Capcom Announces Big Screen Devil May Cry Film


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
And one of Capcom's worst kept secrets areconfirmed for the public, good show, good show.

Death_Korps_Kommissar said:
Please don't suck, please don't suck!

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
Soooo it's gonna be based off the new one huh? So Dante's gonna be an emo (could have put so much more in but don't want to be banned) in the movie, that's just great.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
What I thought when I read the title: "Oh f**k

What I thought after I read the article: "Oh f**k"

Captain Booyah

New member
Apr 19, 2010
Ohhhhh dear.

Whatever game in the franchise it's going to be based on, I'll eat my own hat if the pessimist in me doesn't say that a Devil May Cry film is perfect fodder to follow in the footsteps of the Resident Evil movies.

gigastar said:
Death_Korps_Kommissar said:
Please don't suck, please don't suck!


New member
Sep 17, 2007
vansau said:
What will be interesting to see is if Capcom is able to turn this into another successful movie franchise <a href=>on par with Resident Evil.
I think someone just hit me in the head, because I thought you just said Resident Evil was a successful movie franchise. :) I mean, really. Ew.

(yeah, I know it keeps making money, and by Hollywoods standards, that's a success. Sigh.)


New member
Sep 17, 2007
SteelStallion said:
Not going to say shit until I see a trailer and a cast.
It'd probably be even better if you didn't cast judgment until you've actually seen the offending movies. You never really know until you've experienced. That's the opinion that matters; not impressions.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
1. The Resident Evil movies sucked...not because they are loosely (very loosely) based off the games, they were just shitty zombie movies in general. Sorry guys I dont see what Alice has that a ton of other actresses don't have more of.

2. Based on the new title? Foolishness Capcom...foolishness (seewhatididthere?) The overall media attention to this new DmC title is negative, they recently released some gameplay edits and people are still booing at how trash the game will be and how they have given up on it day 1. Now we get to watch a "Twilight" version of Devil May Cry....makes me sick

3. Devil May Cry is perhaps the last thing I could see being a live action movie (maybe CGI), How about you wait awhile until you finally learn how to make a decent Street Fighter/Resident Evil game before you go onto Devil May Cry.

4. Capcom...*sigh*...I hate you...


New member
Sep 17, 2007
SteelStallion said:
Firia said:
SteelStallion said:
Not going to say shit until I see a trailer and a cast.
It'd probably be even better if you didn't cast judgment until you've actually seen the offending movies. You never really know until you've experienced. That's the opinion that matters; not impressions.
My point was that none of those movies are being made, after being "announced" in the same fashion that this one is. Until I see a trailer or a cast, as far as I'm concerned, this movie isn't happening.
My mistake. :) Carry on!

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Daystar Clarion said:
And lo! A great and mighty suckage did rain down from the heavens, and this suckage doth have a name...
I was about to ask you if you are ever positive. And then I read this:

vansau said:
No director is attached yet, but the script is being written by Kyle Ward, who wrote the screenplays for Hit Man 2 and the first Kane & Lynch.
And I realized, the problem does not lie with you but with the world. Carry on then.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Devil May Cry film? GOOD IDEA!

Devil May Cry film in the hands of Western filmmakers with likely little to no grasp of the unique aesthetic that makes Devil May Cry NOT just another schpiel about some badass shooting up enemies? BAD IDEA.

Although, if this HAS been in the works alongside the new reboot... suddenly the "de-Manga-nizing" of the franchise makes depressing sense...

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
No guy is ever going to live to my expectations of Dante: A badass guy that can kick ass AND Chew gum at the same time while breaking hearts.
Seriously, I can't think of any actor who could be good enough for this role. I can think of someone for Trish or even Lady...but no Dante. Perhaps a brand new actor is needed?

Also, don't screw this one up! Stick to the original plot, please! No adding imaginary characters as filler, no introducing weird elements, no--

Wait a minute! It just hit me! Why are they starting with DmC? That is STILL not Dante according to most of us. Release the game first and then we'll talk. But you're choosing THAT Dante as the debuting Dante? That's just a bad idea in so many ways.

...Please don't let Robert Pattinson play Dante! PLEASE don't give me reasons to have DMC, I don't want to! D8


New member
May 1, 2011
*sigh* Oh how I wish this would turn out well...oh how I wish this would be an awesome movie with Dantes super hot actor (he better be) shirtless 85% of the time...oh how I * slaps self*

Who am I kidding, it'll end up being one of those, 'so bad it's good', movies. >_<


New member
Mar 10, 2008
JokerboyJordan said:
Jumplion said:
Oh, and here comes the inevitable moaning about the new DmC! What fun! I'm so happy we can judge a game's quality by a CG trailer and 30 seconds of gameplay footage and immediately call it shit, and continue to rag on Ninja Theory because apparently they are now driving the franchise to its doom and the new game must therefore be shit and is an abomination for whatever reason. Just great.
That's because it is :)
It could be a masterpiece of a game, but it won't be a Devil May Cry game; it'll be a DmC game (seriously wtf is up with the uncapitalised 'M'? )
See, I don't see how it's "not a DMC game!" or whatever. The combat, from what little we've seen, looks fast and furious and Dante is still the arrogant prick we know and love. I've never really been a fan of Devil May Cry, but from what little I have experienced of it the new DmC looks just fine.

Really, I just do not understand the sheer hatred the game is getting. I can understand people being worried over the game, that's perfectly reasonable, I was worried for the new SSX game (though that is turning out to be friggin' awesome) and the upcoming MGS: Rising (It's probably a Metal Gear game but a Metal Gear Solid game? Hrmm...). But people are absolutely hating the game so much and refuse to even believe for one second that this game could be decent at the very least.

Again, I get being worried. I just don't get the sheer hatred.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
Death_Korps_Kommissar said:
Please don't suck, please don't suck!
vansau said:
The movie is currently being developed by Screen Gems and will be called Devil May Cry, with a storyline based off the new <a href=>DmC Devil May Cry

What will be interesting to see is if Capcom is able to turn this into another successful movie franchise <a href=>on par with Resident Evil.
i'm sorry, looks like its gonna suck... DmC was too actiony to be put into a movie. the plot was ok throughout, but only because the plot was how the setting changed, not because it was actually good.

faceless chick

New member
Sep 19, 2009
yup, it will officially suck.
probably more than the resident evil series.

fuck you capcom. you could've made an awesome action series with a memorable protagonist, but you went with twilight: the demon edition.

fuck you and your stupidity.
Aug 11, 2011
Awexsome said:
Oh come on... "The first few DmC's had a good enough story for theatres behind them. Voice acting wasn't very good (LIIIIIIGHT!) sometimes but that can be fixed.

Man... this new DmC Dante better not be the worst case scenario that he could turn out to be... I want old Dante back by the time the game/movie gets to the credits.

let's just hope they dont change his personality 'cuz if they did then they wudve totally screwed Dante to the max
"If the kid screws up...then ill just have to kick his ass" -Dante