BioWare: Sex Scenes "Tasteful" in Dragon Age: Inquisition


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Honestly, the sex scene is pointless. I mean, what does it show? You and your loveinterest have sex, so? How is that special? How is that romantic, or the culmination of a romance? Lets look at "romance subplots" in Bioware games for a second.

Baldur's Gate had no sex scene, or even actual sex happening within the story-period, it was either off-screen or was "they boinked afterwards" epilogue. KOTOR had a big hint and a fade to black, you dont get to see what happens, you dont get a visual cue, or a audio cue as to what exactly happens, for all you knew, they could have spent the time talking to each other. Then we had Mass Effect be honest, the sex scenes were the most fulfilling part of the whole romance subplot in that game, consider the characters, the dialogue, the interactions, none of the romance options was really all that interesting as a character, and the interesting characters werent romance options.

Then we had Dragon Age Origins, sex in underwear, what. I mean you might not want to show full frontal nudity or bits and pieces given the camera work, but if thats a problem, do not show it to begin with, or make it take place at night, with no light and harsh shadows to cover up the naughty bits, its better than seeing you have sex in a bra and lace panties (seriously bioware?) or generic shorts. The only romance in that game that was good from a character standpoint was Zevran, because he knew and treated sex just as a physical activity, sex was not the same as romance to him.

Then ME2 happened. Ouch, aside from personal preferences here, the only good moments were Jack's, Tali's and Samara's, the latter of which has no actual sex happening, the other two deal with actual character moments, Jack finally opening up to actually having those emotions and Tali risking her health because of her feelings for you. The rest are, i'd say just there to have sex.

DA2 at least had the good sense to cut away after things started, there was no odd dryhumping with clothes on, or anything, and the interaction during said foreplay at least fit the characters and their personalities. ME3 was...well judging from just the sex-moments falling into the DA:O pit, sex with clothes on, which was ME2 as well for some, Miranda for example.

Now consider all those and the best romances were those were sex was either not involved, not elaborated or, in case of Samara from the relationship not even going anywhere despite feelings being pretty obviously involved. Sex does not define romance, nor does romance require sex to happen during or as a culmination of it. Sex doesnt have to be the "reward" for completing the "romance quest".

TL;DR: The fact they make a point of it that there will be sex scenes just tells me that they will all be pointless and dumb again.


New member
Aug 4, 2008
Because if there's one thing that I just can't live without while saving the world from a giant hole in reality leading to a realm literally wrought of the dreams and nightmares of the living, pouring demons by the horde to unmake all that is, it's romance.


It wouldn't be so bad if I'd EVER seen a game do it right, I suppose. DA has lots of characters I like, but all the romances seem token and hollow. And of course, it would take WAY too many resources to do them right, taking away from the actual reason I play Dragon Age (ie. melting Templars and saving a world that fears and loathes me, despite my superpowers and incredible handsomeness XP)


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2010
United States
Err...ok? I mean its not like previous Bioware sex scenes weren't tasteful/tame.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
..They weren't tasteful in 1 or 2? This is news to me.

Also, Inquisition? Is it going to involve harsh investigations for the benefit of politic and religious superpowers? That's certainly a step-up from 2 in terms of a basic plot. I'm actually somewhat excited for 3.