Justified or not, this amount of anger and vitriol is what most women are linked to or draw on when they say they don't want to play games because they are afraid on how they will be treated.
First off, do you all completely fit your 'clothing size'? That was Plus Sized is. It's 'Big and Tall' for women. I'm not particularly big. I'm not particularly tall (6'2), but XL and above is the only thing that will fit my body and not choke me. That makes me Big and Tall, even if you wouldn't say that's what I look like. If Liana has to buy Plus Sized simply because of her bust size, she's Plus Sized. Take your pre-conceived notions away and focus on the facts.
None of you have a clue what it is like to have breasts like Liana. Here's a fact. I know absolutely dick all about women's clothing. I had to google to find this out According to PLUS Model magazine; "In the fashion industry, plus size is identified as sizes 12-24, super size as sizes 4X-6X and extended size as 7X and up".[1] The article continues "Susan Barone [...] shared, 'Plus sizes are sizes 14W - 24W. Super sizes and extended sizes are used interchangeably for sizes 26W and above. Sometimes the size 26W is included in plus size. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plus-size_clothing].
As Beliyal said
Beliyal said:
A lot of misunderstanding in this thread seems to be coming from the simple fact that most of the people posting don't have boobs and have no idea how much of a hurdle they can be when it comes to clothing. People keep saying that she should just ignore the wrong body type and wear whatever she wants (which is a nice advice, but one that Liana addressed in her article and explicitly stated that she is not a "cosplay your body type" purist"). The thing is, sometimes you physically cannot wear whatever you want.
Now, as a non white gamer, yeah, I can feel the need to have a character that I'd like to idolize that looks just like me. We can simply go over to the Rust debacle and see that's not strictly a minority gamer thing. I get where she's coming from. The simple comment would be "So you'd design a character with bigger breasts to make a female gamer happy?!?!". The obvious answer is no. If I was a designer, I'm pretty sure breast size wouldn't come into the actual design of my character because her breast size has nothing to do with who she is during conflict.
But, if she did happen to be physically designed with an ample bust and we're going to the personality, oh hell yeah it can have a lot to do with who she is as a person. See this shitstorm as an example of what might occur to a busty woman and ponder if that would come to play in that character's every day life. That's different than creating a character to Pander. You create a character to fit a role. You then flesh out personality by who they are, mentally and physically. I don't need to make my Rangers all Busty for no reason. But if I did have a Ranger who was busty, there is a chance for that to have some affect on her character. And maybe it will be some utopian world where
guys will not lose their shit over secondary sex characteristics. We are taking about fantasy, mind you.
Once again, I won't post a judgment on what the Author is saying, but remember this thread if you're a heterosexual male and wonder why is it so hard to find a girl who enjoys games to date. An outsider looking in will just see people attacking a female gamer, ignorantly at best.