BioWare: A Dead Shepard Stays Dead

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
BioWare: A Dead Shepard Stays Dead

BioWare is keen on making your decisions in Mass Effect 2 [] matter, so much so that you might not be able to import your saves into Mass Effect 3 at all.

BioWare wasn't exactly shy about the fact that Shepard could die in Mass Effect 2 and anyone who has played the game has probably seen loading messages saying that you can import your save in the next game, as long as Shepard survives. Well, it would appear that BioWare is playing hardball, because if Shepard is dead, your ME2 saves are useless.

Producer Casey Hudson spelled it out in black and white to Game Informer []: "Dead is dead. Mass Effect 3, as with the rest of the trilogy, is Shepard's story. If you have a dead Shepard at the end of Mass Effect 2, that saved game won't import into Mass Effect 3. You can play Mass Effect 3 if you died in Mass Effect 2 of course, but you'll have to create a new Shepard. Harsh? Yes. But we wouldn't be serious about the concept of a suicide mission if you couldn't die and your death didn't have serious consequences."

It's not really a surprise that Shepard's survival is canonical, but it's an interesting way of adding weight to the decisions you make, and not one that every developer could pull off. I imagine that there are going to be quite a few people grudgingly playing through the game again, but given how good it is, that's no bad thing.


Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
Well that's a bit of a bummer. It's like they're saying "Do it our way or we won't let you have the prize".

EDIT: Alright Alright, I get it! It's Shepard story.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Random Argument Man said:
Well that's a bit of a bummer. It's like they're saying "Do it our way or we won't let you have the prize".
Not really. They've been saying for ages that the ME trilogy is Shepard's Story. Killing him off kind of ruins that they spent the first two games building up his tale.

I haven't done a "kill yourself" suicide run yet, got a perfect 'renegade' save and working on a perfect 'paragon' save now.

Nimbus said:
Aww, man! Fuck that... I wanted to play as Joker!
Joker's better as a side character. Makes his diamond-shine moments all the better.

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
Here I was expecting some super-awesome way of fixing the problem. I must say that I am disappointed.

"and your death didn't have serious consequences". What serious consequences? That we have to play a new game? That's not serious, that's just tedious.

Damn it, I was hoping for the developers to use masterful storytelling so that Shepards death could still happen in Mass Effect 3. But of course, that's not going to happen.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Random Argument Man said:
Well that's a bit of a bummer. It's like they're saying "Do it our way or we won't let you have the prize".
No, it makes sense. They've said before that the Mass Effect trilogy is Shepard's story; how does one continue a single person's story if they get offed during Act II? That would be like ending Empire Strikes Back with Chewbacca as the only survivor.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
How are they able to keep the story well without getting things misplaced and fucked up? I need to check out this series...


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Nimbus said:
Aww, man! Fuck that... I wanted to play as Joker!
*enters combat for the first time*

Joker: "All right, team! Let's m-"

*gets shot*

Joker: "MY BONES!" *dies*


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Can we get a fucking spoiler alert on the title, please?

Edited for nerd rage.

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
Kimarous said:
Random Argument Man said:
Well that's a bit of a bummer. It's like they're saying "Do it our way or we won't let you have the prize".
No, it makes sense. They've said before that the Mass Effect trilogy is Shepard's story; how does one continue a single person's story if they get offed during Act II? That would be like ending Empire Strikes Back with Chewbacca as the only survivor.
I think most of us were hoping that Bioware would fix that problem in a way nobody had expected. Because many people asked questions like "How will that work in ME3?", and so, since nobody could come up with a good enough reason themselves, we thought that Bioware must have a super-smart plan behind all of this.

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
Kimarous said:
Random Argument Man said:
Well that's a bit of a bummer. It's like they're saying "Do it our way or we won't let you have the prize".
That would be like ending Empire Strikes Back with Chewbacca as the only survivor.
Wait a sec...Wookie rage in the Death star...That sounds awesome. To make your point valid, I would say "ending Empire Strikes Back with C-3PO".



New member
Oct 2, 2009
I'm not surprised at all. The story would feel bad if Shepard dies, get re build, dies and then gets rebuild again.

Captain Blackout

New member
Feb 17, 2009
sunami88 said:
Can we get a fucking spoiler alert on the title, please?
You probably would have done better to ask nicely and quote the op, even if with a snip, to help get that. I do get precisely where you're coming from, tho'


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Random Argument Man said:
Well that's a bit of a bummer. It's like they're saying "Do it our way or we won't let you have the prize".
No it isn't; what's the point in allowing the character to die if he springs back to life in the next game?

You lead your own story, if you end it prematurely that's your fault.