the story and acting are so unbearably dull.


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
The Last of Us has the best predatory stealth in gaming. Of course there are a lot of straight-up action sequences in that game too, but it's one of the only games in which I actually enjoyed the stealthy bits.

If you need a game that's about stealth first and foremost, than the only correct answer is Thief II. OBVIOUSLY


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Thief 2, closely followed by Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory

I love the MGS games, but it only felt around MGS 3 that a core gameplay experience around stealth was properly developed. The previous games focused more on set pieces, elaborate boss fights or trolling the player introducing post-modern elements into its story/gameplay, and the stealth aspects just didn't seem as well defined as they were MGS 3.


New member
Jan 11, 2014
Thief 2. There is no other game that comes CLOSE to it. This is the quintessential stealth game. Killing is the sign of a bad player. A good thief will get in and out without ever being detected, cleaning them of house and home, and not injuring a single person. This is why others fail. Continued Tranq shots, killing everyone, or both. Chaos Theory, Human Revolution, all pale in comparison to this masterpiece.

Now let's hope they don't fuck it up with the new one.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
For my tastes it's Thief. The thing that gets me into stealth is needing to actually be stealthy or you're boned otherwise. With all the newer 'Stealth' games you're a freaking superhero that can take care of yourself without hiding in shadows, I'd prefer to be just a dude dressed in black who better not fuck up.
Also Tenchu and maybe the second for the guitar music.
Puresuhoruda said:
Now let's hope they don't fuck it up with the new one.
Don't hope that. Just don't get your hopes up. I don't want to be a downer but really just don't hope for anything decent and you can be pleasantly surprised if it turns out decent.
It won't though.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Thief 2: The Metal Age

It has the strongest core stealth mechanics as well as the best level design by far. Absolutely huge open arena within which to ply your stealthy trade set within one of the most imaginative and unique setting in the entire gaming industry.

The Thief series also has amazing sound design, which is a vastly under appreciated element of gaming and stealth gaming in particular. Thief in its best moments is a game where you're crouched hidden in the shadows with your eyes closed as you listen, breath held, to the sounds of the environment around 'you'. Hearing the footsteps of the guards some distance away and their occasional coughs or chatting between one another, the soft humming of some blasted technological contraption and the whirring of gears in the clockwork security systems, all of which isn't just ambient noise but which is teaching you the level layout. Giving you imperative information you need in order to beat the mission, all without even needing to open your eyes or, as is the trend in modern games, having some obnoxious popup on the screen trying to highlight everything.

One of the only games I've ever played, regardless of genre, that incorporates sound so heavily into its gameplay design. Add to that a great story, some interesting characters, nice (If admittedly now dated) art style, and you've got not just the best stealth game but one of the best games in general.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
While I only played Thief Deadly Shadows, and loved it, I will concur that Thief 2 is likely to be the best one. Yahtzee beat sums it up


New member
Sep 21, 2013
Has to be Thief 2, but as to avoid a dull comment, here are some runners-up (runner-ups?):

-Mark of the Ninja: Incredible use of stealth in 2D. Interesting gameplay mechanics.

-Dishonored: Surprisingly enjoyable 1st person gameplay. Fun, but OP as fuck if you go the lethal route.

-Batman: Arkham Asylum/City: Haven't seen it yet on this list, and it deserved a mention. They had a competent game with a fighting system that was new and fresh at time. Guards with guns could kill you within seconds, making the playing experience tense but negotiable (in that if caught, you could conceivably take down a guard without being instantly killed). Also, it's legitimately challenging to play without using gargoyles.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
I'm not a stealth game fan though. I hate them in fact. Games like Hitman are unplayable for me due to boredom. Oblivion/Skyrim on the other hand where stealth is optional and unrealistic is fun. Enter Deus Ex. Stealth game play for casuals that is very fun to play in execution.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
I'm gonna go with Mark of the Ninja. The game just beautifully communicates everything you need to know to be all stealthy and sneaky without making it stupidly easy. Gameplay tends to become more of a puzzle, working out which guards need to die first, and in what order, than say a more actiony charge style of gameplay, or instant failure if spotted nonsense.

As many people have said above, many kudos to the Thief series as well, though I never really got into them I enjoyed what I played.