Celebrate 10 Years of Xbox Live With Free Stuff


New member
Aug 12, 2011
Man, i have been with Xbox Live since 2002, why didnt I get a new Xbox, (i actually need one, got rid of mine a couple of weeks ago before it died totally.)

Of well, i guess i will settle on the 10 year helmet i got for free. hat i cant really download because i dont have an Xbox...Yet STILL paying for Xbox live. I love it that much, that i will pay for it without the ability to use it, LOL.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
CardinalPiggles said:
chimpzy said:
So assuming if I lived in the US I could use my Xbox 360 to win an Xbox 360?

Uh yeah ... amazing.
You could sell the "very limited edition" Xbox 360 *wink wink*.
And use that money to buy games or something else. I don't give a hoot about it being a limited edition or special and such, so yeah, that is indeed what I would do.

But unfortunately, I don't live in the US. Neither do any of the other offers appeal very much due to either being a game I already own, a game I don't want or a game that would require a ?150 investment.

It's all rather lackluster too. I mean, it's their 10 year anniversary. One would expect something meatier.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
CardinalPiggles said:
Oh wait "not available in your country". Well that sucks.
OH WAIT You need to kinect to play Wreckateer. Oh, fuck you then.
Evil Smurf said:
Wait, some people don't have Bastion? GO BUY IT NAO!
I honestly didn't enjoy it when I played the demo. And before you say the music is great, I have the soundtrack and love it to bits.
Damn, counted!

Actually I've been thinking of getting a game console, I'll probably get a WiiU.


Dec 1, 2011
Evil Smurf said:
Wait, some people don't have Bastion? GO BUY IT NAO!
I might download the trial when I'm not busy playing Halo 4. Or Minecraft. Or Gotham City Imposters. Or Iron Brigade if I'm in the mood. Although actually buying it is probably out of the question unless I really like it and can buy it for 400MS points or less.(I'm kind of broke)

OT: Yeah, I think I'll pass on the whole celebration thing unless I know I'm going to get something I actually want.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Great if your still into xbox like I was 3 years ago but now I could care less and will settle on getting those games in a bundle on steam for a mere fraction rather then pay 10$ each which microsoft thinks is a good deal.

Infact, I'll pass and keep saving for the steam christmas sale where MP is free.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Z of the Na said:

Way to take a happy occasion and trash it with your cynicism, guys. Really? You came here to complain, yet again, about Micro$oft's business practices that at this point is far beyond old news? How about talking about something else for a change?

Like how far Xbox Live as come since the days of Halo 2?

[sub]Christ, you guys are buzz-kills. Grow up.[/sub]

OT: What a 10 years it has been. I remember the days of the Xbox 1 and its crude interface. It was a different era. Now look where we are, eh? How time flies.

Thank you, M$, for the sweepstakes gamer picture and the free Kinect game. Those of us with Kinects will enjoy it.
You just had to pay money for something everyone else gives you for free. Thanks MS!


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
10 years ago, everything you downloaded on Xbox LIVE WAS free because you paid 50 bucks for the god damn service. I bought it day-one and played on it until MS lured in enough users and DLC started to cost extra beginning with halo 2 and canceled.

Now look, advertizements everywhere. Happy fucking anniversary.



Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
"It's Xbox Live's birthday! Oh, how wonderful our service is!" (wonderful enough to withhold online multiplayer, which is usually free, for $60 in a bundle including a dozen discounts per week that are mostly DLC and only 25%)

"Here! Have a free game," (which is the Kinect "Angry Rocks" game that is for free for only 2 days)

"a sweepstakes," (for the thing almost everyone who cares about Xbox Live has and sometimes already have decorated for a game/occasion: a 360)

"and some other sales!" (which are all party games except for Battlefield and Bastion)

Okay, so the sales aren't that bad, but seriously: the best thing I find about Xbox Live Gold is that I was able to leave it without calling Customer Service.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
A Smooth Criminal said:
Oh goody, they have a sale on about 7 or 8 games... They are so generous, I wonder why no other company does sales like these ever... *Cough* PS+, Steam*

No but seriously, Microsoft are so incredibly uptight about game sales it's unbelievable. And as Mr.K. pointed out, the free game is Kinect. The only ones who can benefit from this are people who buy Kinect. They are just shamelessly trying to add something to reasons for people to buy a Kinect.

I don't care if people see this as "OH MY GOD THEY'RE JUST DOING YOU A FAVOR AND DOING SOMETHING NICE FOR A CHANGE!" because the fact is that they have foul intentions behind this 'nice thing'.
Yeah, MicroSoft is having a 10 year anniversary and celebrates that with 7 games on sale. Steam is currently celebrating the weekly event called Weekend Sale and got 2 games on sale + daily deal.

Well at least for once their sales aren't exclusive to gold members. Now they are doing this to make money of course, but why is it a bad thing? Sales might just be to sell more copies of a game, but it's still good for the consumer. Cynicism and entitlement is really starting to annoy me.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Palademon said:
ForgottenPr0digy said:
you lucky bastard??
Not mine, unfortunately. Never got internet for my original box.
Just saw it on imgur the other day.
But... certainly if they had been constantly paying for Xbox Live for ten years, they would already own an Xbox 360 in working condition? I don't understand...

Anyway, I wish they would have done Dust as the free game instead of Wreckateer, since I'm never going to get a Kinect, but oh well. Free games are still free games, so good for all the people who already own a Kinect I guess.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
TimeLord said:
Oh look at that. The competition to win a limited edition 360 "is not available in your region" (UK). Thanks for thinking about us Microsoft :(
Same here in NZ. It's always the case when anything has a competition online it seems. Great that they made the free game one you have to have a Kinect for too, classy move their Microsoft.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
In this thread, people realize that Xbox Live is not Steam. Shock.

Whatever you guys, Wreckateer is a great Kinect game, and since I have one, I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it.

Like yeah, Xbox Live is obviously not as good as Steam, and has a fuckton of problems. And I'm happy for them to give the occasional good thing. I know you guys love to complain, but maybe if they get a positive response to this, they'd be encouraged to do it more often in the future. Instead of "Whelp, we gave a free game and put a bunch of great games on sale and they still complained. Best not try that again."

Oh oh and while paying for a service that's free on ps3 might kind of suck, updating a game takes seconds/minutes on Xbox Live, compared to the occasionally hours it takes on PS3. It makes me think that money is going somewhere productive.

Although considering the money they make from ads on top of it, whereas most places will REMOVE ads if you pay for their service, yeah. THAT is definite bullshit.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
You know guys, the Xbox isn't the only thing you can win.

Heh, this reminds me of the Launch Edition 360's that the whole team got.

Here's a link for what I'm talking about. http://majornelson.com/2005/12/01/xbox-360-launch-team-gift/


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Reminds me of that time when PSN had technical difficulties and, as a reward, gave each of its members three free games.

Actually no, it doesnt.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Here! Have a free game! Just buy this Kinect and you can play it...

Yes, i'm willing to bet they did that on purpose.

Doctor Proctor

Omega-3 Man
Oct 21, 2008
Honestly, I'm happy with my free helmet and recognition from MS for being an XBLA member for 8 years. And then they're giving away a free game with sales on other games to boot? Great! Why does everyone have to **** all over them though?

Sure, Steam does more sales, blah, blah, blah, but Steam doesn't let me relax on my couch and play Halo 4 online with my buddies that I've been playing with since 2004. The whole reason I got XBLA was to play Halo 2 with my friends that did Halo:CE LAN parties, and I've never looked back since.

Yes, they charge for the service, and yes, they serve ads, but they've always delivered an excellent product worth the money to me. If you're not a fan of that, fine, go play Steam or PlayStation and stop thread-crapping every time MS does something nice for their supporters.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
A Smooth Criminal said:
It's a bad thing because of the spirit of it. The only free game they're giving away is for the kinect, they are just trying to boost the sales. And the only games which are on sale are indie games or dated games which they don't lose much revenue for, which gives them better PR as it says "OMG MICRO$OFT $ALE!"
So a company trying to give away something free in order to boost sales is bad? Is there any company (except charities) who gives away free stuff just to see a few smiles?

Doctor Proctor

Omega-3 Man
Oct 21, 2008
A Smooth Criminal said:
Yopaz said:
A Smooth Criminal said:
Oh goody, they have a sale on about 7 or 8 games... They are so generous, I wonder why no other company does sales like these ever... *Cough* PS+, Steam*

No but seriously, Microsoft are so incredibly uptight about game sales it's unbelievable. And as Mr.K. pointed out, the free game is Kinect. The only ones who can benefit from this are people who buy Kinect. They are just shamelessly trying to add something to reasons for people to buy a Kinect.

I don't care if people see this as "OH MY GOD THEY'RE JUST DOING YOU A FAVOR AND DOING SOMETHING NICE FOR A CHANGE!" because the fact is that they have foul intentions behind this 'nice thing'.
Yeah, MicroSoft is having a 10 year anniversary and celebrates that with 7 games on sale. Steam is currently celebrating the weekly event called Weekend Sale and got 2 games on sale + daily deal.

Well at least for once their sales aren't exclusive to gold members. Now they are doing this to make money of course, but why is it a bad thing? Sales might just be to sell more copies of a game, but it's still good for the consumer. Cynicism and entitlement is really starting to annoy me.
It's a bad thing because of the spirit of it. The only free game they're giving away is for the kinect, they are just trying to boost the sales. And the only games which are on sale are indie games or dated games which they don't lose much revenue for, which gives them better PR as it says "OMG MICRO$OFT $ALE!"
That is the silliest argument. Seriously.

1) Wreckateer is published by MS Game Studios. That means that there's no revenue sharing with a third party publisher, which makes it much easier to give it away free, since they have greater control over it.

2) You make the argument that MS put these older Indie titles on sale because it's easier to get around the revenue loss, which doesn't make sense given that the only FREE game is actually just 4 months old.

3) Since it's not a first party dev, MS is most likely going to be paying Iron Galaxy Games for every "Free" copy picked up by people. That adds up to a lot of money...that they're giving away for free.

4) Considering how many people said "Don't have a Kinect", I doubt that Wreckateer itself will drive huge sales of Kinect. It *might* sway a couple of people on the fence, but considering that there's already over 18 million Kinects that have been sold (as of January, 2012), this probably won't amount to much.

5) Basically, Kinect is already a massive success as far as MS is concerned, so they don't need gimmicks to sell them. In fact, they probably stand to lose substantially more money through the free Wreckateer gift than they would make from the tiny percentage of people that say "Oh, I got a free Kinect XBLA game? Time to buy a Kinect!". Economically, the conspiracy scenario of MS picking this game to drive Kinect sales just makes zero sense.

6) As for the others that are just on a regular sale? Don't make me laugh... Plain and simple, it's a mix of really people popular games from different years and genres. Excepting the poker game, I either own or know someone that owns each of those games. And considering how popular online and televised poker is, I'm sure that's a huge seller as well that just wasn't on my radar. These aren't decrepit games from the dustbin, they're probably some of the more popular games that have ever been on XBLA.