Can you help me with a College project?


New member
Mar 13, 2009
If you don't mind could you take the time to fill in the following questionnaire. Thanks :)

1) how old are you?
2) are you male or female?
3) What country do you live in?
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?
5) How often do you game?
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?

Thanks very much :)


New member
Oct 17, 2008
5)most days, long periods each day that i do game much with the occassional long hiatus
8)possibly, i suppose someone will find a way to be more violent than madworld eventually.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
hour or two a day
I don't believe violence in games influence's children, because pressing buttons is so far-removed from committing violent acts.
I don't believe violent games should be banned
I see games as getting increasing violent because of new technology and graphics


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Pr0 InSaNiTy said:
If you don't mind could you take the time to fill in the following questionnaire. Thanks :)

1) how old are you?
2) are you male or female?
3) What country do you live in?
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?
5) How often do you game?
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?

Thanks very much :)
United States
10 hours a week
Absolutely not.
Absolutely not, censorship never helps anything.
No, graphics have simply gotten better.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
Pr0 InSaNiTy said:
If you don't mind could you take the time to fill in the following questionnaire. Thanks :)

1) how old are you?
2) are you male or female?
3) What country do you live in?
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?
5) How often do you game?
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?

Thanks very much :)
3)The Moon
4)Yes. Myself.
5)27 hours a day.
6)No, young people shouldn't have the game in the first place(this is the serious answer).
8)Yes. Thank myself...


Resident Batman fanatic.
Apr 22, 2009
1) 17
2) M
3) England
4) No
5) No set time really, I game whenever I feel like it, no two days are the same.
6) Possibly, only the very impressionable or mentally ill though.
7) No.
8) No, realisticness of said violence is getting better though, which gives that kind of effect.

As I said in another survey thread, you're going to get the same kind of answers from everyone because you're only getting one side. If you went to a completely neutral site, non-gaming related, you'd get a more accurate sample.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
deathsong17 said:
Pr0 InSaNiTy said:
If you don't mind could you take the time to fill in the following questionnaire. Thanks :)

1) how old are you?
2) are you male or female?
3) What country do you live in?
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?
5) How often do you game?
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?

Thanks very much :)
3)The Moon
4)Yes. Myself.
5)27 hours a day.
6)No, young people shouldn't have the game in the first place(this is the serious answer).
8)Yes. Thank myself...

Well, your a funny one aren't you?


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
1) 17
2) Male
3) UK
4) No
5) 2-3 times a week
6) No
7) No
8) Yes, in a bid to out do each other

That will be £10 please :)


New member
Sep 27, 2008
1) 19
2) Male
3) The United States
4) Yes
5) 40+ hours a week
6) Depends on the person. Some people are highly impressionable, others are not. Video games could have an effect on the impressionable, or form such malleable mentality. Do I think they are more of a problem than other outlets? No. Television could be just as bad (if not worse).
7) No. Violent video games are entertaining and violence is one of the social constructs of the United States, today (and arguably other countries). You would sooner remove children's video games for making the American population 'soft' or 'wimpy.'
8) No. I think there is a point where it's impossible to be 'more violent' without being 'more mindless.' Graphics are at an all-time high, which makes it appear to be more violent and more life-like. It's tough to make a more violent game than a bunch of men beating each other to death.


Not Dead Yet
Jan 7, 2009
1) 16
2) Male
3) England
4) No, I'd rather learn universal rules than be destroyed on a whim.
5) Daily
6) Only in that they learn new "moves" from them. The news-worthy people all have mental issues imo.
7) No, of course not.
8) Yes, but they are getting appropriate age ratings. If someone underage plays them it's not the game company's fault ( isee where this is going...)

Pleasure to help you. :)


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Frequen-Z said:
1) 17
2) M
3) England
4) No
5) No set time really, I game whenever I feel like it, no two days are the same.
6) Possibly, only the very impressionable or mentally ill though.
7) No.
8) No, realisticness of said violence is getting better though, which gives that kind of effect.

As I said in another survey thread, you're going to get the same kind of answers from everyone because you're only getting one side. If you went to a completely neutral site, non-gaming related, you'd get a more accurate sample.
Yeah i agree but the majority of people here will have different religious beliefs and thoughts on the impacts of games. I appreciate the tip though. Thanks


New member
May 20, 2008
1) 19 nearly 20
2) Male
3) UK
4) Unsure
5) Every couple od days?
6) Depends on the circumstances; anything can have an effect on anyone, but whether they are the root cause of the matter is the real question. (Generally its a no :p)
7) Do you think increasingly violent films and music should be banned? no.
8) Well, yes, but todays society has become a lot more tolerant over past years.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Pr0 InSaNiTy said:
If you don't mind could you take the time to fill in the following questionnaire. Thanks :)

1) how old are you? &nbsp &nbsp 39
2) are you male or female? &nbsp &nbsp Male
3) What country do you live in? &nbsp &nbsp USA
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity? &nbsp &nbsp Yes
5) How often do you game? &nbsp &nbsp 5 days a week.
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit? &nbsp &nbsp No
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why. &nbsp &nbsp No
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent? &nbsp &nbsp Yes

Thanks very much :) &nbsp &nbsp You're welcome very much.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Just so you know everyone, Im NOT campaigning to ban video games. I play everyday and i love the lifestyle. This survey is purely about the impact of violence in games.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Cpt_Oblivious said:
1) 16
2) Male
3) England
4) No, I'd rather learn universal rules than be destroyed on a whim.
5) Daily
6) Only in that they learn new "moves" from them. The news-worthy people all have mental issues imo.
7) No, of course not.
8) Yes, but they are getting appropriate age ratings. If someone underage plays them it's not the game company's fault ( isee where this is going...)

Pleasure to help you. :)
Im not trying to get games banned by the way. I just have to investigate the link between video game violence and young people.
I appreciate your help.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Pr0 InSaNiTy said:
If you don't mind could you take the time to fill in the following questionnaire. Thanks :)

1) how old are you?
2) are you male or female?
3) What country do you live in?
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?
5) How often do you game?
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?

Thanks very much :)
1) 16
2) Male
3) England
4) Nope, not even close
5) Between 35 hours a week and 0 hours a week
6) No
7) No
8) Yes