Capcom Wants to Cut Ties With The West, Increase DLC


New member
Apr 30, 2009
Wow, aren't we all hysterical in this thread...

Capcom is aiming their anger at the outsourcing efforts by western companies, granted the DLC part is still dickish...


New member
Nov 19, 2009
...did nobody actually read the article? They're not going to stop releasing games in the West, that's silly. What they WANT to do is stop outsourcing series to Western devs because that strategy hasn't really worked (funnily enough, the guy who pushed for them to do that was Keiji "I'm a whiny, bitter old man" Inafune). Probably best for them to instead try to expand their internal staff so they can get product out quickly without sacrificing quality. That self-xenophobia they perpetuated for awhile needs to be done away with so they can be allowed to stop being ashamed of being Japanese. They still do make good games and have talented staff, they've just been suffering from Jekyll and Hyde syndrome for awhile.


New member
Apr 29, 2012
It just seems like over the past couple of months game publishers have had a really tough time with PR and management, what's going on guys?


New member
Feb 8, 2008
I'm picking up the Dragon's Dogma complete version on Tuesday. It's really simple and Jimquisition has pointed it out: if you train us to wait for the complete version at $40, then why would I buy the launch game at $60. I don't care if its a year later, the game will still be enjoyable.

I'm now waiting for the complete version of DmC.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
By the way, anyone coming into this thread late reading the article title: Capcom is cutting ties with Western Developers, not the western market. We should still be seeing releases from them in the near future.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Why ever buy a capcom game when in 4 months you get the super version making the one you bought for 60$ completely worthless anyways? there are none. Capcom has not been relevant for years, and I won't even miss them now that there are so many alternatives.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Splitzi said:
It just seems like over the past couple of months game publishers have had a really tough time with PR and management, what's going on guys?
Oh, silly Splitizi!
The game industry doesn't have any PR professionals and managers!

PR professionals and managers in the game industry, hah! What a rediculous notion!


New member
Jul 12, 2012
Cutting ties with Western developers might not be a terrible idea, if they return all their IP's to Japanese devs that understand what we want. But if they don't want to actually send us games anymore well I thi-

To get the rest of Jackinmydaniels opinion, please purchase the fifteen dollar dlc.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
Colt47 said:
By the way, anyone coming into this thread late reading the article title: Capcom is cutting ties with Western Developers, not the western market. We should still be seeing releases from them in the near future.
Well that is hysteria for you...didn't help my case when I posted the article elsewhere :\

verdant monkai

New member
Oct 30, 2011
Consider my Jimmies well and truly rustled.

Their sales are probably low because they have pissed everyone off with annoying business tactics. If they imported a load of their Japanese games over here (the ones everyone wishes were available in the west) they would definitely make a profit.

They should make a poll on games that people would want to see brought to the west, with trailers and descriptions etc.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
ScruffyMcBalls said:
It also probably wouldn't hurt to localize that shiny new CryEngine 3 Monster Hunter MMO that's being beta tested in China (hint, fucking, hint).
It's being made by Tencent, so expect some of the most horrible nickel-and-diming out there.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Colt47 said:
So in other words, if a megaman game were to come out, we'll have to pay $15 USD to unlock the right to use a different mega-buster configuration and a third of the bosses are going to be locked behind a pay wall. Speaking of which, this company does realize the economy in general hasn't been too good lately and that while cutting back the number of games being developed is a good idea, throwing more DLC into the picture might ruffle a few feathers?
Meh, I think it might be a sign that Capcom is feeling the effects of gamer rage. Their practices have certainly caused me to buy a lot less Capcom products (and I spend a decent amount on games) and if message board responses are to be believed it seems plenty of people have listened to Capcom's plans and decided that they could pretty much go pound sand. Capcom having screwed people to the point where I think their very name has become an anathema of sorts.

Of course like most game companies they seem to be slow to realize the problem, or perhaps more accuratly don't want to accept it. They are pretty much re-doubling their efforts on the things that they want to be the most popular and will make them the most money, despite the fact that this isn't what the consumers want. They want to force feed us DLC for example, so they seem to be hoping that they can kind of outlast the market that hates the idea, or the market that embraces it will grow, as opposed to abandoning it.

Think back to last year and the year before with the number of people complaining about how their games were DLC loaded (with On-Disc DLC to boot), complaints about quality, marketing, and Capcom simply not giving the western audience a lot of the games it wanted to begin with. Complete with passionate declarations from people that they weren't going to support Capcom or buy their products. Here we are now, Capcom's profits are half what they expected (though they are sadly not LOSING money, just not making as much as they want), I personally think there is a connection.

As far as cutting ties with Western developers, I kind of suspect that they are being held responsible for the resistance of the Western market, and probably for telling Capcom things they don't want to hear. There seems to be a major push for asian video game companies to want to infest everything with petty DLC of a sort that Asians lap up (chance boxes even in single player titles, etc...) which has had at best limited penetration with the Western market. You'll notice for example that in response to western chance boxes for example that the usual response is "I will pay for a certainy, not a lotto roll on a virtual item", with the people buying into such programs tending to be those that are acting to support the game, rather than people specifically chasing the item or in love with the idea. Outside of the MMO arena, you see this with some JRPGs like say "Hyperdimension Neptunia" and the like which launch with tons of on-disc DLC and which try and sell hundreds of dollars of virtual items and upgrades for extra money... in a single player game. With fighters you've seen things like "pay to win" boost gems in "Street Fighter X Tekken" and similar things.

At any rate, I'm rambling, the basic point is that I think Capcom is facing the repercussions of it's business practices and doesn't want to face reality or change it's ways.

As far as the ending note of the article, let me put it this way, them releasing "Ducktales" is irrelevent if they want to charge you for tons of pay locked DLC. I'd rather see no "Ducktales" at all, then see the game come out with tons of DLC packs to play as your favorite characters, change costumes, or unlock certain areas, only to find out that most of this DLC is on your disc (having been developed to begin with) and they are simply trying to extort an extra $100 or so from you over a period of time for things that should have been included to begin with. The original game was decent, but I'd rather it remain a pleasant memory than be tainted by Capcom's business practices.... of course I DO find a degree of irony here, people tend to liken the practices of game developers like Capcom, EA, Activision, etc... to Uncle Scrooge, and make cracks about the execs swimming in money bins and such... it does seem oddly appropriate that a game about Uncle Scrooge would serve to gouge money out of the players. ;)


New member
Apr 16, 2012
lapan said:
ScruffyMcBalls said:
It also probably wouldn't hurt to localize that shiny new CryEngine 3 Monster Hunter MMO that's being beta tested in China (hint, fucking, hint).
It's being made by Tencent, so expect some of the most horrible nickel-and-diming out there.
I've been waiting five years to play a Monster Hunter MMO, it'll be worth it. (It won't, I'm already crying inside at the thought of having to pay $30 to craft Rathalos armour)


New member
Jan 23, 2009
GamerMage said:
viranimus said:
Hrm... I dunno. That sounds pretty insulting to me. Loosely translated its almost like saying

"In Japan and across Asia, We are Gods. Anything we make people buy. But you evil westerners with your expectations and standards. We do not wish to sell you our games any longer because we are afraid your reasonable expectations might infect others here and how can we allow that? We do not come to your country and tell YOU who you can gouge do we?"

In the west, We know just exactly how little Capcom thinks of their customers, but it is baffling how those in the East simply are not seeing it and in fact are protecting them from the bankruptcy they have been begging for for years.

LOL Captcha.. You So crazzee. "Know your rights" Yep, I do, especially the right not to give arrogant douche nozzles my money for snip jobs and copypastas out the ying yang.
"Yes you do! Remember last year?" I concur. Frak you too,Capcom. Every dang time I start to respect (Ok,like,not respect) you, you pull something like this! Asura's Wrath? Good! Dragon's Dogma? Heard it was good! It's not rocket science! You didn't do enough to keep the fans satisfied enough to over look your faults. 5$ for the real ending in Asura's Wrath? Really?
Funnily enough the main story of Asuras Wrath seemed complete enough that i never felt the urge to do the secret chapter or the DLC at all


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Bye Bye Capcom. You should have perished in the 16-bit era. The Masters of milking a franchise really have no place to criticize anyone.
Urgh.*shakes head*