DOW2 is definitely primarily an RPG.
Compare this, to say, Kotor, and its micormanagement, where I had Carth using two blasters, because it fit his image of a once-been-hero who has nothing to lose and can charge into combat blaster blasting, and I had my Revan wield dark violet double-blades because it reflected his re-turning to the dark side.
You can do that in DOW2 as well. The fact that you only felt compelled to do this is evidence that Kotor was an RPG with better characters than DOW2, not that DOW2 was an RTS (or that you didn't care about winning as much in Kotor.) It is more like a squad based action RPG than an RTS.
That's not to say it's *bad*, the campaign was great fun. But the game is not an RTS, nor the direction all future RTSs should go in. It's much more about tactics than strategy, and the further it goes in that direction, the more it should be called RTT than RTS.
There were a few revolutionary ideas for RTSs in Supreme Commander, but the rest of the game wasn't strong enough to establish itself properly, and the sequel was an absolute joke. That does not diminish the importance of the tactical zoom or split window capabilities for the genre.