Bungie Turns 15,000 Halo: Reach Cheaters Into Noobs


New member
Sep 29, 2009
imgunagitusucka said:
I don't see why people get so upset about this credit farming. I don't care if they want to spend countless hours of their life trying to earn armour effects, as long as they don't manipulate the MP gameplay in their favour then how is it effecting me? All I care about is a level playing field when going head to head onine, they can have all the fancy gear they like, they still go down with a grenade/headshot combo.
It does manipulate the MP gameplay it creates insane lag and it makes you walk into walls while the person manipulating it can run around and just murder everyone with no problems. You've never heard of the stand-by button cheat? Basically someone turns their modem off and on really quick and creates a hiccup within the network and it makes everyone else lag except the person who does it. Bungie has been banning people for doing it since Halo 2.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
JaredXE said:
cricket chirps said:
its an in game bug that should have been patched. if it couldnt be patched then bungie should have put out a warning through the game telling people they will be reset if they continue useing the bug. i am one of the people who did so and i CERTAINLY would have stopped if such a warning was issued. i GREATLY believe that this was handled horribly. every last one of my friends who played halo reach were useing this glitch and two of my friends are actually selling Reach now because of this. i am definately not going to be playing for a while because of this. bungie should have just banned the abusers for a few weeks so that they would fall behind in rank to those who wernt useing it, and then patched the glitch or put out the warning for continued use. :mad: i am an extreamly angry halo fan bungie, way to make me hate the series with the last game. great big bang ending.

I'm sorry, WHAT GLITCH? This isn't a problem with the code or something in game, this is dumbasses unplugging their internet in order to reset a DAILY challenge many times a day and rake in the credits. You KNEW that this was wrong, that it was an exploit, Bungie doesn't need to wave a big red warning sign to let you know that is was an exploit BECAUSE YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKING KNOWN. What game has unplugging and plugging an ethernet cord be an acceptable part of the gameplay experience?

You did something wrong, you knew it was wrong, and the company smacked your hands for it. Deal.
Also Bungie warned all throughout development that they were going upgrade the banhammer and and use it on people using known or unknown exploits within the game. So all the crybabies saying Bungie didn't warn them perhaps they should have payed attention during development instead of cheating at other games.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
mjc0961 said:
I will salute the one guy who owned up and said something to the effect of "Yeah, I did it, you're right to take my credits and I'm going to play fair from now on. Thanks for not making it a permanent ban from the game." among the pages of whining in there.
Props to that guy. At least some one didnt whine and took responsiblity for their actions.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Oh wow, I only just heard about this! Good on you guys at bungie! What a way to reward people who play honestly than penalising those who don't.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
This is why I love Bungie. They actually get rid of cheaters unlike some studios. *Cough*Infinity Ward*Cough*

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
imgunagitusucka said:
I don't see why people get so upset about this credit farming. I don't care if they want to spend countless hours of their life trying to earn armour effects, as long as they don't manipulate the MP gameplay in their favour then how is it effecting me? All I care about is a level playing field when going head to head onine, they can have all the fancy gear they like, they still go down with a grenade/headshot combo.
Bungie have said that they will not penalise credit farming in general, it's only when people exploit the game's system to do things that you shouldn't be able to. You're only supposed to be able to complete daily challenges once and many people who didn't cheat probably played enough to earn the challenges multiple times but that's not how it was intended to work. You're right that this specific example doesn't affect your own gameplay but you've got to be vigilant with this kind of thing so that people know that if they cheat then they will get penalised. This way, if some exploit does show up that would affect everyone else's gameplay then a lot less people will take advantage of it.

The Rookie Gamer

New member
Mar 15, 2010
The thread is so hilarious, with most people saying "I didn't know this would get me banned!".
Seriously, since Halo 2, network manipulation is a reason for ban. These cheaters are lucky for not getting permabanned.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
HG131 said:

I love Conspiracy Theorists.
I love the people who go "Oh, well, I have a life and a million girlfriends so I can't sit around playing Halo forever, so I had to cheat! You're just jealous cuz you don't have a life, I'm selling Halo for Black Opps (sic) now kthxbye"

Well, no, you don't have to cheat because you're not really meant to reach the rank cap within a couple of weeks of the game coming out. You could always just not obsess over your rank and let it go up naturally and more slowly, like any normal person. I don't get why these people feel so entitled over ranks, or why they feel they can take illegal shortcuts to get what they want, and then cry when they get busted down for it.

Who's sadder, I wonder, the people who grind and cheat on their own for hours to get to Lt. Col. Grade 3 within a couple of weeks, or the people who play fairly and reasonably and actually have fun with the game, and let their rank rise as they play over a few months?

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
I would love to see a similar happening in the MW2 community to all the people who blatantly cheated to get their titles/emblems. Yes I know they don't break the game but as someone who worked very hard on getting his titles/emblems without exploiting it would be nice to see all the exploiters get the reset button.

**Kiddie logs into MW2 server, profile comes up at Lv. 1, non-prestige, Title: SSDD**

Cue the Darth Vader "Khan" scene.


New member
Oct 8, 2010
i commend bungie on taking this action teaching these cheaters that it is not right
though just out of pure curiosity i know how bungie are trying to perfect their banhammer techniques but what would be a safe amount of creds to earn per day without being under the spot light or aim of thy almighty banhammer.
btw i dont play online, yet anyway...


New member
Jul 18, 2009
Alpha164 said:
i commend bungie on taking this action teaching these cheaters that it is not right
though just out of pure curiosity i know how bungie are trying to perfect their banhammer techniques but what would be a safe amount of creds to earn per day without being under the spot light or aim of thy almighty banhammer.
btw i dont play online, yet anyway...
They don't ban you based on credits you've earned that day. They ban you on network manipulation. They also have a daily credit cap. Most people never hit it becuase it is pretty high. They won't target you becuase you've earned a lot of credits in a day. As long as you've earned them legitly, you're fine.