FieryTrainwreck said:
DA2 sales are not an unmitigated disaster, but they are far below expectations. Some analysts were predicting upwards of 4.5 million total units across all three platforms, but the numbers we've seen so far suggest they'll be lucky to reach half that. Pre-sales generated close to half a million, and the initial two week surge put them over one million. Since then? Precipitous drops - enough to prompt something as drastic as giving away free games.
I understand what you're trying to say here, but I have to disagree with your assertion that this promotion is in anyway selfless on the part of EA/Bioware. It's damage control. If they want to do right by their fans, they should devote an appropriate amount of time to the development of future sequels. That's what interests me - a good company putting in the hours to create a quality game and subsequently reaping the financial rewards. I don't care as much for companies that get their hands stuck in the cookie jar and begrudgingly offer to return one of the cookies.
Dang you and your agreeable logic. Why, why, WHY didn't I break your legs?!? *ahem* Sorry, had to give you a Farnsworth quote to congratulate you on your great debating success.
I can often be verbose, so my points are often lost in a large jumble. What I was trying to say is not that Bioware is being selfless or generous, but that we are being given something for free. Whether it's a cost to them or not isn't as important to me as they are providing something at $0 cost of their own volition. I just don't see anger/outrage as an acceptable response to this. Accept the gift and make use of it, or shrug and walk away if you're not interested. The entitled anger confuses me. (I'm using the universal 'you,' so please don't think I'm literally pointing at you, because you seem quite level headed in this discussion)
Although in talking to a coworker about the issue, I think I'm beginning to see the crux of this whole thing. The nerdrage seems to be less about the giving of ME2, and much more about anger over DA2's quality (or the perceived lack thereof).
Initially, I thought the feeling seemed to be: "How dare you give me ME2 for free when I wanted something else!"
But the more I see, the anger seems to lean more towards: "I'm angry DA2 was less than I wanted, and I want more than this to compensate me for your failure."
I may be wrong, but that's what it seems like. I am in no way defending the sales drops, as you may be 100% correct. Warranted or not, there is certainly a perceived drop in quality on the internet that may prevent people from trying the game. Which I think is sad, because the game is nowhere near as bad as the people shouting claim it to be.
Honestly, I think the critics want to put Bioware into the fire no matter what they do. If they said they were going to give away ME3 for free on PC, I think people would STILL be complaining. Which I think is a shame, but such is life on the the interwebz.