California Congressman Demands Videogame Warning Labels [Again]


New member
Apr 15, 2011
so..... we need to warn people about the contents of a game how bout the rating ALREADY ON THE F-ING GAME!! consumer education not labels would be a better solution ya politician tard


New member
Mar 24, 2009
For one, if this actually passed, and it won't, the warning would be in 1 cm tall letters on the bottom of any box and lost amid the copyright and trademark warnings in any digital copy.
For another, this guy needs to meet the ESRB, a group that does the best they can under zero government mandate to give the ideal warnings every consumer needs about a game.
If this guy is being lobbied by someone to do this, I have to wonder how their ignorance and stupidity can manage to raise the money to be a financial influence on this guy. Even if he is a moron, himself, I doubt he would hold his position if the likes of the ESA had a sitdown with him.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Tanis said:
Cali - So far in debt they're "Winning" the negative lottery.

But wasting time on BS like this is more important.
Of course it is. If it gets him the "concerned parent" vote. His job is contingent on getting the most votes, not on keeping the state solvent. If he's worried about the budget it's either because the economy's so bad that the electorate's reached the point of desperation, or his political rivals are selling themselves with a tempting economic vision that he needs to counter.

Because let's face it, if the state goes bankrupt, paychecks will start bouncing from the bottom up.

Besides, in California I gather most budget initiatives are voted on. What better way to get money for a pet project but to hitch his wagon to a hot button issue?


New member
Mar 11, 2010
This is just to help his reelection campaign.

He is trying to draw attention to himself, by showing people that he is "protecting the children". The last California campaign against gaming has taught me that the media won't talk about parental responsibility, or the ESRB system. They will dwell on the sensationalist violence that is in a few Mature games, and scare us by telling us that our children are playing them.

The sad thing is that people want to have stories like that. They don't want to be told how they should parent. They don't what to have to accept the responsibility of raising their children.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Doesn't california have a huge economic crises including brownouts and everything going on? Should you be working on that Mr. Baca?

If it's anything like cigarette packages it won't make a damn difference anyway. I'm just afraid if we give these people an inch they'll take the mile.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
this would be funny if it wasn't so stupid -.- and is only wasting MORE tax payer money on worthless crap, that the parents should be doing anyway, like, ya know, reading the ESRB lable ...


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Can I just ask when the hell politicians will get their heads out of their asses and realize that it's up to the PARENTS, not the game industry, to monitor what children play? If a parent can't be bothered to do the damn research, that's THEIR fault. Not the industry's.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Due to an ever-growing link between violent video games and violent behaviour, I'm calling for anyone displaying signs of aggression to be tagged with a warning label suggesting they might enjoy violent video games.
A personal annoyance of mine is when people confuse correlation to causation, doubly so if they don't consider that correlation can be going in either direction.

'Violent video games' are related to 'aggressive behaviour', can mean that aggressive people enjoy violent video games more than a more docile person, which makes perfect sense doesn't it?


New member
Aug 1, 2008
I think they should change the warning label to this:

WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has been linked to aggressive behavior in violent video games


New member
Nov 15, 2009
This guy does realize that E rated games can be violent right? Look at the Lego games, arguably the most brutal games in the industry since you can tear people's arms and heads off but they're still living stumps can stare up at you.

Also, it is so fitting his name is Baca.... looks and sounds very similar to...

Japanese word "Baka" means idiot, fool and stupid, everything along those lines. every other definition people are using the sentences with english. (Urban Dictionary cause I'm lazy, 2012)

... The universe is fun some times.

But yes, as always old-white-guy, waste tax payer money to try and pass legislation that will ultimately do nothing. Maybe the kids should come with warning labels that say "I have lazy shit parents and will become a sociopath cause video games were my babysitter."


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Odin311 said:
The sad thing is that people want to have stories like that. They don't want to be told how they should parent. They don't what to have to accept the responsibility of raising their children.
I've always been a strong proponent of putting birth control in the drinking water for just that reason.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
I really don't understand why it is suddenly so hard for parents to well...parent their kids.

Waaaay back when everyone was playing the gameboy brick, my mom bought my brother Mortal Kombat. After a couple fatalities, she realized her mistake, took it away and checked every game we got from then on.

Come on guys. It's not that hard to be involved in your children's lives.

And I don't know if they do this everywhere, but at Target, they have to swipe your id before you can buy a M rated game. Even if you are clearly older than 18.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
I wouldn't care if it wasn't such a blatant lie.

On another note, isn't "aggressive" behavior traditionally a good thing? I mean, if we actually take the base meaning of the word aggressive and ignore any perceived connotation with violence.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
ok well video games causing violence is bollocks, ive been exposed to violent video games my entire life and have been playing them since i was 5 and ive never went and done any the violent acts that are depicted in them.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Games already have warning labels - they're called age ratings. Also, there are just as many studies that say gaming has a positive effect. ...And why are you going after E-rated games? Sure, they have some violence, but how can you possibly lump Mario's violence into the same category as Gears of War?

Simple answer: you haven't played them. And until you have, you shouldn't be allowed to legislate stuff like that. See also: SOPA/PIPA/ACTA.


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
Zhukov said:
It scares me to think that one day I shall be an old man calling for the regulation or destruction of the younger generation's fun.
You don't think that after all the bullshit we've had to go through with video games and such that we can be a little more open minded in the future? :p

OT: When i read this i literally went "Oh for fuck's sake!"

As much as you have to admire his diligence you can't get by that he must also be incredibly thick. If this is his own third effort to pass this (and he's sure as hell not been alone about trying to push things like this) then that should send a signal to back down.

Personally i've found video games to be related to immediate aggression which rarely leaves the playing area. Maybe that's something to study in the future...


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
Oh, great, another thing to clog up the resistance 3 box art.

I'm entirely fine with this guy doing it so long as warning lables are put on every food, drink, alcoholic beverage, cigeret, TV, books, and anything that can be addictive- OH WAIT, THAT'S EVERYTHING!