Orcus_35 said:
IBlackKiteI said:
Orcus_35 said:
Well, sales do not necesarily mean it's a good game...
Maybe it means there are even more foolish people that actually buy it either because all your friends do it, so that you don't feel ostracized or whatever...
Or because its a damn fun game, did you ever think that?
it might be fun, but because of it's lack of diversification in gameplay, it will still wither and die when the next games of Call of Duty appear...
I agree somewhat, Call of Duty nowadays seems to be only shoot and shoot, but BO had the very quick Hind moment and occasional small minigames, and Modern Warfare had the Ac-130, All Ghillie Up and Modern Warfare 2 had....had...the snow mobile chase?
I dunno, I liked MoH and I think it was defintely better than BO in singleplayer campaign comparison. Chooper flying, wayyyy more stealth than what was supposed to have been in BO,sniping, etc....but true, once the hype goes up again for MW3 it's prob going to end up doing the exact same thing as its predessors. I miss the old CoD where there actually was interaction like arming bombs and fighting off people in CQC rather than one-knife kill.
ChupathingyX said:
Baresark said:
Truth is, all the explosions were just annoying. And I thought the graphics while good, weren't anything special this day in age. Also, totally just felt like a rail shooter. The characters weren't nearly as good as they were in the Modern Warfare games either. Nothing will ever top the feeling of when Ghost got iced at the end of 2. That game isn't art either though. One man's opinion.
Ghost? Really? I thought he was one of the most bland characters of MW2. Gaz was a much better character. The ending of COD4 was much better than the death of Ghost and Roach. I really don't understand why everyone loves Ghost so much, seriously is it just because he has "an awesome cool badass mask wit teh super sunglasses"?
Lol, kind of funnily - go to youtube and look up Metal Gear Solid meets Modern Warfare 2. It explains why he has sunglasses.
And well, maybe it's the way they built up to the moment of the finale. I think why people like Ghost so much is the weird speculation that he's actually Gaz from CoD4 but I mean seriously, I have seen so many character deaths this year already - God of War 3, Red Dead Redemption, Black Ops (secret), and so many more. Call of Duty is already starting to lose its edge with character deaths with POVs. I mean, look, Ghost and Roach die by fire in MW2, whikle Jackson? Oh god i cannot remember dies in nuclear explosion - it gets boring or maybe its just the way they lead it up.
Medal of Honour had a very good singleplayer campaign, and it resulted in another character death from POV, but it was unique and soo much more different than any other FPS POV death I have ever scene and perhaps the only FPS with POV character death that made me feel emotion for once.