I'm completely torn about this situation. I applaud her for standing up for what she believes in. Women should indeed fight for the things they feel they deserve, like anyone should. Seeing women have a more influence in the industry is not a bad thing like some people feel it is. It's like that whole Tropes Vs Women controversy. Everyone was mad because they felt that she was trying to change the game industry. I don't necessarily agree with everything she says, though a lot of it is right on par, in my opinion, but no one can say she wants to see an end to how things are done so much as she wants to see women in games have a more influential roll in how the story unfolds, rather than just being damsels and objects.
But, at the same time it comes off like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum. Women getting paid money to dance and entertain isn't putting the industry back. If anything, her response to the situation sets the industry back. The dancers are not slaves, they aren't made to do anything they don't want to do and they are getting paid (probably pretty well paid) to be there and entertain. People assume that it perpetuates the idea of women as objects, and to some extent that may be true. But the underlying element here is that it's empowering at the same time. They aren't concubines, they aren't forced to have sex with people. The women are paid to be there, look good, dance and be festive. They are actually in the position of power because no one is making them do anything they don't want to do and they can simultaneously have anyone who acts inappropriately towards them removed. But instead of just being dissatisfied with the situation and communicating that, she throws away her career and destroys her influence on the industry. She made herself a martyr in a situation where martyrdom doesn't fix anything.
I often times have debates with friends regarding this. Take the industry of being a female stripper: My one buddy thinks it's disgusting. He doesn't understand why women would demean themselves and would never visit a strip club. I think it's good business. Strippers have a tendency to make really good money. They are in complete power to the extent they tend to have muscular thugs (bouncers) who will eject with much prejudice, anyone who acts inappropriately or in a way they don't want someone to act towards them. While they are sexual objects, the situation is in there favor by leaps and bounds. They utilize there status as a sex symbol to extort large amounts of money from people. I also want to point out that while I am all for women doing this, I don't go to strip clubs because I don't like throwing my money away to have a woman pretend she is interested in me. I also have a girlfriend who I find very attractive and would never jeopardize that for anything. The only reason I bring this up is because the existence of things like strippers is essentially the same conversation as what she is doing.
But, I digress, that is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
TL;DR: I'm all for her fighting against things she doesn't agree with, but martyrdom in this situation and throwing away her position of power is just childish.