BioWare Explains Why There's No Homosexuality in Mass Effect 2


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Yes, homosexual relationships are somehow more threatening to the Halo-playing audience that Bioware was going after than straight ones.

But won't pandering to such a narrow-minded viewpoint only make it worse?

WhiteTiger225 said:
Same goes for the Gay Rights movements. It is starting to turn into what the women rights movement has turned into. Not EVERY FUCKING CHARACTER has to be GAY OR BI. Not EVERY GAME, MOVE, OR BOOK HAS TO INCLUDE GAY OR BI CHARACTERS.
How did you go from "almost none" to "every?"


New member
Jul 30, 2010
I get what they are saying i also think that changing that up now would also mess up the established cannon for mass effect. Male Shepard couldn't be a homosexual in the first game so it wouldnt make sense in the second game.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
WanderFreak said:
I spent a good hour trying to romance Zaeed. His rough and tumble exterior, his scars. There is a wounded man beneath the grizzled exterior in need of freedom. But he would have none of it. And so I stood there, launching an endless supply of garbage cubes into space, thinking to myself, "When will you love me and how much fucking garbage do we have on this ship?"
Thanks for the good laugh. :D


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Whatever you say, it cannot excuse the fact that there was no ManShep on Garrus action.

Also, why wasn't Wrex a party member?

And you wanted £35?



New member
Jun 8, 2010
They should have just said Shepard is straight, deal with it. That would have been one short press conference.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
godofallu said:
They should have just said Shepard is straight, deal with it. That would have been one short press conference.
My main Shepard is very much gay. I got the paramour achievements on alternates. He will be going into ME3 with no relationship, and if they don't have the option there, he will be saving the galaxy without one.

Besides, they could just as easily have said "Shepard loves Liara, deal with it." Why offer romantic choice at all if you're going to dictate terms like that?

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
Even if Shepard were gay, none of your squad mates are (with the possible exception of Morinth if you consider Asari female and are dumb enough to sleep with her, so it wouldn't really matter. Sure, you could hook up with Liara in the first game if you were a female, but the only Asari squad mates in the second are: Samara who's bound by the Justicar code and can't pursue a relationship, or Morinth. Basically, a homosexual Shepard wouldn't have any romance options because no one else on the ship is gay. Also, Kelly doesn't really count because at most she dances for you and no real relationship is ever formed.

Also, the camera just loves to show off Jacob/Miranda's ass.

The Forces of Chaos

New member
Mar 25, 2010
Konrad Curze said:
I would have loved it if they just gave like a confused look and said very slowly and carefully "Because Sheppard is not gay..." and that?s it.
Aye dude It seems people don?t fucking get it. This is BIOWARES BLOODY GAME its their choice to do whatever the hell they like with it. If you don?t like it DONT buy the bloody game in the first place or download a mod. It's just that simple. Can't believe people are still complaining about this bullshit.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
An opinion I'm hearing a lot is:

"If you don't like it, keep it to yourself!"

Which really makes no sense. How can we hope to get things changed/improved without providing feedback?

If we just stay silent, buy the games, act like everything's fine... then they will think everything is fine. Squeaky wheel and all that.

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
HardRockSamurai said:
I find Muzyka's answer a little bit puzzling. The Mass Effect series has always had this "build-your-own-adventure" vibe; in theory, Shepard should be the players' concept, not the game designers'.
Not really, though. You pick your backstory from only three options, and few of the main plot points actually expand upon or alter it. You don't really make your own adventure, you just explore the one they give you.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
It's obvious there is still a "don't ask, don't tell" attitude in the military so Shep gets all his manlove off-camera.

Of course he could just re-assign.....



New member
Sep 24, 2008
Danny Ocean said:
HardRockSamurai said:
I find Muzyka's answer a little bit puzzling. The Mass Effect series has always had this "build-your-own-adventure" vibe; in theory, Shepard should be the players' concept, not the game designers'.
Not really, though. You pick your backstory from only three options, and few of the main plot points actually expand upon or alter it. You don't really make your own adventure, you just explore the one they give you.
While it is true that you don't have complete carte blanche over Shepard's character, romantic freedom is one of the choices you are offered. This is especially jarring in the case of FemShep, who can get her jollies with Liara (and likely will again with the DLC) as well as Kelly Chambers. And Bioware is clearly fine with "going there" judging by Jade Empire and Dragon Age. So why stop halfway? Their excuses just ring very hollowly now, and do nothing more than give them impression they're hiding something.

Serioli said:
It's obvious there is still a "don't ask, don't tell" attitude in the military so Shep gets all his manlove off-camera.

Of course he could just re-assign.....

Better yet :D



New member
Dec 7, 2007
Sounds like a flimsy excuse for protecting their most mainstream franchise from the ignorant douchebags who won't purchase it on the grounds that it's "GAAAAAYYY".

After all, female Shepard had no problem getting it on with Liara or Kelly.