BioWare Announces Post-Ending DLC for Mass Effect 3 [Updated!]


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Hey, Bioware, bit of advice. If you really want people to stop wanting your head on a pike, make it so that Tali actually has an in game face model and not a freaking photoshop in the epilouge. Just throwing that out there. I have mixed feelings about this overall. I'm happy that this is free but I'm a little worried that they're still going with the starchild destroy control synthasis bull. You really can't explain this kind of stuff away, but I will reserve judgement until it comes out.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Given the circumstances, this is probably the best thing Bioware could have realistically done. If it was DLC you had to pay for, people would be even more pissed. The fact that it's free is definitely a show of good faith on Bioware's part. Because we have to wait till summer though, I do hope it's something a little bit more than just a bunch of text walls like Dragon Age Origins.

I would like fully rendered cutscenes, but I think that might be asking a bit much. Maybe it will be a motion comic like Mass Effect Genesis?

Also I have to agree, I hope I get one more romance scene with Garrus. I wanna see human/turian babies!


New member
Sep 5, 2011
This is good. They listen to the fans but stay behind the product they delivered. I think it's the compromise everyone was waiting for.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
WanderingFool said:
But, I see one major positive about this,


Also, Escapist? Can you go back to the other captcha, im tired of having to type, "the all new chevy sonic" when ever I want to fucking post.
Now we get the ending dlc hate wave which will fight the "it was free" people, the people liked the ending dlc and the people who liked the original ending or didn't want change.

The age of blood has ended, the age of fire is just begining.

The all-new Chevy Sonic needs to learn that brand recognition is good up to a point. Once you cross that point I go from "ok I know that car" to "right, if I am to buy car anytime soon it will not be a chevy".


New member
Apr 2, 2012
Lol. Nice try, BioWare, but this means your shit ending will still exist. Or I read wrong. xD

Flailing Escapist

New member
Apr 13, 2011
"Since launch, we have had time to listen to the feedback from our most passionate fans and we are responding,"
-We only listened to a dozen people who we agreed with, if you're not all satisfied you're just whining twerps.

"With the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut we think we have struck a good balance in delivering the answers players are looking for while maintaining the team's artistic vision for the end of this story arc in the Mass Effect universe."
-We meant to do this all along and we meant to charge you for it. But after all this fan backlash now we have to release it for free which means no raise for me so I hope you're all happy. [sub]cunts[/sub]

"We are all incredibly proud of Mass Effect 3 and the work done by Casey Hudson and team,"
-We honestly have no idea what artistic integrity or artistic direction mean anymore. But we're always looking for someone who does and if this Casey Hudson thing doesn't work out we'll be needing some new recruits.

"We have reprioritized our post-launch development efforts to provide the fans who want more closure with even more context and clarity to the ending of the game, in a way that will feel more personalized for each player,"
-We would've added more context and clarity before we released the game but we honestly thought we could get away with it. Hope this keeps all of you satisfied so you will buy all our future products (god knows we need the money) and if it sounds like we're trying to patch things up just remember that I don't give two shits about any of you. Peace

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
I suppose this is as close to satisfying everybody as they can get. Artistic integrity crowd have nothing to complain about, and the ending sucks crowd at least get something for their efforts.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Jodah said:
You know, back in the days of Piccaso and Rembrant they made paintings for the rich and powerful. Guess what happened if said rich and powerful didn't like it? They had to redo it...This whole "artistic integrity" crap is a load of shit from people who know nothing of art history. Stuff like that still happens. Artists are hired to make a certain work, they have some leeway, but if the person hiring them is unhappy they will be forced to redo it or just not paid.

Anyone who makes their art with the intent of making money has to listen to those who they want to purchase it. Those artists give up much of their artistic integrity to make money, which is their choice. However, that choice is something they have to deal with. You cannot make a piece of art you intend to sell as a product and then say it is your artistic right to make whatever the fuck you want. If you want to make money you have to make sacrifices to make what the purchaser wants, not just what you want.
Hear hear!

I make multimedia movies for a living (I approach it artistically), and I can tell you up about 90% of the time my original idea is stomped/rejected/mauled/transformed into something else, and I have to make edits I'm artistically opposed to for the sake of what others want.

But since I want to keep a roof over my head, I play ball.

As for this Director's Cut, I'm neither happy nor sad about it until I play the DLC to completion. Could be brilliant. Could be a trainwreck. I don't see the point getting worked up either way until I have it in my paws.

Now what I AM angry about is that after a month on shelves, I STILL can't import the faces of my Shepards that I used in ME1 & 2. Where was the rage over THAT, people!? I'm not playing ME3 again until I can use the faces as I created them in 2007.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Spygon said:
This is going to be terrible now every decent franchise that is not 100% awesome will have a group of "fans" shouting that the developers should change it.

So this is the end of days with thread after thread of people shouting they should have made a better game and hundreds of "retake" whatever all over the place.
Out of curiosity, have you played ME3? I feel like this was a special case; third game in a trilogy which set itself up so people would get extremely invested, great writing up until the last 10 minutes, etc. Kind of the perfect storm.
The Mirror Man said:
It appears that once again the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Hope you fans are happy with yourselves for being the noisiest wheel of the industry. Not like there are any other more important things that need to be addressed.......
...such as?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Now If people rage through this one, they better have a damn good reason to do so. Bioware has listened to the complaints and spend their time, their effort, and their money trying to make you happy. How do I know? Because its free. So even if you don't like it, you shouldn't complain.

Captcha: teh inter webs


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
At the very least its free.
Its going to be interesting to see how they clean up the mess they made in ME3.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
"Bioware not doing exactly what I say and making the new ending exactly what I want? Never buying anything from them ever again, even though the RetakeME3 thing that I supported worked, and we are getting what we asked for." Really people? Bioware did what you asked. They are changing the ending, just like you all wanted. What the hell more do you want?


New member
Nov 9, 2009
If they are able to turn the pile of crap we currently have into a pile of diamonds this way, I will totally buy every bit of ME3 DLC that comes out.

However, until this comes out, the best I can see is that this will amount to nothing more than spraying some perfume on the pile of crap and shouting from the rooftop "IT'S MAINTAINING ARTISTIC INTEGRITY!"

Either way, we'll find out soon enough I suppose. Free, though, is a good start.

BreakfastMan said:
"Bioware not doing exactly what I say and making the new ending exactly what I want? Never buying anything from them ever again, even though the RetakeME3 thing that I supported worked, and we are getting what we asked for." Really people? Bioware did what you asked. They are changing the ending, just like you all wanted. What the hell more do you want?
They aren't changing squat. They're going to try and patch the glaring plotholes instead of just taking care of what caused the plotholes.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Metalix Knightmare said:
Aren't YOU an optimistic one? There are going to be even MORE threads about the ending when this comes out. I can only wonder how the nutjobs on the social forums will react to it.
Seriously. Forget about RGB. We're gonna need CMYK to keep track of it!

This is by no means a conclusive list (and it assumes the DLC is the same for RGB), but it's a start. The groups that will emerge are those who:

- Love Ending / Hate DLC
- Love Ending / Love DLC
- Hate Ending / Hate DLC
- Hate Ending / Love DLC
- Hate People who Hate Free DLC for being "entitled"
- Hate Bioware for Making DLC and being "artistically corrupt"
- Hate EVERYONE for still talking about it

What did I miss?


Something something....
Mar 30, 2011
Weak of them. And they now prove they are evil.... Now I can't complain about the ending :(

But it's going to be nice if it's good. I've seen many explanation and suggestions about what they need to change by their fans, now I just hope they choose a good one... Not necessary a everyone-survives-rainbows-puppies-and-unicorns kind though....


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Well, it still doesn't seem to fix the annoying circular logic of the Catalyst, the jarring twist of the ending, none of the mechanics of the endings actually being explained, and the Mass Relays being destroyed.

But it fixes the most pressing issue at least, and it does it for free, so I guess I can be grteful for that.


New member
May 16, 2009
Avatar Roku said:
Spygon said:
This is going to be terrible now every decent franchise that is not 100% awesome will have a group of "fans" shouting that the developers should change it.

So this is the end of days with thread after thread of people shouting they should have made a better game and hundreds of "retake" whatever all over the place.
Out of curiosity, have you played ME3? I feel like this was a special case; third game in a trilogy which set itself up so people would get extremely invested, great writing up until the last 10 minutes, etc. Kind of the perfect storm.
I have played and completed multiple times all mass effects and i was okay about the endings they were not good but felt they were not as bad as some people make out.

But that is not my problem i feel this opens the gate to all sorts of problems lets look at the the games that had large voiced complaints in the last 10 months.Skyrim,Dragon age,fallout nv,portal 2,batman arkham city,call of duty mw 3,deus ex revoluion,gears of war 3,gta 4 etc etc these "great" games all had groups of players shouting how terrible a part of the game was and rightfully so.

But normally these problems would be viewed by the developers who would and try to fix it in the next game.But now these groups will demand that the developers go back and fix the problem it will not end.If it keeps building developers are going to have move teams to fix parts of game they have already "finished" this will but less people working on newer titles while raising prices of development