CD Projekt Aims to Refresh the Cyberpunk Setting

Sep 14, 2009
DVS BSTrD said:
Just as long as Ashton Kutcher has nothing to fo with this project I have high hopes.
okay i'm curious, did ashton kutcher somehow have anything to do with the witcher 1 or 2?

if so, I had never heard anything about it before, and i'm really intrigued.
Moonlight Butterfly said:
Oh look a half naked women, why am I not surprised. I guess hoping they have learned anything at all was a waste of time.
oh look, judging a cyborg and entire game off of one sweeping generalization. glad to know your bitterness of the horrid card collection mini game is still intact.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
lacktheknack said:
Moonlight Butterfly said:
Oh look a half naked women, why am I not surprised. I guess hoping they have learned anything at all was a waste of time.
They re-used the woman from the commercial. She just happens to be wearing a nightie. The point is that she has freaking scythes coming out of her arms.

Please tell me you're not going to dismiss the whole game because the promo poster has cleavage.
Sigh, I just wish all games could let women be straight up badasses like Lara and not have to have the proviso that they get their tits out for the lads.

Is it so bad to be tired of being ignored by devs who think all gamers are horny men.

I'm not dismissing the whole game. It just doesn't look like a good sign.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Moonlight Butterfly said:
lacktheknack said:
Moonlight Butterfly said:
Oh look a half naked women, why am I not surprised. I guess hoping they have learned anything at all was a waste of time.
They re-used the woman from the commercial. She just happens to be wearing a nightie. The point is that she has freaking scythes coming out of her arms.

Please tell me you're not going to dismiss the whole game because the promo poster has cleavage.
Sigh, I just wish all games could let women be straight up badasses like Lara and not have to have the proviso that they get their tits out for the lads.

Is it so bad to be tired of being ignored by devs who think all gamers are horny men.
The thing is, I don't think the pic is really aimed at horny dudes. Any thoughts I might have on her breasts are overridden by "OH GOD, WHAT IS COMING OUT OF HER ARMS?"

I'll admit it's unfortunately chosen, but I don't think it's a good idea to abandon it all because of a promo image.

Imagine if someone saw a picture of Cammy in a Street Fighter promo, and naturally assumed it was targeting only pervy men and paid it no more heed (not only are they missing out on a truly high-quality fighting game, the males are just as - or more - sexualized as/than the women, and the roster has non-sexualized examples of both genders).

Or, to use your own example, imagine if you abandoned the Tomb Raider reboot right after the incredibly bone-headed "You'll want to protect her" comment at E3. Apparently, from what I'm hearing, you'd be missing out on the second coming of Christ.

EDIT: Saw your edit... my point still stands. The examples above didn't look particularly promising either.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
lacktheknack said:
I'll keep my eye on it at least. You never know maybe they will let us make our own characters and dress them appropriately.

Looking closer at the pic I do like the fact it looks like she has scars on her legs. That's pretty cool.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Moonlight Butterfly said:
lacktheknack said:
I'll keep my eye on it at least. You never know maybe they will let us make our own characters and dress them appropriately.

Looking closer at the pic I do like the fact it looks like she has scars on her legs. That's pretty cool.
Another alternative: I don't know how people dress in the game's universe. It's possible that all "standard" clothes would look military to us (maybe they all dress in metal plate? I just bet there aren't jeans and t-shirts anymore). So, to get across that it's specifically civilians that have the augmentations, maybe underwear was the best choice to get that across, as it looks the most civilian compared to what we wear today. And then they try to overextend the metaphor by using a woman, because traditionally they're more "civilian" than men.

Note: All of the above was yanked out of my ass because I overthink things. :p

The leg scarring is a good touch, yes. Makes you realize she paid a heck of a price for those scythes.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
lacktheknack said:
If we pull Scientology out of the equation, then I'm not sure which religions you're referring to.

There's no "blackmail" in Zakat or other texts telling you to give money to the needy. I cannot think of a single religion that requires you to donate to the church or you'll go to hell (ignoring Scientology). Likewise, there's no "brainwashing" in telling your congregation they should give. If they believe their holy text is correct, and it says to give to the poor, then that is that.

If you're talking about specific churches and gatherings that actively use brainwashing and spiritual blackmail to squeeze money out of the followers, then you're dealing with "corruption", a dissection-worthy topic that goes far beyond mere religion. No religion is inherently corrupt in how it treats its followers (aside from, say, Scientology), they don't need to be "handled without kid gloves".
Of COURSE we're talking about the corrupt ones. The ones who insist you tithe 10% or you can not be a full member of the church, and if you're not a member of the church then all your previous business associates who ARE members of the church will shun you or deny you service.

It's not like the giant conglomerates aren't going to be corrupt either. Work for 14 hours a day to buy this cybernetic supplement to keep yourself alive that is produced by the very company you work for. Oh, we're cutting your pay but you now get a discount on the supplement in exchange... that also has addictive qualities and we're watering it down slowly. So the character takes a stand and tries to shut down the company but oh wait, now there?s no more of this drug being produced to keep these people alive. Is slavery worse than death? Who are you to decide that for other people?

I'm interested in what the situation of religions is going to be in Cyberpunk 2077. Is religion on its last legs? Has it been reborn? Have new ones emerged? How do the current religions keep members when electronic communication is not only so prevalent but required in order to operate in daily life? Religions are going to face new opportunities and new challenges in the Cyberpunk universe, and the largest ones are likely not going to be run by those who actually believe what they?re preaching.

EDIT: I have no idea how that quoted Butterfly, changed it to reflect who actually posted.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
lacktheknack said:
Moonlight Butterfly said:
lacktheknack said:
I'll keep my eye on it at least. You never know maybe they will let us make our own characters and dress them appropriately.

Looking closer at the pic I do like the fact it looks like she has scars on her legs. That's pretty cool.
Another alternative: I don't know how people dress in the game's universe. It's possible that all "standard" clothes would look military to us (maybe they all dress in metal plate? I just bet there aren't jeans and t-shirts anymore). So, to get across that it's specifically civilians that have the augmentations, maybe underwear was the best choice to get that across, as it looks the most civilian compared to what we wear today. And then they try to overextend the metaphor by using a woman, because traditionally they're more "civilian" than men.

Note: All of the above was yanked out of my ass because I overthink things. :p

The leg scarring is a good touch, yes. Makes you realize she paid a heck of a price for those scythes.
I like to think they dress in punk outfits so like ripped jeans and net tank top at base (without armour) net top? I dunno maybe I'm taking shit.xD

They better let me have a green mohawk. At least.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Abomination said:
Moonlight Butterfly said:
If we pull Scientology out of the equation, then I'm not sure which religions you're referring to.

There's no "blackmail" in Zakat or other texts telling you to give money to the needy. I cannot think of a single religion that requires you to donate to the church or you'll go to hell (ignoring Scientology). Likewise, there's no "brainwashing" in telling your congregation they should give. If they believe their holy text is correct, and it says to give to the poor, then that is that.

If you're talking about specific churches and gatherings that actively use brainwashing and spiritual blackmail to squeeze money out of the followers, then you're dealing with "corruption", a dissection-worthy topic that goes far beyond mere religion. No religion is inherently corrupt in how it treats its followers (aside from, say, Scientology), they don't need to be "handled without kid gloves".
Of COURSE we're talking about the corrupt ones. The ones who insist you tithe 10% or you can not be a full member of the church, and if you're not a member of the church then all your previous business associates who ARE members of the church will shun you or deny you service.

It's not like the giant conglomerates aren't going to be corrupt either. Work for 14 hours a day to buy this cybernetic supplement to keep yourself alive that is produced by the very company you work for. Oh, we're cutting your pay but you now get a discount on the supplement in exchange... that also has addictive qualities and we're watering it down slowly. So the character takes a stand and tries to shut down the company but oh wait, now there?s no more of this drug being produced to keep these people alive. Is slavery worse than death? Who are you to decide that for other people?

I'm interested in what the situation of religions is going to be in Cyberpunk 2077. Is religion on its last legs? Has it been reborn? Have new ones emerged? How do the current religions keep members when electronic communication is not only so prevalent but required in order to operate in daily life? Religions are going to face new opportunities and new challenges in the Cyberpunk universe, and the largest ones are likely not going to be run by those who actually believe what they?re preaching.
It's just that this site has had issues with anti-theists in the past, and I thought your first post was... a little aggressive. Probably because I become hypersensitive when religion pops up. :p

I'm also interested in how they depict region in the game, but I won't be surprised if they straight-up don't. It's not integral to the setting, all things told.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
Moonlight Butterfly said:
lacktheknack said:
I'll keep my eye on it at least. You never know maybe they will let us make our own characters and dress them appropriately.

Looking closer at the pic I do like the fact it looks like she has scars on her legs. That's pretty cool.
I understand how having half-naked women everywhere is getting pretty damn silly but in this case I would say it's suitable.

I think it's supposed to be showing how a woman who looks like is wearing not much at all and is actually very attractive by conventional means with no signs of serious "augmentation". Now this woman has fucking scythes coming out of her forearms and bullets just bounce right off her exposed "flesh". That's right, her fucking "skin" is able to deflect the latest in ballistic weaponry, she has blades in her arms and she looks like a normal person even in underwear. No Adam Jensen metal arms, hexagonal plates in the forehead, or wires and gears to betray her incredible augmentation.

Naked. Bullet-proof. Arm-scythes. Homicidal.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Abomination said:
Moonlight Butterfly said:
lacktheknack said:
I'll keep my eye on it at least. You never know maybe they will let us make our own characters and dress them appropriately.

Looking closer at the pic I do like the fact it looks like she has scars on her legs. That's pretty cool.
I understand how having half-naked women everywhere is getting pretty damn silly but in this case I would say it's suitable.

I think it's supposed to be showing how a woman who looks like is wearing not much at all and is actually very attractive by conventional means with no signs of serious "augmentation". Now this woman has fucking scythes coming out of her forearms and bullets just bounce right off her exposed "flesh". That's right, her fucking "skin" is able to deflect the latest in ballistic weaponry, she has blades in her arms and she looks like a normal person even in underwear. No Adam Jensen metal arms, hexagonal plates in the forehead, or wires and gears to betray her incredible augmentation.

Naked. Bullet-proof. Arm-scythes. Homicidal.
To my cynical mind they have just done that so they can make her naked in game...


New member
Dec 17, 2012
lacktheknack said:
It's just that this site has had issues with anti-theists in the past, and I thought your first post was... a little aggressive. Probably because I become hypersensitive when religion pops up. :p

I'm also interested in how they depict region in the game, but I won't be surprised if they straight-up don't. It's not integral to the setting, all things told.
I would like to see both ends of the spectrum. Religious organisations offering comfort and assistance to people who actually need it without asking for compensation, a ray of morality and hope in a city consumed by conflict with your fellow man for survival and profit.

It isn't integral, I agree, but it can still be a very strong social or cultural device and CD Projekt has shown they enjoy depicting every level of the society in their settings.

Moonlight Butterfly said:
To my cynical mind they have just done that so they can make her naked in game...
It would be a bit too much effort lore-wise for an excuse JUST to have half-naked women. I mean if you want tits in a game just involve a brothel or strip club - you know there will be one, it's a cyberpunk setting, there WILL be a strip club scene/district.

It could have been a dude but I think a male being bulletproof and violent is somewhat established as a regular trope. Women are still generally perceived as being less violent and certainly more vulnerable than men so to have a woman with those abilities and that mindset is, I guess, supposed to make it more jarring.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
I think an interesting divergence from the corrupt mega-corp would be a religion of modification. They go above and beyond what is considered normal, like replacing parts of their brains with cybernetics. Make them, on the surface, seem intelligent, well mannered advocates for modification, if not a little odd. Then have some kind of plot where they abduct and install some kind of brain chip in important people to further their beliefs. Make this a crazy religion(but not outwardly), but not a corrupt one. Maybe the reason they do this is because there's some kind of limiter placed on modifications that they can't perform unnatural purposes(like giving yourself a tail) or have modifications that surpass human capability.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I think the only thing they need to do to "revolutionize" the cyberpunk genre in gaming is to finally let you play a damn cyberpunk. Not a rogue superagent (see Deus Ex), not a corporate enforcer (Human Revolution, Syndicate FPS), but a lowlife with high tech on their hands. And hopefully, with Pondsmith on board, they'll be doing just that.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Last thing I want in a Cyberpunk game is "good/evil" morale system. Shades of gray has always been the better choice for me. Hence why I usually like to play chaotic good aligned characters in RPG's.

I have faith in CDPR nonetheless.

I must state that I don't know almost nothing about the Cyberpunk tabletop game or universe. I know the setting though, although that can interpreted in many ways. Deus Ex Human Revolution was in a cyberpunk setting as far as I know.
Aug 31, 2012
Moonlight Butterfly said:
To my cynical mind they have just done that so they can make her naked in game...
Abomination said:
It would be a bit too much effort lore-wise for an excuse JUST to have half-naked women.
Just to chip in, the Gemini full borg conversion has been around since 1993 in the source material. It'll bounce standard ball cased 5.56mmNATO point blank every time. That said, the "skin" is layered over the ballistic fibre/plate layer so bullets would damage the disguise, but basically, yeah it is from the original source material with a small modification.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Zykon TheLich said:
Moonlight Butterfly said:
To my cynical mind they have just done that so they can make her naked in game...
Abomination said:
It would be a bit too much effort lore-wise for an excuse JUST to have half-naked women.
Just to chip in, the Gemini full borg conversion has been around since 1993 in the source material. It'll bounce standard ball cased 5.56mmNATO point blank every time. That said, the "skin" is layered over the ballistic fibre/plate layer so bullets would damage the disguise, but basically, yeah it is from the original source material with a small modification.
Fair enough. I just hope they give her some clothes in the final version.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Moonlight Butterfly said:
Zykon TheLich said:
Moonlight Butterfly said:
To my cynical mind they have just done that so they can make her naked in game...
Abomination said:
It would be a bit too much effort lore-wise for an excuse JUST to have half-naked women.
Just to chip in, the Gemini full borg conversion has been around since 1993 in the source material. It'll bounce standard ball cased 5.56mmNATO point blank every time. That said, the "skin" is layered over the ballistic fibre/plate layer so bullets would damage the disguise, but basically, yeah it is from the original source material with a small modification.
Fair enough. I just hope they give her some clothes in the final version.
Well, since you bring out the topic, have a quote from the interview the Escapist is linking:
Q: The Cyberpunk trailer was very provocative and came at a time when people were questioning the portrayal and role of female game characters - was it an intentionally controversial piece of advertising?

Adam Badowski: I think some people overreacted - we had long discussions about the roles of the female characters. We have women in our writing team, so we had both sides and directions to the discussion. It's not a part of our marketing strategy. I think the female character in the teaser is a strong character - she's not just a girl. We'll probably show that later on in our next teasers and trailers.

It's really not our strategy to be controversial in this way on this topic.
If I'm interpreting the trailer correctly, after shutting down her cyberpsychosis, she gets conscripted into the MAX-TAC, becoming part of the Cyber-SWAT teams.