Shaoken said:
So, fans are getting irrational about a new feature? You never see that happen.
I don't get the rage at this; Bioware said when they announced it that it was seperate from th maingame and you could fully complete everything in singleplayer without touching the MP or that facebook thing they have planned. This is much stressing out over nothing.
They also lied about it repeatedly for several months following the announcement, saying they definitely weren't doing multiplayer, they definitely weren't doing multiplayer, they definitely weren't doing multiplayer--oops! They're doing multiplayer. That doesn't sow a lot of trust among a fanbase, and they haven't been throwing them a whole lot of bones with regards to details on how the game has or hasn't improved.
Plus, in a lot of peoples' minds it means diverting a lot of resources and tech for the sake of a feature that they don't care about--which one could argue would affect the quality of the feature they
do care about. In my instance, I really don't care about this multiplayer mode; Mass Effect's exploration mechanics have never been all that fully integrated with the shooting segments and the dialogue segments. Every mode of play is neatly segregated with barely any sense of connectivity. I want to see an improvement on that much more than I want to see a tacked-on co-op campaign.
Thing is, this multiplayer mode isn't going to be worth it. The only reason Bioware would do this is because they're insecure about replayability. It doesn't say good things that they felt a need to go out of their way to add such a significant networking feature to fill in for what was previously accounted for by their signature branching dialogue system.
Nobody's going to play this mode but the most hardcore of Bioware's hardcore fanboys, maybe people who're mildly curious. Mass Effect's shooting is its weakest aspect, something fans of this game tolerate more than they enjoy as they look forward to the next dialogue segment. It's very unlikely that whatever features they might have added will pick it up from mediocre-to-slightly-above-average and actually make people give a crap long enough to want to do the shooting
by itself, let alone drag friends into it.
That's just my two cents, though. I don't hold a lot of investment in this series to begin with, just felt like sharing my thoughts.