Boondocks is an anime?


New member
Apr 21, 2009
I think its just one of those things that is hard to classify.
It a bastard hybrid and that is why its awesome


New member
Jun 30, 2009
KefkaCultist said:
nicholaxxx said:
Kefkacultist said:
I wouldn't consider it anime, just cartoon

...which is what anime is. It's an American anime, which is just a Japanese style of cartoon. anyway, call it whatever you want, I just call it American anime and get it over with.

of course if you want to be all "is not from Japan, is not aneemay!" then that's your problem.

if anyone says I'm ignorant about anime or a hater, I instruct you to look at my avatar.
I was thinking the same thing after I posted that and knew I was gonna get that response.

But still, there's a difference between American cartoons like Boondocks (I've never watched it) or sponge bob and anime like Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni (great anime btw)
well, yeah of course there's a disconnect between sponge bob and Higurashi, but what we're talking about is mature animation done with the visual style of anime. Therefore I would call it anime.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
AjimboB said:
The people who think Boondocks is an anime are the same people who think Avatar the Last Airbender is an anime.
it is
AjimboB said:
Do no listen to these people, they'll also try to tell you that Naruto is amazing,
It was okay untill the time skip
AjimboB said:
and that Bleach isn't long enough.
Bleach Sucks.

To start off on the other side a bit, the people who say that cartoons are anime because is short for animation are full of shit. Now, anyone can look at a picture of Homer Simpson and a picture of L and see that there is a clear difference in style. But this doesn't just manifest itself because the Simpons is from America, and Death Note isn't just an anime because it's from Japan. basically
neoontime said:
art style=anime
where it comes from=not anime
Are you all blind, or in denial? If it's drawn to look like an anime, then it's an anime.
I am going to look over the two pages of data and analize them to find out why this isn't an anime, and what qualifies something to be an anime. I'm not quoteing everyone but it's all theres and while I disagree with almost all of them, I'm sure they're lovely people ^_^ I'm also going to put a spoiler up and put my own words in bold as I work on this K.
  • :i can't see it being anime.
    basically, you don't feel like it's an anime
    I wouldn't consider it anime, just cartoon
    once again it seems like a feeling but with a more important issue behind it. It's just a cartoon, because cartoons are inherently inferior to anime.
    cartoons =/= anime
    While I agree a cartoon is not the same as an anime, this says nothing about the boondocks.
    It's a cartoon and anyone who says otherwise may have received a botched lobotomy
    Pretty much anyone who wasn't into anime is retarded to this guy because I know plenty of people who would look at this and believe me if I told them it was made in Japan
    It isn't made in Japan
    It's not written in Japan, but it is Made in Japan. It's made by the guys who made High School of the dead
    The narrative style
    WTF? How does the narrative style come into play?
    the framerate
    so the framerates lower, but it's not like old scooby doo where you might as well be looking at a still picture, there's still fluid animation. But, I suppose that is one clear difference.
    Not really anime, just cartoons for adults
    apparently this guy needs to click info when watching boondocks to make sure he's not watching aqua teen hunger force
    Not Japanese
    Sorta, not really, kinda is (it's animated in Japan
    I just can't consider either (avatar) actual anime
    It doesn't feel like it
    The animation style takes some cues from anime but as for every other part it falls under the cartoon category
    the style is what we're talking about
    If it's made in Japan, it's anime, anywhere else, it's a cartoon. If it tries to be anime, but is a cartoon, by mimicing the style, that's animesque.
    Even if it wasn't being made by madhouse, the argument that not being from Japan makes it not an anime is stupid. Would you call Shin chan anime? Doreamon anime? [sub]lucky star?[/sub]
    exaggerated emotions and expressions
    Like having the sweat drop and temple? Give me a break.
    Oh such passion! I suppose you're right
    Anime's tend to be more closed loop
    Cowboy Bebop is pretty open ended, they usually all make it back to the Bebop safe and everything gets back to normal. I guess Cowboy bebop isn't an anime (it also has some influence from the evil west
    if it's not anime it's FUCKING HORRIBLE, this guy probably doesn't like boondocks and is blowing off steam (aww)
    It is in no way, shape, or form, an anime.
    [Besides looking like an anime
    It's like Avatar: the last airbender. Just an American cartoon trying to look like an anime to gain popularity.
    Yeah! That's why there were like "oh man we got such a shitty show where we're going to talk about social issues in America in a satirical way. We're FUCKED!" "wait let's make it look like an anime, I know we all fucking hate anime and don't just like the look of animes, but we need to trick people into watching" "let's just hope those people are stupid enough to think that we (like our animators) are from the glorius nation of Japan" "well good news 72% of the adult swim audiences have had labotomies and they're the only people who will be tricked. This just might work!"
    The people who think Boondocks is an anime are the same people who think Avatar the Last Airbender is an anime. Do no listen to these people, they'll also try to tell you that Naruto is amazing, and that Bleach isn't long enough
    I'd just like to point out that this is the dumbest argument
    it also has some big influences from American styles.
    How is this one of the cardinal sins, it's not like every anime has to be about pink haired schoolgirls fighting demons (even though many of those can be good
    but lacks a lot of the expressions and unique character design, and setting, (no middle school girls with pink hair fighting seemingly endless waves of demons.)
    Uh oh, I guess we have to rely on cliche or it's not an anime
    Not adapted from a manga
    cowboy bebop wasn't adapted from a manga, cowboy bebop is just a cartoon (oh it sucks now, I think I'm going to throw up!)
    Its drawn in an anime art style, but thats it.
    that's all it takes
    No. It's not
    not anime per se
    comic strip, if western origin, and the content matter is very western, there isn't much that could constitute this being an anime.
    yes there is the art style, it has an anime art style
    Just because it looks a little like anime doesn't mean it is
    yes it does

It's a style, imagine if we did this with another form of art. If a Japanese guy rapped wouldn't you still call it rapping? (no you would call it rupp and it would be infinently better than shitty rap)

It's anime, it might be western anime, but it's still fucking anime, get over it. [sub] unless you're really picky about framerate, but that's it[/sub] XD

In case of Tl;dr do you consider doraemon an anime?

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
Aaron McGruder has said before that he draws some of his visual inspiration from anime because he finds it dynamic (there were a few jokes about it in the comic strip, too), but if you're defining anime as animation from Japan, no, it's not an anime.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
Dango said:
I've been wondering the same thing for a while, and although it's heavily influenced by anime, it's definitely not anime. It and Avatar: The Last Airbender have generally the same art style (kinda), but I just can't consider either actual anime.
Same here.
I consider animation that comes out of Japan as Anime.
But not Anime influenced western Animation.
Mr Pantomime said:
My friend says Halo: Legends is an anime because it uses anime style. I dont know what to think
To me its an Anime because it came from Japan.
It was made by major Japanese Animation studios like Production I.G. and Bones.

Viking Incognito

Master Headsplitter
Nov 8, 2009
Well it alluded to Afro Samurai a long time ago and sorta resembles it too. I could consider it an anime.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Isn't it anime in the same way that sparkling wine is champagne? That is, it is anime, except it was made somewhere else so it isn't apparently.