BioWare Announces Post-Ending DLC for Mass Effect 3 [Updated!]

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Awexsome said:
Avatar Roku said:
Awexsome said:
Avatar Roku said:
Audacity said:
Congratulations to all the people who pissed and moaned like entitled little bitches. You've proven that video games are not an art. You've also shown that if something is not what you want you will complain. You will *****, piss, moan, complain and whine till you get your way.

Congratulations. You're children. Entitled little kids who scream and yell till they get what they want.
C)If you buy a product for $60 and find something you dislike, is it not your prerogative to complain? Granted, a shit ton people went too far and was the basis of the whole movement.
Edited there for accuracy.

The genuinely disappointed level-headed people who wanted a new ending can complain and defend all they want but truly it was far more than a small vocal minority who were the ones who, "went too far". The whole movement was build off those overreacting and it wasn't the level headed ones who stirred this internet crisis.
That's disingenuous. Even the vast majority of the Retake movement was coming from a reasonable place. Remember that Child's Play drive they had? The idea behind that was to demonstrate to EA and Bioware that we were willing to pay for a new ending, while donating a good deal of money to a good cause. That was ruined by a few unreasonable people, but it still stands for the majority.
True the child's play thing was most organized by the level-headed ones. But that still doesn't change the fact that the movement was mostly made up of the overreactionary ones. The niceness of the child's play donation was the exception to the rule.
Look, I'm gonna be honest. All I've seen of Retake has been on this site and on Reddit, so maybe my view has been skewed. But as far as I've seen, a lot of people were pissed at the ending, but there's only one person who I would say was unreasonable about it (you know who I am referring to).


New member
Jan 2, 2011
"Not fixing ending, only giving closure"

You have better have something REALLY good planned Bioware


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Avatar Roku said:
How do you mean?
How is using a charity, a organization dedicated to helping people with actual problems, to make a point about a video game, a completely optional luxury item whose impact on anyone life is minimal at best and whose importance on anything is literally nonexistent, unreasonable?

Hmmm, if you really cant tell then it is only another sign about how bad humanity is nowadays.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
SajuukKhar said:
Avatar Roku said:
How do you mean?
How is using a charity, a organization dedicated to helping people with actual problems, to make a point about a video game, a completely optional luxury item whose impact on anyone life is minimal at best and whose importance on anything is literally nonexistent, unreasonable?

Hmmm, if you really cant tell then it is only another sign about how bad humanity is nowadays.
The point they were making was that they would be willing to pay for an ending. If that point must be made, I think it's a good idea to send the money to a good cause, no?

Besides, it's weird to criticize it for using charity to make a point about a game when said charity is all about getting games to kids in the first place.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
Closure is fine. If they want to keep the ending that is well and good. Hopefully this 'closure' answers more questions than it raises (unlike the ending).


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Avatar Roku said:
The point they were making was that they would be willing to pay for an ending. If that point must be made, I think it's a good idea to send the money to a good cause, no?

Besides, it's weird to criticize it for using charity to make a point about a game when said charity is all about getting games to kids in the first place.
Getting games to kids in the first place =/= changing an ending because you don't like it.

also I never said I liked the charities goals either.


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
Coming this summer! Mass Effect Ending Rage 2: Rage Harder

Coming soon to a forum near you!

In all seriousness, this seems more like an expansion to the ending to me, not a change. Still, I'm starting to agree a bit with those guys who think that Bioware and EA planned this from the start.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
SajuukKhar said:
Avatar Roku said:
How do you mean?
How is using a charity, a organization dedicated to helping people with actual problems, to make a point about a video game, a completely optional luxury item whose impact on anyone life is minimal at best and whose importance on anything is literally nonexistent, unreasonable?

Hmmm, if you really cant tell then it is only another sign about how bad humanity is nowadays.
That was so ridiculous. The whole "retake" movement basically made it impossible for people who had issues with the ending to get their opinions heard and taken seriously. You would either be called an "entitled child" or a "philistine".

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
Are there going to be more/different endings or ending DLCs in the future?
No. BioWare strongly believes in the team?s artistic vision for the end of this arc of the Mass Effect franchise. The extended cut DLC will expand on the existing endings, but no further ending DLC is planned.
Alright, good for them. But their artistic vision is still shit.

Synthetics and humans can't co-exist? EDI and Joker disagree as does the Shepard who brought co-existence to the Geth and Quarians.


The shadow remains cast!
Apr 27, 2011
If indoctrination = truth, then this could work out. If not, this will do nothing. ^^


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Damn straight it better be free >> (I would be surprised if it wasn't. It would just cause more rage.)
That being said, I really really hope this is some damn good closure. I hope they don't rush this too.
Soooo, I'm guessing Shepard is gonna stay dead?

I don't know. Summer can't come fast enough.


Tea & Grief
Nov 9, 2009
Audacity said:
Congratulations to all the people who pissed and moaned like entitled little bitches. You've proven that video games are not an art. You've also shown that if something is not what you want you will complain. You will *****, piss, moan, complain and whine till you get your way.

Congratulations. You're children. Entitled little kids who scream and yell till they get what they want.
"Oh no, the fans are complaining that Bioware isn't treating their intellectual property with the respect and intellectual honesty it deserves. How ENTITLED AND WHINY THEY ARE!"

*Promptly starts complaining that the Bioware fans doesn't treat art in a manner that you personally agree with in even more entitled and whiny manner.*

Me: loling forever.


New member
Dec 28, 2011
The Mirror Man said:
Avatar Roku said:
Spygon said:
This is going to be terrible now every decent franchise that is not 100% awesome will have a group of "fans" shouting that the developers should change it.

So this is the end of days with thread after thread of people shouting they should have made a better game and hundreds of "retake" whatever all over the place.
Out of curiosity, have you played ME3? I feel like this was a special case; third game in a trilogy which set itself up so people would get extremely invested, great writing up until the last 10 minutes, etc. Kind of the perfect storm.
The Mirror Man said:
It appears that once again the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Hope you fans are happy with yourselves for being the noisiest wheel of the industry. Not like there are any other more important things that need to be addressed.......
...such as?
I will forgo the urge to give you a snarky answer in the interests of letting my rage subside and will instead be candid. The most important thing to take away form the ME series is that; the grand success of what is essencially a "Choose your own adventure" game series means that we can expect to see more games that follow this pattern. Those patterns being a grand scope that incompases a universe of weird and cool aliens, interesting scifi technology that the entire series is built around, Talented voice actors giving great preformances, Lovable and complex characters like Wrex and Garrus, and the ability to maintain this quality over 3 games dispite an ending that not everyone was happy with.

I fear that the public outcry to change the ending might cause some developers to second guess making their own "Choose your own adventure" game series.
"Choose your own adventure"? In ME3 I can turn that option off.

How about it makes developers think twice about saying that they are going to do one thing and do the exact opposite? Maybe how it is not a good idea to do a rushed ending with a dialog box at the end telling me to buy DLC?

If anything, developers need to learn from this and ensure they don't do it.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Audacity said:
Congratulations to all the people who pissed and moaned like entitled little bitches. You've proven that video games are not an art. You've also shown that if something is not what you want you will complain. You will *****, piss, moan, complain and whine till you get your way.

Congratulations. You're children. Entitled little kids who scream and yell till they get what they want.
Pretentious person ahoy!

Games ARE NOT ART!!!! Atleast, not AAA games. Do you think EA gives two shits about art?
And you attack people because they want something that's been promised to the for the last five years? Yo've just shown that you're more childlish than them.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Irridium said:
I wouldn't even call it an "ending". It was just a point where the story stopped being told.
Haha that's the best description of the ending I've come across yet

This seems like a nice compromise, I hope it clarifies things.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
Hmm interesting. I really never thought Bioware would do this. I'm actually very impressed. A large majority of their fans disliked the ending so Bioware have gone out of their way to try and repair both the game and their reputation with free ending dlc. Most interesting.

I don't like the ending purely because I think it's badly written and doesn't utilise the wealth of brilliant characters and themes in the Mass Effect universe to ultimately come to a sophisticated and satisfying conclusion. So I doubt any epilogue will really help me enjoy the ending anymore. But it's cool to see that Bioware are responding to the criticisms of those who maybe liked the ending but wanted some more closure in the form of an epilogue. It's free too!

I'm starting to see this as very much a good thing. Maybe I should have campaigned to have better ending (for free) in Deus Ex:HR?