Bobbity said:
Sad to say that I'm one of these people. I went from eighty to eighty five in three days, played around with the endgame stuff for a month, then left.
Faster content might help, but more engrossing content would do the trick too. Grinding heroics is mind-crushingly depressing stuff, you know.
Not to mention the absurd queue times for dungeons.
I don't understand the comment about engrossing content as cata has some of the most engrossing questing we have seen. As far mind-crushingly depressing stuff IMHO nothing beat vanilla dungeons back when the level cap was 60.
Right now there are several problems:
1) leveling as it is now doesn't really prepare you for dungeons either normal or heroic
2) the gulf between normal and heroic is insane and there is nothing between the extremes.
3) the standards to get into heroic dungeons is not the same across the board (some are item based, other have rep requirements, still others are gear based, etc)
4) Thanks to guild perks any tank or healer that knows what they are doing is in a guild extending wait times for PUGs
5) Blizzard has developed this habit of hitting dungeons with nerf bats based on the number of people seeing them to the point it seems that last week's hard as diamond heroic becomes tomorrow's talcum power normal.
6) The DK which originally was a tanking class regardless of spec got two of its specs turned to DPS--effectively decreasing the number of tanks in dungeon finder.
7) People learned with TBC that the next expansion will provide gear that will be better then all but the highest epics.