Borderlands 2 has sent out a love letter to the PC.

Mr Companion

New member
Jul 27, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
It does give me slightly more motivation to preorder, but a proper port isnt everything. The game itself needs to be decent. And the first Borderlands fell way short of that mark.
Agreed, increasingly large numbers don't excite me all that much so unless I hear of some new features or mechanics im out even with the strong port. Its like that video for the Fable 3 port to PC, its like "Oh thanks Peter I guess but have you noticed that nobody actually likes Fable games anymore anyway?"

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Fucks given = 0

I have borderlands on steam, I loved it and none of the things there were apparently missing bothered me.

Great for you guys I guess.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
It does give me slightly more motivation to preorder, but a proper port isnt everything. The game itself needs to be decent. And the first Borderlands fell way short of that mark.
Borderlands 1 was a good game, you just didn't like it, which is perfectly fine I can completely understand someone not liking the game but its just I am tired of people mixing up how much they liked a game with how good it was. Also borderlands 2 from what I have seen and read about is just a improvement on the first game in all major and many minor areas (though some claims I have yet to see evidence for)

Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
I thought the first game was mildly fun, but gave up on it after realizing that 5000 shots shouldn't be required to kill something.

I do feel, though, that they're a good lot of people that mean well. They reach out to their community like few developers I've ever seen and it seems almost a disservice not to support them in some way.

I might get the sequel if I've got the extra cash at some point.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
nuba km said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
It does give me slightly more motivation to preorder, but a proper port isnt everything. The game itself needs to be decent. And the first Borderlands fell way short of that mark.
Borderlands 1 was a good game, you just didn't like it, which is perfectly fine I can completely understand someone not liking the game but its just I am tired of people mixing up how much they liked a game with how good it was. Also borderlands 2 from what I have seen and read about is just a improvement on the first game in all major and many minor areas (though some claims I have yet to see evidence for)
A dry time of the year? I doubt those 5 million sales all occurred in the 20 some days before MW2 came out. Then you had Michael Pachter saying how Borderlands was "being sent out to die" or whatever by being released in the same window as MW2 and Dragon Age.

I just can't bring myself to agree with this claim of yours.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
nuba km said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
It does give me slightly more motivation to preorder, but a proper port isnt everything. The game itself needs to be decent. And the first Borderlands fell way short of that mark.
Borderlands 1 was a good game, you just didn't like it, which is perfectly fine I can completely understand someone not liking the game but its just I am tired of people mixing up how much they liked a game with how good it was. Also borderlands 2 from what I have seen and read about is just a improvement on the first game in all major and many minor areas (though some claims I have yet to see evidence for)
Actually, when you look at it objectively (however much that is possible when discussing games) it was nothing special. Everything in that game had been done before, and most things had been done better.

You know why Borderlands was received so well? Because it came out when fuck all else was coming out. It was that dry period of the year, with all the fancy titles from Easter and Christmas becoming boring, and then boom, Borderlands entered the set, dragging decent co-op along with it. And everyone from COD kiddies to RPG lovers crawled over to it like a dehydrated person crawls to an oasis after 2 days in the desert.

And thats great. But it doesnt make Borderlands an outstanding game. For a loot driven shooter the menus were terrible, the vehicle controls were a one way ticket to suicide bombing Gearbox's offices and the ending sucked even more balls than the already unspectacular premise. On top of all of that, the PC version was so bad it literally gave millions of people headaches and nausea. A good game? I dont think so.

And now Borderlands 2 is coming up, and I havent seen anything apart from some flashy trailers with a dubstep soundtrack. Yawn. Maybe I havent been looking hard enough.
I never said borderlands was a outstanding game, it is a good game. The RPG elements actually have a noticeable impact on gameplay with very few redundant skills, the shooting gameplay was solid and the guns felt nice to use so while nothing special the shooting was pretty damn good. The enemies had enough variety and switching between them that you didn't get too bored of the enemies you had to fight. While the driving took a short while to get used to on the console they got their job done. As far as the menus go the only problem I found was comparing your guns to the shops guns but shops guns were never good enough to make that a problem (thought that shop guns aren't that good is a problem). And finally yes the ending is terrible it isn't even a good boss fight or have good loot. Though playing the dlc it shows gearbox learning form their mistakes quite quickly so borderlands 2 looks to be promising also I saw some gameplay footage on youtube which showed better enemy AI and reaction to getting shot, solving the problem of flat gun fights by having enemies above and below you, and enemies being able to easy go up and down by either climbing or rocket boots. More interesting looking guns and having a quest that gives you story context by character dialogue, enemy actions and environment and not with a block of quest text.


New member
Nov 27, 2007
I don't really know why but I really, really enjoyed Borderlands as a co-op game and easily one of my favourites of this generation. Yes it is a bit of a joke they have to boast about features which should be standard for PC games but sadly in the current state of the market they are not standard so I'm extremely pleased to see a developer looking like they are treating the PC platform seriously.


Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
I feel all flushed after reading that letter. That was some smooooooth talking. Made me all tingly.

I was already joy-puking my face off at the official trailer. I indeed wanted that 96.5% more wub-wub. My friends and I are pretty excited; for all that wub-wub. Nsst, nsst!



New member
Dec 28, 2010
The fact that they've actually considered the pc instead of just offload it to us and hope it works is great, makes me want to buy it...even more so when i see theres offline lan.


New member
Nov 23, 2011
I can't play some of my PC games on my 27" monitor - I've been told that changing the fov sorts that (also told I should have gone for a gold aspect 16:10 monitor, not 16:9) so I welcome what Gearbox are saying. Mind nearly everything he list should be the norm for a AAA PC release in my book, but it's still nice that some devs are listening - I hope 2K are listening too.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
And this is why I love Gearbox, that was awesome, and the little Claptrap drawings were hilarious.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Adam Jensen said:
Offline LAN support?!!!


They didn't really need that letter. It only made me feel like they were trying to manipulate me. That list of PC specific features is good. It's what every PC game should have.
Yes. It does sound a bit manipulative, but it's a great laugh and great marketing. As soon as I get some money on hand (again), I'll preorder it for one


New member
Jun 16, 2009
hazabaza1 said:
Something that should be a standard for a PC FPS?!
Truly GearBox are the saviours of gaming!
This isn't Gearbox saying "We're going to revolutionize PC gaming." This is Gearbox saying "We're giving the PC version the attention it deserves this time around."

Guy from the 80's

New member
Mar 7, 2012
Excellent. I will pre-order this for sure and I hope it sells well (on the PC) and that other studios follow. Warms my geeky heart to see some PC love.