camping, am i the only one that has a real problem with campers?


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
This is kind of funny, when I first read the thread title, I thought you were talking about actual wilderness camping, and asking if other people had any problems with people who enjoy going out camping. Just goes to show where my mind is.

As far as campers in a game, I haven't ever really experienced it that much, since I avoid playing games on Xbox Live anymore. But if all you want to do is get the most kills and be 'pro' in a video game, you're not playing it right. They're a form of recreation, not an Olympic event.


New member
Apr 29, 2008
It depends on the game mode. For example:

In COD4 the standard deathmatch mode is unforgiving to campers, because you may get one or two kills at best before you start getting grenades thrown at you, from your recent appearance on the radar, and recently respawned enemies. And due to the fact that respawn points are located in no specific area, you may be attacked from multiple angels.

But in the Hardcore Deathmatch mode, its much less forgiving with very high damage from guns, no maps, and long or no respawn times.

It all depends on the game and game mode.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
If you die to a camper more than once than that means one of three things.

a) You are an idiot.
b) You are stubborn and can't admit defeat (also known as an idiot).
c) He wasn't camping.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Delicious said:
If you die to a camper more than once than that means one of three things.

a) You are an idiot.
b) You are stubborn and can't admit defeat (also known as an idiot).
c) He wasn't camping.
agreed lol.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
brainless906 said:
Delicious said:
If you die to a camper more than once than that means one of three things.

a) You are an idiot.
b) You are stubborn and can't admit defeat (also known as an idiot).
c) He wasn't camping.
agreed lol.
yeah ill give that one to ya, not looking during a battle makes you a bit of an idiot, doesnt change the fact campers are annoying

if the guy is sitting somewhere that is really hard to see ina building people have to go thru then yeah he is camping
and is asking for a grenade or a bullet up the bum like the twit he is for sitting somewhere that he wil be known about after the first kill

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
*Puts up hand*

I am a spawn camper.

I am proud of it. You get a lot of people trying to say you have no skill that you can't win in a fair fight, wake up mate a BF2 server ain't a fair fight and anyone that thinks it takes no skill to snipe five moving targets from over 200 yards away is an idiot and doesn't know what skill is.

The best are the ones that moan about being spawn killed when the map has several spawn points on it. Anyone that gets spawn killed and then respawns at the same point without a plan to get round the camper is an idiot plain and simple and immediately negates their right to ***** about spawn camping.

As for dealing with them. Simple if you can respawn elsewhere and double back, then find a weapon to take the enemy out.

If it's a sniper then use a sniper rifle from a different position and work out where a spawn camping sniper is going to be most likely to hide.

If it's a chopper spawn at another spawn point close by and use anti tank to take them down, dunno how many times I've shot down an attack chopper with anti tank missiles.

If it's a jet then chances are they are 'spawn camping' (not technically correct since jets can't camp but they can effectively spawn rape the uncapables on certain maps; Gulf Of Oman and Dragon Valley. Use the secondary anti air launcher, the one that is usually located away from the vehicle spawn locations.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
ok so you can shoot someppl in the head from really far away....i do that in CoD5 with a sub-machine gun, woopidy doo
and ur proud of spawn-camping, ur proud of killing the online multi-player of the game you do it on, buy driving off the players that are playing for the fun of it and ur just in there for the points or, i hopenot, to be a giant prick


New member
Dec 18, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
cannot_aim said:
I hate campers they ruin the game for everyone else. It just is no longer worth playing when you know that when you turn a corner there is going to be someone who is sitting there with his gun pointed right at your head.
You would do very poorly in real combat, I think, if you consider hiding "unfair."
Ya but in real combat you also dont have people who have sniper rifles that kill you if they shoot you in the foot. It's fine in real life but in a game you just ruin everyone else's enjoyment


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I agree with you. It irritates me to no end, but there's nothing I can do about it except avoid them for lack of skill (negative skill feedback does not affect the rep).
I don't see how it can be fun. I've tried it, it's so freakin' boring I wanna blow myself up.
I feel that people that need to camp to get kills just have no real skills.
Hiding in the bushes with a sniper rifle a mile away, killing me in 1 shot to the ankle shows no skill at all.
Hiding in the corner with a shotgun, killing anyone that walks within 30ft of that corner in 1 shot without aiming. Where's the skill in that?


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

If the same camper keeps killing you in the same spot(s) over and over again, guess who actually sucks at the game? It sure isn't the camper.


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Aug 11, 2008
chipmunk2510 said:
CountFenring said:
What's your feelings on camping in a game of capture the flag, and by camping I mean sitting in your base and attempting to defend the flag, I'm not sure if I would call it camping, but I don't know.
It's not called camping in that situation its called defending sir. :D

EDIT: That came off a bit harsher then I meant. Putting sir at the end of things has become a nasty habit for me... So I put a smiley and now its doesn't really seem as bad...
Yeah it pee'd me off when people call that "baiting" LIKE WTF sorry for defending the target :| some people shouldnt play games...


New member
Aug 27, 2008
CaptainEgypt said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

If the same camper keeps killing you in the same spot(s) over and over again, guess who actually sucks at the game? It sure isn't the camper.
Spoken like a true shotgun whore.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
3rd rung said:
I hate playing against them but at least in COD 4 a well cooked nad or a rpg will easily stop them. Also I feel the same way it takes any real challenge out of the game because I have done it when I am on the phone and can only play with one hand and it is just hit the trigger when someone runs by I can't see how people do it for 10 minutes stright jsut not fun for me. but as I said there are ways around it also if you know he is there you can just strafe and fire
A well cooked...
I think you meant nade.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
ManiacRaccoon said:
Having foreknowledge of your opponent is not required for sniping, because the assumption is that sooner or later someone will walk into view, since you can probably see a large piece of the map.
Sniping doesn't bother me, it's more guys sitting in a corner spraying everyone who walks past with a submachine gun. It kind of takes ALL of the skill and judgement out of a game if that's all you do.

ManiacRaccoon said:
Thirdly if the game allows you to do it, it is part of the game, regardless of your opinion of how it was meant to be played. You didn't design it and clearly the developers had something else in mind.
Not necessarily, I mean you could just run around shooting all the trees in a game, but that doesn't mean the developers put the trees there just so you could shoot them, or envisaged that that's what you would spend all your time doing. I think in these games there are certain modes of participation which are preferable to others because they use the game to its fullest potential, i.e. allow you to take part in a simulation of actual combat and enjoy it because you are performing well in a way which would be heroic or cool in a real battle. This is the spirit I am sure the game is intended to be played in, otherwise why would the developers have added so many realistic and atmospheric and immersive aspects which enable you to really enter into the role and enjoy the simulation? People who just sit there cynically waiting for people to come into firing range are not playing to experience any of the excitement of being in a battle or of being heroic and accomplished, they are playing for one reason and one reason only, and that is for the gratification of seeing their name at the top of the scoreboard without having to make any effort or employ any skill, without even properly participating in the contest, but by sitting on the sidelines sabotaging the players who play for enjoyment rather than just ego-gratification. The point you are surely making is that such behaviour isn't explicitly against the rules, but that doesn't change the fact the people who do it are not really playing the game, or not the same game anyway. How is it a game, as I said before, to just sit there and react to an on-screen stimulus with a simple button press? It is blatantly obvious that this is not in the spirit of the game at all, it is just a way of exploiting the necessary features of the game just to get a high score.

By the way, I have never yet whined in-game about campers, as I said I just go and kill them, and they never seem to whine when I kill them, but it does get tiresome and frustrating after a while. I have noticed that campers do start adapting if you repeatedly kill them, by taking up a slightly different positions a few feet away from well-known spots, or finding new places which haven't become well-known yet.


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Jun 3, 2008
Ultrajoe said:
Valiance said:
Camping is an inherently flawed strategy unless the map is severely imbalanced. ... If the game actually rewards campers, it's a poorly designed game.
I guess reality is poorly designed, huh?

Camping is effective, sensible and not unbreakable to anyone with half a brain. It's another move in a cloud of moves, each one counterable and each one avaliable for everyone. It's not like you cant pull a cheap tactic, you're all on the same board with the same pieces.

Now i'm going back to my RTS's, where we know a thing or two about real cheap tactics.

Tyranids are just a whole new way to Zerg rush, baby, and i thought they were fun on the tabletop!
I guess you've been playing too many video games to notice that yes, reality is poorly designed, but ignoring that, I agree that it's not a cheap tactic.

God's Clown

New member
Aug 8, 2008
Well it depends, staying in one spot while sniping I don't mind, because its sniping, not camping. Sitting there with something like an AK-47 waiting for people to run past you, that gets annoying.