Can you help me with a College project?

The Shade

New member
Mar 20, 2008
1) 18
2) Male
3) Canada
4) No
5) 2-4 hours per day (can vary wildly depending on time constraints)
6) No
7) No
8) Not really


New member
Jun 26, 2008
sure, why not (though I wouldn't say this is th best way to collect statistical data, but it's your project so what the heck).

1. 18
2. Male
3. Sweden
4. Sort of, but I don't consider myself part of any religion (let's just say no for the sake of simplicity)
5. roughly an hour a day, but if I have a new game or am really in to one I can sit all day
6. To some extent yes (though I don't think they are in any way connected to crime)
7. No
8. Yes


New member
Nov 7, 2007
1) 16
2) Male
3) England
4) No
5) Daily
6) No - Why would it, think of the ratio of law breaking gamers to law abiding gamers!
7) No, see prior
8) Honestly, you can't get more violent that God of War.


New member
Mar 9, 2008
What? Is it College Questionnaire Week or something? I'm bored, so I'll indulge this. Though I challenge the scientific relevance of these kind of things.

1) 27
2) dude
3) USA. Or in a parallel dimension, New France
4) I don't believe in deity, but I do believe that there is a universal oneness through the mundane cosmic energies of which all things are composed. So...sort of.
5) Anywhere from once to several onces a week.
6) No, I do not believe simulated murder of alien invaders with brightly colored plasma weapons causes, or causes innovation in, violence. Violent tendencies are a result of genetic predilections, family history, and environment. Though lots of GTAIV may lead some people to drive badly when they first get in the car right after it.
7) I do not believe any variety of any media should be banned by politicians. I do not believe governments should have the right to decide what people do with their free time, unless it clearly hurts an unwilling participant or bystander. I am in favor of the voluntary rating system, and attentive parenting.
8) Games are not getting any more violent. Games on the Atari and earlier were usually about something killing something. With graphical improvements, the representation of violence is indeed becoming more realistic and may possibly have a greater aesthetic impact on the gamer. But simulated killing is still good ol' simulated killing.

You're welcome.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
1) how old are you? 16

2) are you male or female? male

3) What country do you live in? Scotland

4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity? No

5) How often do you game? 10+ hours a week usually, can vary

6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit? No.

7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? No. Impressionable young people(under 12) shouldn't be allowed to play.

8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent? No. I think they're about as violent as they were three years ago.


New member
Nov 6, 2007
1) 26
2) Male
3) United Kingdom
4) No
5) Pretty much every day
6) No
7) No
8) Yes

Good luck with the project.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
1) 16
2) Male
3) Republic of Ireland
4) Yes, I'm Roman Catholic
5) Almost everyday, but not usually for very long.
6) Nope
7) Nope
8) Yes, it's getting to the point where some people only buy the game for the extreme violence, not for the gameplay.

Pleasure to help mate.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
1) how old are you? 15
2) are you male or female? Male
3) What country do you live in? USA
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity? Yes
5) How often do you game? Every day
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit? No
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why. No
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent? Yes


New member
Apr 23, 2008
1) 24
2) Male
3) England
4) Not sure about God. Something beyond the physical, yep.
5) Normally, yes.
6) I believe voilent video games can trigger already potentially voilent kids into voilence; in the same way as some people will copy voilence in movies and books - so, I believe that movies, books, and music are equal in their ability to invoke voilence.

If anything, voilence in gamers is more than likely reduced as gamers can express the voilent impulses the average human often experiences in the modern busy world in the safe environment of a virtual world, as well as the natural voilent instincts inheritant to an omnivore species such as our own.

However, some people do have serious pyschological problems, and so gaming can trigger a voilent response. But the point most often overlooked is that ANYTHING can trigger this, from voilent imaginary in a book, to voilent lyrics in a song, to voilent acts on TV.

7) No. I do believe their should be an equal rating system to video games as films and TV shows, as these forms of media feature voilence too, and yet are not banned. The basical regulation of a recommended age rating for parents and strong advice not to sell above-age material to children without direct parental consent should be enforced, but it should be no harasher than for DVDs/Blu-ray's.

8) No, I don't believe games are getting more voilent. I believe the voilence is getting more realistic, and their are rare exceptions to the rule such as the infamous Manhunt 2 - one of only 2 games to ever be refused classification (i.e. de facto banned) in the UK.


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Pr0 InSaNiTy said:
If you don't mind could you take the time to fill in the following questionnaire. Thanks :)

1) how old are you?
2) are you male or female?
3) What country do you live in?
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?
5) How often do you game?
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?

Thanks very much :)
1) 16 (today actually ^^)
2) I'm a gurl.
3) England.
4) I'm agnostic so I'm open to beliefs. I believe questions such as that take a person a whole lifetime sometimes to find an answer to.
5)Only a few hours a week but sometimes I go on a big spree and sit there for over 20 hours.
6) I think it feeds the mind of the already violent but cannot provoke someone to partake in a violent act.
7) No, because you might as well ban video games.
8) Yes.


The Noble Nuker
Dec 22, 2008
1) 19
2) Male
3) United States
4) Yes.
5) Pretty much daily. Usually between 1 and 3 hours, depending on my workload.
6) Cue Yahtzee Short/Long answer quote.
7) No.
8) Yes, and I don't see the problem.

Sea Age

New member
Mar 22, 2009
1) 20.
2) Male.
3) Norway.
4) No.
5) Around 10 hours a week, or more.
6) No.
7) No.
8) Only by visual representation, not more violent in itself.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
hannahdonno said:
Pr0 InSaNiTy said:
If you don't mind could you take the time to fill in the following questionnaire. Thanks :)

1) how old are you?
2) are you male or female?
3) What country do you live in?
4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?
5) How often do you game?
6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?

Thanks very much :)
1) 16 (today actually ^^)
2) I'm a gurl.
3) England.
4) I'm agnostic so I'm open to beliefs. I believe questions such as that take a person a whole lifetime sometimes to find an answer to.
5)Only a few hours a week but sometimes I go on a big spree and sit there for over 20 hours.
6) I think it feeds the mind of the already violent but cannot provoke someone to partake in a violent act.
7) No, because you might as well ban video games.
8) Yes.
Happy Birthday and thanks for the info


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
1) 16
2) Male
3) England
4) I don't believe in one, but I'm not against there being one. I'm agnostic (Neutral in this arguement) in other words.
5) Not as often as I used to. Very rarely now.
6) Nope, but I can understand why people think they could.
7) I don't think they should be, as it is as likely an influence on violence as other forms as media as well (Films, music, TV, books even, news...)
8) Yes, but the youths are wanting more violent and exciting games now so it's understandable why they are.

I'm very confusing with what I say aren't I. Hope I was a help though.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
4)Pretty much
5)8-10 hours during school year, a lot more during the summer
6)Maybe on some really impressionable kids. I'd like to think that if they were dumb enough to act out a video game, they're dumb enough to be influenced by much worse things in real life anyway.
7)No, because that's idiotic. Violation of free speech, interference in free market, and often pushing a religious agenda on a NO-ESTABLISHMENT based country, in the case of the US.
8)Yup- I've heard some gruesome things about the new God of War. Society as a whole is getting edgier. It's just a cultural trend.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Zombie_Fish said:
1) 16
2) Male
3) England
4) I don't believe in one, but I'm not against there being one. I'm agnostic (Neutral in this arguement) in other words.
5) Not as often as I used to. Very rarely now.
6) Nope, but I can understand why people think they could.
7) I don't think they should be, as it is as likely an influence on violence as other forms as media as well (Films, music, TV, books even, news...)
8) Yes, but the youths are wanting more violent and exciting games now so it's understandable why they are.

I'm very confusing with what I say aren't I. Hope I was a help though.
haha, Thanks mate :)


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
1) how old are you?

2) are you male or female?

3) What country do you live in?

4) Do you believe in god or a supernatural entity?

5) How often do you game?
~20 hours a week all told.

6) Do you believe that violence in video games has an effect on young people and the crimes they might commit?
No. Parents > games.

7) Do you believe that violent video games should be banned? If so, explain why.
Nope. ESRB does more than enough for violent games

8) Do you think that video games are getting increasingly violent?
Yes. At least in violence displayed/level of gore. That may just be because of the increasing power of computers though.