BioWare Lifts the Lid on Dragon Age 2 DRM


New member
Jan 10, 2009
So this means if i want to play it on a computer without a internet connection i HAVE to wait for a cracked version, huh?


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
unwesen said:
BehattedWanderer said:
Way to go, Bioware, in making a decent attempt to be effective yet unobtrusive. As long as it doesn't push you out of the game if you're not logged on, it doesn't seem too terrible.

unwesen said:
Jatyu said:
Hell it's not "bad" merely so-so. And if you really hate the DRM THAT MUCH... JUST BUY IT ON A CONSOLE.
DA:O had DRM on the PS3 that required you to be connected. In fact, savegames were online only... a very effective and amazingly annoying thing to do.
Really? So, the only time my game saved was when I was connected, which was only when I was buying/installing the DLC? Odd, I remember being able to just open up my save files at any time.
Maybe there are different versions out there. I couldn't. Since you're the second (or first, I'm going by the order I reply to stuff) to mention that, I actually switched on my PS3 and checked.

Yep, still only works when I'm online.
Sounds like an obscure limitation. I generally assume Bioware to be better than that. Have you tried adjusting your settings, maybe? I've never even heard of that.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
WarKirby said:
Dorkmaster Flek said:
And a version with the DRM completely removed will appear on torrent sites within weeks, thus rendering the DRM completely pointless and providing pirates with an unarguably superior product. I love how we've gotten to the point where a limit of 5 installs and periodic online verification is considered "generous". And by love, I mean hate. Oh, how "generous" of Bioware to allow me to play the game I legally purchased! That's so considerate of them, you know?
Pretty much this
Needing an internet connection to play a single player rpg, is just silly.
What they said. Wonder if publishers will ever learn that loading on DRM just pushes piracy more since the pirates will break through it in a matter of days and the consumers won't pay for a game that "polices" you when they can get one DRM free at zero cost.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
godofallu said:
jovack22 said:
(see post)
You think it will deter pirates, I think it will create pirates.

For example I travel often and I usually use single player RPG games during flights or weeks overseas without internet. Unless these popups occur less then every 3 weeks this could easily be a dealbreaker for me. ME1 checked in every 10 hours, if this is an every 10 hours type thing as well I will not be able to play the game during any of my trips. Plus a popup every 10 hours while at home would be very inconvenient.

I can already get the game for free, without leaving home, and at faster than steam download speed if I pirate. Now money has never been an issue for me, and download speed isn't too big a deal. But DRM that could prevent me from playing the game when I need it most is a huge flaw.
I've played Mass Effect 1 without ever having a pop-up interrupt my game. Same with Mass Effect 2, and Dragon Age Ultimate Edition, so I don't see how this would ever be a problem. The authenticates internally every so often.

Your situation is also very unique -- if you're not going to connect to the internet for 3 weeks at a time, why not just leave your game at home, and enjoy it when you return? or bring another game? -- I know this doesn't address, "what I payed for should be mine", but this is the most practical answer. Just purchase the game, and download the cracked version so you get to play whenever, and have also not stolen it... win win?

If bioware released their game without authentication would there be more or less pirating? I'm sure the answer would be at least just as much.

Look at blizzard and their recent games, unless you're logged on, your experience is severely limited and they have stemmed their piracy problem.


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
unwesen said:
burningdragoon said:
unwesen said:
DA:O had DRM on the PS3 that required you to be connected. In fact, savegames were online only... a very effective and amazingly annoying thing to do.
I don't know where you got that from, but it's not true. And if it is true, then what game was I playing?
From my PS3 and who the fuck knows?
That's... weird. I think about half of the time playing it on my PS3 I was offline and at least some characters I had were both played on and offline


New member
Dec 23, 2007
Hmm okay.

Well, it's encouraging to see publisher's at least being aware of the DRM problems and how we, the people who give them their money, dislike them and how they affect us.
So I will give them a yay for working to find some manner of better solution.

That said, I dislike the general idea of the internet connection drm with non online multiplayer games.
why? Cause that's part of what I'm looking for and expect in a game like this, that, I just put it on my machine, and it itself. I don't want the internet to be down in my area and then BOOM, the check in time comes up and I can't play Dragon age, and then I can't play other games that suddenly say "oops, you haves no internets, you no can playz".
I just dislike the entire idea, it feels....rapey...or at least like I'm being touched inappropriately.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
bahumat42 said:
Royas said:
bahumat42 said:
the.writer said:
With the announcement of this DRM setup one can acknowledge that it is just assumed at this point in time that everyone who will buy this game has access to the internet. What do you think of that?
if you have a PC that you use for videogames its a safe assumption that you have an internet connection. I cant think of anybody who would have an issue with this (other than laptop users, but you can still be connected to the internet on the move now aswell so. Its a non-issue
It's the exact same DRM they proposed for the original Mass Effect on the PC. That ignited a firestorm on the Bioware forums that took months to blow over and created some ill will toward the developer that still lingers today. It's caused me, a dedicated Dragon Age fan who was a sure buyer for the sequel, to cancel my pre-order. Whether I have an internet connection or not isn't relevant, it's the lack of control over the game I just purchased. I bought it, I ought to be able to play it when I want to, as I want to, and without having to involve any other parties. Not for a single player game. It's just asinine.
so basically your throwing a hissy fit because everything isn't exactly as you want it. Gj there buddy!

A lot of you need to get off your high horse. Its not asking much and its problematic to very few people, but because people feel ethically inclined to have a moral highground regarding something that won't matter in the future anyway. They have to kick their toys out the pram.
Ok, you want to be rude, you go right ahead. I see this as exercising my rights as a consumer, to not give money to company that I believe is acting in an unacceptable fashion. It's a pretty time honored way of showing disapproval to corporations. You don't like how they do business? Don't do business with them, it's a pretty simple equation.

I'll wait until this game reaches a price point appropriate for a long term rental, then I'll consider buying it. Until then, BioEA just will not get my hard earned gaming dollar. Lots of other options out there, after all. The Witcher 2 is coming out soon, and that's likely to be a better game to start with. And CD Projekt Red doesn't frak with their customers by loading their games with DRM, so they'll get my money instead.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Yes this amazing DRM will CERTAINLY stop pirates from stealing their game...this honestly makes me want to just take my preorder off. Light DRM sure but it's still stupid as hell. It stops nothing and just serves to annoy the people who actually bought their game.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
I don't understand. Who exactly is this DRM going to stop? The game will inevitably still be cracked and put on torrent sites. So pirates can still download it freely. People who will buy the game will still buy it, but will be moderately pissed off at having to jump through a load of hoops to play. People who lend the game to their friends, perhaps? But then, what happened to the good ol' serial keys and disc-required-in-tray setup?