Brütal Legend, DJ Hero Ring Up Disappointing Sales


New member
Dec 1, 2009
DJ hero deserves to fail-terrible idea.

Brutal Legend I don't care about. I don't like heavy metal and don't see why anyone would base a RTS off of music.

Nicky 3 Beaves

New member
Aug 12, 2009
I was told Brutal legend was really great by a friend, and then a week later i asked to borrow it and he said it lost its replay value really quickly so I don't know what to say about that but as for DJ Hero...

Im sad it isn't selling so well.
I got it for Christmas and before never really thought of it until then but it is actually quite good.
It isn't full of rap and heavy bass R&B like every one is so quickly to say it is. It also has a crapload of rock, pop, techno, and 80s music.
And while you do scratch on it there are also many other things to do like crossfading and using effects.

I can understand why it isnt selling that well but the second most people here the word "DJ" they think
AH FUCKING RAP CRAP FUCKING STUPID MUSIC NOT EVEN MUSIC THIS GAME IS GAY RETARDED (as what one of my friends yelled at me spitting into my face, and then I made him play it and he said it was actually fun)


New member
Nov 10, 2007
DJ Hero's tracklist was ass. Absolute utter complete and total ass. It was all shitty chart hiphop and R&B, which are not what you associate with the primacy of the DJ.

Now, if they'd made it with a decent selection of house, techno, and electronica, then the people who might have been interested in a virtual DJ experience might have been interested.


New member
May 18, 2009
The Great JT said:
Show of hands, who here knew DJ Hero was going to fail?

I honestly thought that was a joke the first time I heard about it... I'm disappointed about Brutal Legend though. Maybe it should have been on PC. Hmmmm.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I loved Brutal Legend.

The problem is just that it's target audience is to small.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
The sad thing is that Brutal Legend is on to something with it's ways of going about a Console RTS. Everything about this game just works perfectly for consoles. Controlling the actual general rather than being an invisble hawk, the Radial menus for special solos and unit making, and flight to get around the map easily all feel natural. The overall feel of the game is "Console RTS that is actually fun." Multiplayer is especially hectic when the human player/s knows what they're doing.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
I decided against buying Brutal Legend after reading a review which complained about the gameplay and the lack of replay value.
As for DJ Hero... I'm quite a fan. I agree that the price isn't great for everyone (I got it for Christmas) and the playlist could have been slightly more varied. But it's great fun and has great tunes for replaying. Although the Scratch Perverts setlist is the closest thing to impossible ever. Hopefully some DLC or a new one with more songs would be good. Maybe some pendulum and a song called "Death Threat" by Insolence. Good, fun gameplay, just a shame about the price.