...seriously guys? You're suing the makers of The Banner Saga because "people will be confused by the name"? You're so full of crap, guys. You're becoming James Bond villains at this point, so just stop. While I don't agree with your attempt to block Candy Slots, I could somewhat see the logic in it. This? There's no friggin' logic, you're just being copyright bullies to a game that nobody will ever confuse with your freemium game and, in fact, markets itself to a completely different demographic than you guys do. You've essentially become the next Zynga, and I hope your story ends like Zynga's looks like it will. I've seen your other games in action (never played them, but seen them) and you guys don't have an original idea in your thick skulls, ripping off everything from Bejeweled to Bust-A-Move to even Peggle to an extent. I think if your ideas are just giant rip-offs of pre-existing games, you lose all right to pull crap like this.