BioWare Says Shepard "Better Not Be" Dead


Free of All Weakness
Jul 8, 2008
I sure hope Shepard's alive and well. I already looked like this [] when Sovereign hit the room (lacking a better way trying not to spoil it) Shepard was in. I dare say I wouldn't be happy even if she died in the last part of the trilogy.

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
The tralier only said Shepard was reported as dead, so Bioware isn't lying if they say its true.

MaxTheReaper said:
I really hope he's not dead.
I worked too hard to make him look pretty for him to just die.
I've been told my guy looked like a "gay windom price", whoever that is.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
He won't be dead. The whole announcement thing from the first teaser will be what people in-game will think. Presumably, he went on some mission and is now MIA, presumed KIA. The first mission of Mass Effect 2 will probably involve escaping from that botched mission and getting back to safety.

Come to think of it, the last sequel BioWare developed was Baldur's Gate II, and that started very similarly to what I've just described.

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
I think you'll be given the option to redesign your characters look at the start of the game, and so to do this Shepard could have had some horrific accident and need to be rebuilt/cloned ect. Could be related to something similar to that.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
I really hope he's not dead.
I worked too hard to make him look pretty for him to just die.
Pretty boy eh?

Anywho, damn Bioware, stop fucking with us! Do the council just think he's dead or what?

Undead Dragon King

Evil Spacefaring Mantis
Apr 25, 2008
Of course! It all makes sense! They're going to kill him off at the endgame of ME 2! You'll get to play as him, all right... and then he'll die in the final battle and turn into a Geth. He dodged too many bullets in ME1 anyway.



New member
Apr 23, 2008
Undead Dragon King said:
Of course! It all makes sense! They're going to kill him off at the endgame of ME 2! You'll get to play as him, all right... and then he'll die in the final battle and turn into a Geth. He dodged too many bullets in ME1 anyway.

Thats just silly! SILLY, I SAY! Its obvious that Sherpard is a Geth! He'll remove the mask at the very last moment, showing his true nature at the last moment!

Mar 17, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
I worked too hard to make him look pretty...
Let's just hope that Mass Effect 2's storyline doesn't have an unexpected prison sequence then.

Ba-dum tish

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'm here all night!


And you are?
Sep 10, 2007
Of course Shepherd's not dead. That kind of thing would be an important plot twist, it would be ridiculous to put it in a trailer. The fact that Bioware is willing to kill their characters is, if anything, proof that Shepherd's alive. They care too much about storytelling to kill an important character off screen between games, and expect the players to just go along with it. I mean, what do you think this is, Resident Evil?


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Man, I got so attached to my Commander Shepard in the first one.

I'm pretty sure I would go into depression if he does die.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
The blog post says Shepard is not dead.

Besides, Bioware's careful response of "Everything we've said in the teaser is absolutely true" only means that according to Shepard's ME service record he was killed in action. The assumption is that this means he actually is dead, but the blog post contradicts that.

So my money is on either a you-only-live-twice style bluff where he makes people think he's dead in order to draw out an enemy (though this would be a tough story to make work in a game), or he's assumed dead by the Council (or whoever) but his body was never recovered.

Either way from a narrative point of view, I can't see how you'll begin playing as Shepard straight away. Like Reks in KH2, I think an intermediary character will be needed so the player can find out what happened to Shepard at the game's start. Unless perhaps Shepard begins by escaping from wherever, but as the player begins as a weakling this wouldn't make much sense.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Am I the only guy who made my Sheperd character a woman....I will admit she was better to look at the whole game though; made sure of that.

Reaperman Wompa

New member
Aug 6, 2008
GoldenShadow said:
Who knows. We could speculate. Maybe he will be cloned or his brain is put into a robot body like robocop.
I love this idea. It could be so cool to be some sot of new Terminator Shepard.
Also, it would make the sex scandal in the next one more interesting. Instead of going for Ashley, Shepard could screw the damn ship..."Call me captain" indeed...

Anyways, I can't wait to play the game, the first was really good and it'd be nice to see some more of the quality present in the first.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I sure hope he isnt dead I loved shepard with his generic customizable features and NOTHING ELSE that made him induvidual.

He was a blank puppet that said whatever YOU wanted to say. Who cares if hes dead?


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Yay, Shepard is going to be okay! I didnt meticulously replay that game over and over to create ultra-Shepard for nothing!

Oh, also, I thought I heard somewhere there was going to be some content for an online mode for Mass Effect at some point, anyone knows if this is true or not? I only heard some hearsay in passing.


New member
Jan 10, 2009
The infamous SCAMola said:
MaxTheReaper said:
I worked too hard to make him look pretty...
Let's just hope that Mass Effect 2's storyline doesn't have an unexpected prison sequence then.

Ba-dum tish

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'm here all night!
Would give the player a good opportunity to level up their soap dropping skill.....

BACK on topic: I still think the ME2 trailer where Shepherd is apparently dead is just Geth propoganda. As for the gameplay, you could start off game two with the uber powerful Shepherd and move onto a weaker character similar to The Force Unleashed. There are tons of ways the next game could go, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I just hope the second one is as good as the first one.


New member
May 17, 2008
GBlair88 said:
The infamous SCAMola said:
MaxTheReaper said:
I worked too hard to make him look pretty...
Let's just hope that Mass Effect 2's storyline doesn't have an unexpected prison sequence then.

Ba-dum tish

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'm here all night!
Would give the player a good opportunity to level up their soap dropping skill.....

BACK on topic: I still think the ME2 trailer where Shepherd is apparently dead is just Geth propoganda. As for the gameplay, you could start off game two with the uber powerful Shepherd and move onto a weaker character similar to The Force Unleashed. There are tons of ways the next game could go, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I just hope the second one is as good as the first one.
It would be goddamn hilarious if the Geth inside Sheppard suit is actually our good ole Commander. He got gethified!!!!


Captain Hammer
Aug 14, 2008
Well I sure hope the Shepard we're all talking about won't look like a scurvy man, because the Shepard I made was a black girl with screaming red hair.