BioWare Unveils Mass Effect 3: Earth

Sep 14, 2009
kiri2tsubasa said:
gmaverick019 said:
while it's interesting that the multi is actually decently polished now...i'll give them props for that,


why in the flying fuck are they trying so hard to force multiplayer on a fanbase that clearly has been buying their games for the single player portion? not to mention did anyone ask for this?

certainly not adam jensen, but come on, fuckin EA.
Yes. There were people that were asking for multiplayer in ME 2. Specificaly the ability take control of Shepards squad mates in a form of co-op.
yes, which that is MUCH different than the multiplayer they gave us, not to mention (it might be impossible, i haven't checked the numbers lately) annoying as fuck to attempt to do a single player run and get full EMS for the full ending/choices, which they said wouldn't ever be needed.

it's just stupidly annoying to see them pour so much effort into multi when the series has been single player (not to say that no game series can ever change directions, just don't do it in the third game of a trilogy.)

Cat of Doom

New member
Jan 6, 2011
pandorum said:
No more multiplayer DLC come on focus on single player DLC,the first 2 were single player only and were amazing, wasting time on multiplayer is what put us in this predicament in first place less dialogue options somtimes entire cutscenes with out trees, come on stuff the wider audience give two shits about the fans that made the series so popular.
Eri said:
I DON'T CARE. Give me single player DLC. If you want to make multi and single fine, but stop taking resources from single and making multi. People don't flock to Mass effect just for multi.
gmaverick019 said:
while it's interesting that the multi is actually decently polished now...i'll give them props for that,


why in the flying fuck are they trying so hard to force multiplayer on a fanbase that clearly has been buying their games for the single player portion? not to mention did anyone ask for this?

certainly not adam jensen, but come on, fuckin EA.
What if I told you... Some people ENJOY the multi-player, and think its nice to receive free add-ons to keep it a wee bit fresh.

Also, one team is making small multi-player DLC whilst another larger team is probably at work on new single player content.


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
Cat of Doom said:
Eri said:
If you want to make multi and single fine
What if I told you... I like the multi but that isn't the point, I just want them to focus on single player first because that's what the franchise is about.


New member
Mar 22, 2011
Cat of Doom said:
pandorum said:
No more multiplayer DLC come on focus on single player DLC,the first 2 were single player only and were amazing, wasting time on multiplayer is what put us in this predicament in first place less dialogue options somtimes entire cutscenes with out trees, come on stuff the wider audience give two shits about the fans that made the series so popular.
Eri said:
I DON'T CARE. Give me single player DLC. If you want to make multi and single fine, but stop taking resources from single and making multi. People don't flock to Mass effect just for multi.
gmaverick019 said:
while it's interesting that the multi is actually decently polished now...i'll give them props for that,


why in the flying fuck are they trying so hard to force multiplayer on a fanbase that clearly has been buying their games for the single player portion? not to mention did anyone ask for this?

certainly not adam jensen, but come on, fuckin EA.
What if I told you... Some people ENJOY the multi-player, and think its nice to receive free add-ons to keep it a wee bit fresh.

Also, one team is making small multi-player DLC whilst another larger team is probably at work on new single player content.
I was on about FREE single player DLC like the Reager Carbine or the Cerberus modded Mattock.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Savber said:
We're complaining about free stuff?

What horrors... >.>
Well that's exactly it though! It's 'free' but only so they have an excuse for trying to pay for it be the equivalent of putting coins in a slot machine. I WANT to play as a Salarian Infiltrator. I've wanted to since day one. I've played for a long time trying to crack packs in the desperate hope of getting one before getting bored and giving up. I could pay money to try to buy packs, but I don't see why I'd bother giving EA my money only to find out that no, I don't get anything, but I'm perfectly welcome to hand them more money to see if this pack will contain what I want.

'Free stuff' only works if you don't use the possibility of getting it for free as an excuse for not providing a real method of paying to get it. If I can't pay money OR play for free to receive the result I want, I can sure as hell complain about it. I would happily pay $5 or so for each of these installments and I would likely grudgingly pay $10. Right now? I'm paying $0 and not even playing anymore.
Sep 14, 2009
Cat of Doom said:
pandorum said:
No more multiplayer DLC come on focus on single player DLC,the first 2 were single player only and were amazing, wasting time on multiplayer is what put us in this predicament in first place less dialogue options somtimes entire cutscenes with out trees, come on stuff the wider audience give two shits about the fans that made the series so popular.
Eri said:
I DON'T CARE. Give me single player DLC. If you want to make multi and single fine, but stop taking resources from single and making multi. People don't flock to Mass effect just for multi.
gmaverick019 said:
while it's interesting that the multi is actually decently polished now...i'll give them props for that,


why in the flying fuck are they trying so hard to force multiplayer on a fanbase that clearly has been buying their games for the single player portion? not to mention did anyone ask for this?

certainly not adam jensen, but come on, fuckin EA.
What if I told you... Some people ENJOY the multi-player, and think its nice to receive free add-ons to keep it a wee bit fresh.

Also, one team is making small multi-player DLC whilst another larger team is probably at work on new single player content. what i said again? i never said no one enjoyed it? I did enjoy it for a while, a few of my friends I know who got it did too, i merely stated that people bought/buy the mass effect games for the single player and story parts of it, while they are churning out these multi random booster pack add ons, single player got the EC, and even then that was a bit underwhelming for all those months.

If I walked into a fast food restaraunt and kept offering people salads and fruit, saying "look! i'm such a great guy and should have a good reputation!", all the people there will probably give me a "wtf?" look and pass on it, while going back to enjoying their delicious cheeseburger/chicken.

(weird and possibly bad analogy, but don't really care enough at the moment to fix it better.)
Sep 14, 2009
kiri2tsubasa said:
gmaverick019 said:
kiri2tsubasa said:
gmaverick019 said:
while it's interesting that the multi is actually decently polished now...i'll give them props for that,


why in the flying fuck are they trying so hard to force multiplayer on a fanbase that clearly has been buying their games for the single player portion? not to mention did anyone ask for this?

certainly not adam jensen, but come on, fuckin EA.
Yes. There were people that were asking for multiplayer in ME 2. Specificaly the ability take control of Shepards squad mates in a form of co-op.
yes, which that is MUCH different than the multiplayer they gave us, not to mention (it might be impossible, i haven't checked the numbers lately) annoying as fuck to attempt to do a single player run and get full EMS for the full ending/choices, which they said wouldn't ever be needed.

it's just stupidly annoying to see them pour so much effort into multi when the series has been single player (not to say that no game series can ever change directions, just don't do it in the third game of a trilogy.)
I think their were other multiplayer options people wanted, like death matches. Since all I have is my smart phone and it doesn't like this site I can not effecitvly check. Sorry about that
i do remember seeing stuff about death matches, i would have preferred to just join in my friends campaign or vise versa on the fly, taking spots of one of their followers (or just my own slot even, the multi now supports 4 people, i see no reason why the campaign co op couldn't) and played with them whereever they were at and continue the story, i can't tell you how many hours/playthroughs in gears of war 1 and 2 I did with friends using that option, while we played maybe..5 minutes of the other multiplayer?

still, not really bitching about that here, just saying it was a single player set of games and they should have at least finished out the trilogy in that manner (you gotta admit the single player is still a bit rough around the edges, while the multi has recieved how many DLC add ons now?)


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Bolt-206 said:
If anyone plans to do platinum difficulty... Good luck,
I'm not going near it. :/
(who wants to bet the first event after this DLC will be a Platinum Extraction...)
I can't imageine there's anyone who thinks Gold isn't quite difficult enough (barring exploits, anyways).
Blindrooster said:
Me and my friends play often, and Gold was pretty easy once you know what to do. Glad they added this plus new stuff.
I guess I stand corrected. Huh.
mad825 said:
Lethos said:
Bioware is reeeeeally trying to build back their rep. I almost feel bad for them.
I don't think so, while I'm on the forums sometimes, People are claiming complaining they've wasted a good few hundred dollars because of the buggy "marketplace".
Sad to say, but there's a word for those people. "Chumps." Anything you can get in the multiplayer marketplace with real money, you can get for free by playing the game and racking up credits.

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
Just in time for BioWare to have convinced me to never touch Mass Effect again.

And not even a single new turian? BioWare, get it together.


New member
May 2, 2011
wow they just wont stop pushing that damn multiplayer addon. I got bored of that not even a week after first trying it.

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
I don't get why the DLC is showing off earth. A lot of people seem to hate Earth. I don't really understand it since outside the marketing Earth has a role that is very appropriate considering it's a homeworld. But what I do understand is wanting to see more alien locations, and have more alien classes.
I guess I just don't have much enthusiasm f- OH MY GOD. You can look like Katsumi!?
Ahem, I mean. This is acceptable.

fi6eka said:
PS:people still play the multiplayer?What the hell??!!
It can be really fun. Get in a team with people who talk and you are bound to make some friends.
The booster back system of unlocking is the biggest drain on the will to play, you want to use one class or weapon really badly but you can never get it from the packs and end up drowning in the items you have no use for. I have all the ammo restocks I could need, enough medi-gel to revive entire armies and Just about every Infiltrator, Engineer and Soldier class on offer. Yet I also have only two rockets, a single health boost (but the ability to take more than the default 2 with me into a match) and I have yet to unlock any characters for Vanguard, the class I both love and play the most on.

The worst part is they knew this system was going to be like this, terrible. it's why you can pay real money rather than credits to get the booster packs.

johnnnny guitar

New member
Jul 16, 2010
Listen here bioware baby a lot of people couldn't give two shits about your multiplayer anymore yes it was fun for the first week or two but now it's just boring as hell not to mention grind-tastic.
Give us single player DLC and just let your multiplayer die the mass effect series is not about multiplayer it's about story and characters


New member
May 18, 2010
ShinobiJedi42 said:
Yay, six new classes I will never get. Looks like I'll have to settle with my new color unlock for my useless Batarian Sentinel.
hey at least you got something "useful"
while I got skin color customization for a quarian infiltrator and a krogan vanguard

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
I actually really like the multiplayer, it's a great tool to unwind and take a break from other, heavier games. So yeah, I'm pretty happy with this.

Though, fucking hell. Platinum difficulty? Are you kidding? Could you not just tone down some of the more overpowered weapons so that gold isn't a reegar/krysae hoedown.

Dragon Zero

No one of note
Apr 16, 2009
evilthecat said:
I actually really like the multiplayer, it's a great tool to unwind and take a break from other, heavier games. So yeah, I'm pretty happy with this.

Though, fucking hell. Platinum difficulty? Are you kidding? Could you not just tone down some of the more overpowered weapons so that gold isn't a reegar/krysae hoedown.
Actually, you'd be surprised the number of threads on the Bioware Social Network asking for a Platinum Difficulty. I've stuck with Silver for quite a while because I'm not the best player and Gold just makes me paranoid (plus internet problems but what can ya do) so I don't think I'll be going to Platinum anytime soon. Also I completely agree that the Multiplayer is great and I'm really anticipating this new dlc.

As an aside, there is a thread on BSN with a few more details on the classes:

Already, I see which classes will be the new favorites.