Capcom Shows Off Street Fighter V Gamplay Footage, Reveals New Character


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I gotta be honest... this looks awesome! the bowl of spaghetti was kinda stupid it didn't fall off but the game looks gorgeous and the characters look less bulky and less anime which is great!
my only problem is the air combo thing, I'm not a big fan of them in SF since they tend to feel out of place as that's more a VS series staple but I dunno I guess it could be the change the series needs

still, why do so many animations, winning poses, and supers/ultra look like something straight out of Dead or Alive 5?


New member
May 17, 2010
Interested to see where the Charlie storyline goes, especially when/if he meets up with Guile. I'm guessing the gem means he's being mind-controlled or at least has something to do with resurrecting.

Loved the fun details in gameplay - someone loses by getting smacked into a corner and they get a "dunce cap" for the next round.