Blizzard CEO Responds to Diablo III Controversy


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Artemis923 said:
Go fuck yourself, Blizzard.

You ruined Diablo for me, after 16 years of loyal fandom.

You've killed my interest in all THREE of your games now.

But who cares? I'm just another number, another dollar in your pocket, right?
OH NO! A single game I didn't like from them so FUCK IT ALL I HATE ALL THE GAMES NOW.



Hm, need to play this game again :/
No, genius.

D3 shit on Diablo.
Starcraft 2 shit on Starcraft.
WoW destroyed any chance of another Warcraft RTS.

Therefore, all three games, and you are dumb.


New member
May 28, 2009
Artemis923 said:
No, genius.

D3 shit on Diablo.
Starcraft 2 shit on Starcraft.
WoW destroyed any chance of another Warcraft RTS.

Therefore, all three games, and you are dumb.
I was about to point out that there is still the possibility of a Warcraft 4, sort of. Then I realised that I wouldn't buy it.

Still, ignoring that fact, you could write a Warcraft story that meshed with current Warcraft canon, you'd just have to be very delicate, very careful, and very skilled to get the job done.

Who knows? Maybe Blizzard will make an excellent Warcraft 4, with no Activision money-gouging involved at all. Maybe it will be available offline, with multiple campaigns not released in full-priced "expansions".

A man can dream.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Artemis923 said:
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Artemis923 said:
Go fuck yourself, Blizzard.

You ruined Diablo for me, after 16 years of loyal fandom.

You've killed my interest in all THREE of your games now.

But who cares? I'm just another number, another dollar in your pocket, right?
OH NO! A single game I didn't like from them so FUCK IT ALL I HATE ALL THE GAMES NOW.



Hm, need to play this game again :/
No, genius.

D3 shit on Diablo.
Starcraft 2 shit on Starcraft.
WoW destroyed any chance of another Warcraft RTS.

Therefore, all three games, and you are dumb.
Yeah I havent touched WoW at all through these many years because they killed any chance for warcraft 4. I've been a huge warcraft fan but sadly i've had to bury one of my favorite series, well actually i've had to bury 2 (diablo and warcraft) and now i'm debating on preparing a 3rd grave.


New member
Jul 21, 2012
The things that game publishers do to screw over consumers would not be acceptable in any other industry.


Ad-Free Finally!
Apr 24, 2007
Whatever one's feelings on Diablo III's launch and online state and launch may be, it is refreshing to see developers interact directly with players. The user response in the thread so far is largely positive, thanks in no small part to additional promises from Morhaime to include class improvements and new endgame systems in upcoming patches.
I think you should look at that thread again. It is 104 pages long, and mostly negative...

I will say that I have never been so disappointed with a game release as I had with Diablo 3. You can tell it was developed by an entirely new team that new nothing of what made the original games good. Money driven incompetance at its finest.


New member
Nov 22, 2011
I think the most unfortunate thing is that none of them Blizz guys ever read these forums. They must be quite high up there to say what was said.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Yay cynicism... Blizzard can't be serious, they must all be corporate tool bags with the only goal of taking all the money!


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Lord_Jaroh said:
Whatever one's feelings on Diablo III's launch and online state and launch may be, it is refreshing to see developers interact directly with players. The user response in the thread so far is largely positive, thanks in no small part to additional promises from Morhaime to include class improvements and new endgame systems in upcoming patches.
I think you should look at that thread again. It is 104 pages long, and mostly negative...

I will say that I have never been so disappointed with a game release as I had with Diablo 3. You can tell it was developed by an entirely new team that new nothing of what made the original games good.
12 years of nostalgia and a retroactively-applied Indie Aura of Criticism Immunity?


New member
Nov 22, 2011
Hammeroj said:
Sean951 said:
Yay cynicism... Blizzard can't be serious, they must all be corporate tool bags with the only goal of taking all the money!
Well, they can be genuine, but they aren't, and haven't been for quite a while. Not one thing Mike said wasn't at the very least fed through a spin-machine, if not an outright lie.

Akimoto said:
I think the most unfortunate thing is that none of them Blizz guys ever read these forums. They must be quite high up there to say what was said.
I think they do read the forums, or at least have a rough idea of what's talked about it. You're giving them way too much credit in thinking that if only they'd read the forums, things would be any different.
Actually I was trying to take credit away. My thinking is if the complaints are legit and numerous enough, why are companies still messing up? Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
It's a crock of shit.

Ok, the launch problems ... you know what caused those?
Not being able to play offline. 'cos a majority of D3 players played single player.
You wouldn't have had capacity problems if there's an offline mode.

Personally, I'm not too fussed with not being able to log, or the awful lag from being in a shithouse country, or even the horrible game design decisions that turned D3 into such a gearfest that one level 60 can be literally 10x more powerful than another.

What shits me the most is that the RMAH is such a big deal that people try extra hard to hack accounts.

I played tens of thousands of games of Starcraft 2. No problems.
I grouped up with less than a dozen randoms in Diablo 3, and for one (later discovered) known "hacker" that was enough to get access to dozens of accounts including mine.
Never mind the shithouse security, they rolled back my account so I lost some 100 million gold worth of stuff, and all they have to say to prevent future intrusions is to get an authenticator.

Well, fuck you Blizzard.
I want to play D3 offline so I don't have to deal with that shit.
There's nothing to steal in Starcraft 2


Ad-Free Finally!
Apr 24, 2007
Aeshi said:
Lord_Jaroh said:
Whatever one's feelings on Diablo III's launch and online state and launch may be, it is refreshing to see developers interact directly with players. The user response in the thread so far is largely positive, thanks in no small part to additional promises from Morhaime to include class improvements and new endgame systems in upcoming patches.
I think you should look at that thread again. It is 104 pages long, and mostly negative...

I will say that I have never been so disappointed with a game release as I had with Diablo 3. You can tell it was developed by an entirely new team that new nothing of what made the original games good.
12 years of nostalgia and a retroactively-applied Indie Aura of Criticism Immunity?
No "nostalgia" here. I can still play Diablo 1 and 2, Titan Quest, NoX, the Dungeon Sieges, X-Men Legends et al. Yes, they can be a bit "clunky" in some respects, but by and large, they are all better games than Diablo 3. For a game that has had 10 years to become better than its predecessor, it is sad that it launched in the state that it is in.

It feels like it was "rushed out the door" with major system changes late in development, lack of content, cut features, and a story that deserves all of the criticism that it is getting. For a company that touts its "when its done" line, it's a sad state of affairs.

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
I want to see those patches goddamnit. Make it worth the $60 and worthy of the name Diablo.

You said it would live up to expectations after all this time. I'm still waiting.

The only way to solve this is abunch of free support Blizzard. Do it.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
What scares me more is the writer of the article concluding that the letter is mostly a good thing.

It is indeed laudable when companies dialogue with costumers, but this PR damage control thing is simply not the case here.