Bioware allows the release of "The Final Hours of Mass Effect 3" a tell all app for $2.99 WTF?!


New member
Jul 29, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
One bad ending (or three) surely can't completely sour the entire rest of the game and the entire company can it?
Nope, not those endings on their own.

Now throw in Dragon Age 2 and the abomination that is SW:TOR and you pretty much have a reason why some fans are getting annoyed with BioWare.

Mass Effect 3 is a great game, it really is. And that is why the endings are getting so much flack. We spent years with Shep and his/her companions and it just feels like an "is that it" moment.

Now people can defend Bio and Bio can defend themselves but you can almost feel the fallout from this affecting Dragon Age 3.

How? I didn't hear you ask.

Well, after being left baffled twice as to why I paid for games that turned out to be utter shit and then paying for a game that ended with me scratching my head at the whole "AI is bad even though the Geth are now good and building homes for the people who created them and in fact the only people throughout the whole series who turned out to be bad are Cerberus but as a sparkly imagination child I have no logical thoughts besides ooooh candy" *inhale*.....

So, and I speak only for myself, Dragon Age 3 shall be given a wide birth due to the unshakable feeling that it's going to do something to annoy me.

Now I haven't complained about the endings of ME3 but I am disappointed in them. It didn't "tie up" the story well enough and felt like watching a porn scene with premature ejaculation (again an "is that it" moment).

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Rawne1980 said:
The Wykydtron said:
One bad ending (or three) surely can't completely sour the entire rest of the game and the entire company can it?
Nope, not those endings on their own.

Now throw in Dragon Age 2 and the abomination that is SW:TOR and you pretty much have a reason why some fans are getting annoyed with BioWare.

Mass Effect 3 is a great game, it really is. And that is why the endings are getting so much flack. We spent years with Shep and his/her companions and it just feels like an "is that it" moment.

Now people can defend Bio and Bio can defend themselves but you can almost feel the fallout from this affecting Dragon Age 3.

How? I didn't hear you ask.

Well, after being left baffled twice as to why I paid for games that turned out to be utter shit and then paying for a game that ended with me scratching my head at the whole "AI is bad even though the Geth are now good and building homes for the people who created them and in fact the only people throughout the whole series who turned out to be bad are Cerberus but as a sparkly imagination child I have no logical thoughts besides ooooh candy" *inhale*.....

So, and I speak only for myself, Dragon Age 3 shall be given a wide birth due to the unshakable feeling that it's going to do something to annoy me.

Now I haven't complained about the endings of ME3 but I am disappointed in them. It didn't "tie up" the story well enough and felt like watching a porn scene with premature ejaculation (again an "is that it" moment).
I haven't heard much on the SW:TOR front, i've never been one for MMOs myself so couldn't tell the difference between a good or mostly ok MMO.

As for DA2, personally it wasn't that bad. Hell the ending was really good, the epic chosen one of the land can do anything except save the city s/he loves? That's pretty damn good by Bioware's standards

It just got kicked out the door about six months too early at least. Now i'm not as prone to blaming EA as half the people on the Internet... But on this particular occasion i'm going to blame EA. But the people blaming EA for ruining ME3's ending are insane, no question. I can tell you right now that EA would have wanted Bioware to play it safe with the ending, to avoid exactly what's happened with the fanbase.

I'd rather see Bioware start a new IP altogether at some point after the obvious ME3 DLCs. Just accept that not enough people are going to feel confident enough to buy a DA3 without extra motivation... Like attaching a fix to ME3's ending to the back of the box. God I hope EA doesn't read this.

S1leNt RIP

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Aisaku said:
Bioware and EA are holding the characters and the setting we care about hostage. That's what it all amounts to in my book.

That's the reason of the the fan outrage, the controversy... It's not something you reason you figure it out, it's a visceral reaction to a story you've become emotionally connected with.

Seen the original Evangelion? Yes, that's pretty much it.
Lol! I went with Instrumentality on my playthrough! "Eff it, Evangelion style!" *jump*

But wait a second, why all the hate? What was really the problem with the ending? I liked it.

Though, deep down, I kinda wanted it to be a treatise on futility, and the struggle against it. Reapers winning probably would have been my favorite.


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Aug 10, 2011
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
The more I hear about the ending, the less I want to play it. Its literally half an hour away. I could start the game right now and be with TIM in 5 minutes. But im still not sure I want to see the ending. Maybe I should just ignore it and be happier that way?
Once you beat TIM and have the chat with the black guy, you should be good.

As soon as ... How do I put this without spoiling it... and elevator comes into the scene, turn the game off. It'll be much better than playing through the next five minutes.

Edit: Though I'm glad they scrapped the TIM boss fight. It really would have felt out of place, and I'm glad that they decided to rely on dialogue.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
JoesshittyOs said:
I'm glad they scrapped the TIM boss fight. It really would have felt out of place, and I'm glad that they decided to rely on dialogue.
Definitely. Although they could have made that better as well. Look at Human Revolutions. Dialogue boss battles were amazing. Bioware could have made dialogues a bit more like Human Revolution instead of relying on the same response all over again with only 1 possible outcome in 2 different ways. But I guess they only chose to take one thing from DE: HR.


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Sep 13, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
boag said:
Understand, everything after Shep falls to the ground is Indoctrination, the Options are there to either let Shep Free himself from it, or Accept the Indoctrination.

Your choice in the end does matter, because you either became indoctrinated or you didnt.
Okay, but then why does Shepard see Anderson doing the supposed wrong thing and TIM doing the supposed right one, if he's indoctrinated?

One of the points that apparently proves this theory is that the Paragon colour is used to highlight the BAD choice and the Renegade colour is used to highlight the RIGHT choice. So as to (supposedly) make Shep think he's doing the right thing when he's actually making the wrong choice, right?

But then why would Shep invision Anderson (his most trusted friend and father figure) choosing for the Renegade coloured option if the Reapers wanted him to believe that it was the wrong choice?

You see how this theory isn't making any sense in the context of what's actually on screen?
Finishing the Mission is all that matters, Renegade or Paragon has never stood in for Good or Wrong, the whole thing is a meta test for players, Notice how Tim Wanting to control is relegated as the paragon choice, even though its an indoctrination. Remember how Rewriting the Geth came back to bite you in the ass?.

The Indoctrination fits with the themes that have been established in the game, specially since if you look at it Indoctrination has been hammered as early as the begging. The PSTD Asari Huntress, Matriarch Aethyta, Mentions from Joker, Garrus, Liara, Javik. The conversations with EDI about free will.

I will admit that Bioware fucked up completely because they didnt make the thin clear enough and from the statements that have appeared and evidence its clear that the ending was supposed to have more than what is presented. But the answer makes the ending part finally make sense in the story.

Zeel said:
Alright. let's go at this a different way. can I see evidence of the indoctrination being a "REAL THING" that got cut?
Go look at the OP post

Phlakes said:
boag said:
I can now freely say that Bioware is a piece of shit company for pulling this crap, and that this will be last product I ever buy, I can now look forward to telling people who blindly defend bioware, that their company is full of greedy fucks that have always had shit plots since the days of Baldurs gate.
Grow up. You're regurgitating all the typical "fuck all of ______ forever for doing something I disagree with", something I'm sure you've seen dozens of people do with other games. If you do disagree with what they've done, cool, that's fine, but every person at Bioware has worked their ass off for years just to entertain the public, so no, they're not a "piece of shit company" and they're not "full of greedy fucks", you're being irrational and immature and you'll be too blinded by rage to see it for a good while. So grow up.
NOPE, its a fuck off for selling me something incomplete, for lying to my face even after I give them the benefit of the doubt and they go around and still dont sell me what is advertised.

For the Longest time I defended the DLC, and they just come out and restated that they did cut it from the game, so yeah, Im not looking forward to buying anything from them again. Am I wrong for believing this? Maybe, but Im a consumer and I like to be careful with my money, and after this experience, Im not sure I want to keep supplying it to them.


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Sep 7, 2008
Well it seems like (given forum chatter) they're starting to get that alot of us view this as a put up shut up moment for the company. "Prove you're worth our time and money, or we take our buisiness elsewhere" isn't exactly a subtle message, but damned if it's not one a company like Bioware needs to hear sometimes.


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Sep 13, 2010
Phlakes said:
BloatedGuppy said:
No one takes a job in game design for just the money. At least 99% of them don't. People are just too quick to dehumanize any kind of organization, makes it easier to call them greedy fucks when you don't consider that all the people at Bioware and EA have friends, families, things that piss them off, and emotions just like everyone on this forum, and that, surprisingly enough, they actually don't go out of their way to fuck with their consumers.

Emiscary said:
Okay. Phlakes, is it? I call bullshit. Every person at Bioware did not work their ass off for years "just" to entertain the public. If they were motivated by a desire to entertain for its own sake they'd be street performers living off pocket change. They're not selfless paragons (I couldn't resist), they're workers being paid to do a job. And you don't get to decide what people can and cannot say about a worker who they feel didn't do their damned job. Regardless of whether they phrased it politely. Why? Because in a capitalistic democracy, you ARE guaranteed a right to voice displeasure at a professional who you think wronged you. However the hell you want. If that means being obnoxious for some people, than so be it. Sometimes it takes obnoxious to get a point across.
See above. No, they're not completely selfless, but they're not all "greedy fucks" like the internet loves to make them out to be.

Phlakes said:
...but every person at Bioware has worked their ass off for years just to entertain the public...
I....think the primary reason they did that is so that they could collect a paycheck.

Not saying they're all evil monsters or anything, but this is a job for them, yeah? They weren't doing it to be altruistic.

I think boag is feeling emotional and overstating his point, but let's be rational here and not go 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Bioware is a business. EA is a business. They are selling us a product. The relationship between customer and developer is a little more mercenary than "working their ass off just to entertain the public".
Just so I dont pull a Bioware, ill clear up the matter, I was exaggerating the matter. Though Im not sure I will buy any Bioware product again, without having proof that it is indeed finished.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Zeel said:
Too bad you know these fanboys will cave the moment their virtual waifu is at stake.

What kind of pisses me off is the displaced outrage. Bioware has been doing silly shit like this for years, and now people get pissed? because Shepard doesn't get a victory parade?
we have been over this, you just missed the point AGAIN, and you just agreed with one of the biggest Bioware fanboys on this board.

Do you even know how to hold a stance, or do you flip flop like politician during a campaign?

Understand this, the Ending did not deliver closure to lots of people, the main question has been "WTF just happened?" It doesnt have jack shit to do with a happy or sad ending.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
erttheking said:
You know Zeel, I'm still waiting for you to make a post on this website that doesn't use the word "fanboy". Guess I have to pull out the card again.
Unfortunately, he was banned a while back.

And while he is fucking crazy, I think the word "fanboy" has a place in the whole Bioware/EA discussion.
Calling another user "fucking crazy" isn't the smartest thing to do either, for one that wishes to stay out of moderator-wrath.
And I agree, fanboy probably has a merit here.

But doesn't "fanboy" mean an interested to the point of obsessive fan that will fight over the smallest detail in their favorite subject, often making vocally known that "their" interpretation is the right one?
A fan that is obsessive and lacks social skills, I would say.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Redd the Sock said:
Too video gamey? Sorry, what were we playing again?

I'm convinced the ending was a good idea poorly done, and this confirms they made some bad artistic choices in how they came to the ending.
I guess what he means is that it was to fun so uncle EA decided to lay some people off as hostages if they didn't make it DLC. Quite honestly, that's probably why the ending is now a DLC, because EA held some of the devs at gunpoint with a pink slip if they didn't do this exact thing.

Alright, so the dude who was leading in the "The Truth" DLC conspiracy is looking even more right. Damnit will there be many rage-quits or people buying into it.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Zeel said:
boag said:
Zeel said:
Too bad you know these fanboys will cave the moment their virtual waifu is at stake.

What kind of pisses me off is the displaced outrage. Bioware has been doing silly shit like this for years, and now people get pissed? because Shepard doesn't get a victory parade?
we have been over this, you just missed the point AGAIN, and you just agreed with one of the biggest Bioware fanboys on this board.

Do you even know how to hold a stance, or do you flip flop like politician during a campaign?

Understand this, the Ending did not deliver closure to lots of people, the main question has been "WTF just happened?" It doesnt have jack shit to do with a happy or sad ending.
Yes, yes. I understand that the ending is shitty on several levels. What I don't understand is why this is a bigger deal than day one DLC's or removing rpg elements.

Who am I agreeing with thats a huge Bioware fanboy?
The ending is literally cut out of the game, and it has been replaced by the idiotic, pedantic, hipster bullshit that Walters wanted.

Do you understand? I core part of the plot and the ending that provides closure to all the decisions that you take in the game was completely excissed.

This is more than just the OPINION you have about supposed RPG elements removed, this is more than your supposed outcry over day one DLC, which has now been proven correct, even though it could be forgiven because he doesnt play an important role to the plot of the game.

Do you understand now?

Do i need to simplify things more for you?

Do i need to draw you a picture?

and you are agreeing with Sarjourkar.