Can You Confess Your Guilty Pleasures?


New member
Oct 22, 2008
You know I can, but I've done it so many times on these forums now that I'm starting to not feel guilty about them any more. I'm going keep them to myself so I retain that feeling of guilt.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Greenhand said:
I regret nothing.
But, if you mean 'things that will have me shunned from here to the seventeenth century', then I have one word and one two-digit number for you: Rule 34.
Yes, I'm one of those people, but I swear it's mostly for the comments! They're too funny to give up! I can't help myself!


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Can't really confess any guilty pleasures, as I don't feel any guilt over what I do (otherwise I wouldn't be purposefully doing it!).

I have some interests others might find strange [] or unappealing [] though, but I see no reason that to care about what they think any more than I do to care about whatever harmless things they might fancy.

Sir Seagull

Knight of the Picnic Table
Jan 12, 2011
I don't like to admit it but... Well since everyone else is... I bought Taylor Swift's album and ... Enjoyed it - a lot. (16 year old straight male talking here)
I shall now prepare my inbox for influx of hate mail.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
I love fanfiction and am not ashamed. I read systematically through pretty much any site I find. I almost love diving through the garbage more than reading the one good story I found. The habit started when I was a teen; I couldn't afford the number of books I wanted, so I started reading things that were free. Now I just enjoy it too much to stop.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
WWE, its a soap opera where people settle their love problems and love triangles by beating the crap out of each other. I like Rihana's new album (its really good) and Pokemon (I'm 18yo Male by the way)

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
josh797 said:
Susan Arendt said:
Professional wrestling, and I'm not the least bit apologetic about it - despite the fact that one friend of mine actually stopped speaking to me once he found out I enjoyed it.

Also, You're Cut Off, which is just such utter trash, words fail me.
susan. i would never never have pegged you for a wrestling fan. what in the absolute fuck!? my mind is a little sprained. really? really? WOW.
Yep. Huge MMA fan, too.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
pumasuit said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
pumasuit said:
Pokemon. I'm a grown man, for crying out loud, but God help me, I can't stop thinking about making that perfect squad. 24 Hail Mary's.
I love pokemon too, but I'd like to think of it as nostalgia. Although it is rather uncomfortable playing it out in public, I lie when people ask me what I'm playing...
Dude, I can't take it outside! That's where the people are! I tried talking to one of my nerdier antisocial friends, and then he talked to me about Pokemon in public once. I was like "dude, keep it down!"
I can't talk about that in public, I'm not that brave. I don't bring it out often, but I just have the volume off and hope no one looks behind my shoulder. Acting like a spaz if caught doesn't describe my reaction.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
Professional wrestling, and I'm not the least bit apologetic about it - despite the fact that one friend of mine actually stopped speaking to me once he found out I enjoyed it.

Also, You're Cut Off, which is just such utter trash, words fail me.
I've been there abut a million times before!
Even worse when they start getting all homophobic with their little jabs, you know?
It's because they immediately associate certain form of entertainment with lower intelligence. If came on here are started a going on about how people that play video games are, "usually", socially held back and less virile, I'd get flamed off the face of the planet! And yet, if someone talks about wrestling that way, they're "an astute and discerning social critic." That's why I don't believe in high culture-low culture dichotomies.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Susan Arendt said:
Professional wrestling, and I'm not the least bit apologetic about it - despite the fact that one friend of mine actually stopped speaking to me once he found out I enjoyed it.
Same, although no one has ever stopped speaking to me because of it. Sad how far its entertainment value has fallen over the past decade though. I recently found an in-ring promo between Austin and The Rock from 2001 that puts everything done today to shame.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Strife2k7 said:
Susan Arendt said:
Professional wrestling, and I'm not the least bit apologetic about it - despite the fact that one friend of mine actually stopped speaking to me once he found out I enjoyed it.
Same, although no one has ever stopped speaking to me because of it. Sad how far its entertainment value has fallen over the past decade though. I recently found an in-ring promo between Austin and The Rock from 2001 that puts everything done today to shame.
Well, to be fair, they are two of the greatest promo men ever to step in the ring. For real fun, catch something between The Rock and Mick Foley. Or Kevin there's a man who could riff.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Susan Arendt said:
Strife2k7 said:
Susan Arendt said:
Professional wrestling, and I'm not the least bit apologetic about it - despite the fact that one friend of mine actually stopped speaking to me once he found out I enjoyed it.
Same, although no one has ever stopped speaking to me because of it. Sad how far its entertainment value has fallen over the past decade though. I recently found an in-ring promo between Austin and The Rock from 2001 that puts everything done today to shame.
Well, to be fair, they are two of the greatest promo men ever to step in the ring. For real fun, catch something between The Rock and Mick Foley. Or Kevin there's a man who could riff.
Nah, Foley was....ok. Nash was certainly good, but comedy gold came from Austin, Rock and Chris Jericho. I swear though, the promo I'm talking about could be used to teach a Master level class on 'how to make the crowd love you'. Even the ringside commentary stops for something like 10 minutes while these guys work.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
The only thing I've been ashamed of is reading a serious fanfic for reasons other than the lulz.

I now dislike it, in retrospect.