CES: Natal Will Consume 15% of Xbox 360 CPU


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
Baby Tea said:
Right! When it's in use!
You post made it sound like it would take up CPU power if it was just plugged in, but not in use (Like on the dashboard, or playing a non-natal game). I bet they could make it use less if they were to scale back what it's doing, though that's my own assumption.
That's just hyperbole BT, all the cool kids use it. That's the concern though, that by scaling back what they were doing, it'll take away from the game, then again, do we really need such shiny graphics?

Sevre90210 said:
Baby Tea said:
Imagine it being used simply as a lean command when playing a shooter. I lean right, my guys leans right. Sweet!
I can't wait to see how it reacts when you fall over BT!
Bwahaha! That'll open the door to all new levels of both Machinima and 'noob' calling.
Sign me up.
The amount of barrel roll videos that will be on Youtube when it's released will not be funny!

EDIT: I broke the quote machine.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
If the Wii can continue to sell like crazy while using a processor that's slightly weaker than X-Box Numero Uno, then the 360 can certainly take a fairly slight graphical hit for an overall improved experience and still sell games. If the Wii has shown us anything, it's that execution is the key to implementing motion controls. If you don't believe me, then play Splinter Cell or Marvel Ultimate Alliance for Wii, and then play a game like Metroid Prime or Medal of Honor Heroes 2.

The trade-off is worth it. While I'm not convinced that motion controls are the future, if you're not a mouse-and-keyboard kind of guy (or girl) then well implemented motion controls cannot be beat.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Baby Tea said:
Sevre90210 said:
So your Xbox, which has substantially less power than your PC, doing more than all of that while just having Natal plugged in, isn't massive? Imagine the overheating issues while playing a game?
No where in the article does it say that Natal takes up 15% while 'just plugged in', only when in actual use.
And I'm assuming that if the thing is doing everything that it can do.
Just having it plugged in won't tax the CPU any more then having a disk drive plugged into your computer that isn't in use. And any game that ends up supporting Natal will know this ahead of time, and they can plan and program accordingly.

So what's the big deal?

More on topic, I'm looking forward to see how Natal is used.
I don't think anyone doubts the silly shovelware that is sure to spawn, but there are bigger opportunities here then playing 'Breakout' with your hands and feet. Imagine it being used simply as a lean command when playing a shooter. I lean right, my guys leans right. Sweet!

Or, for another shooter example, imagine a multiplayer FPS (Or TPS) where your mic chatter is heard by everyone near by (Sort of like Halo 3), so in order to remain stealthy, you can issue orders and commands with hand movements (Think Navy Seals). Not too obtrusive, yet still pretty cool.

There is plenty of potential here, we'll just have to wait and see how it's used.
Actually one thing you could also do that no one seems to have really thought of are RTS's. RTS's almost never work on consoles becasue using a game controller is never as percise as a mouse, and theres no way to group your units due to a lack of a keyboard. If the Natal can do what Microsoft claims it can, theres no reason you couldn't set up a command console, and control it like one of the computers in the movie Minority Report. Plus with added voice command, that would be pretty badass. You would actually feel like a futuristic commander. I'm not sure if theres a market it for it though.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
CD-R said:
Actually one thing you could also do that no one seems to have really thought of are RTS's. RTS's almost never work on consoles becasue using a game controller is never as percise as a mouse, and theres no way to group your units due to a lack of a keyboard. If the Natal can do what Microsoft claims it can, theres no reason you couldn't set up command console, and control it like one of the computers in the movie Minority Report. Plus with added voice command, that would be pretty badass. You would actually feel like a futuristic commander. I'm not sure if theres a market it for it though.
I'd try it!
I loved the voice commands for EndWar (Best console RTS ever, if you ask me), so I'm totally up for a different approach using Natal!
If they could pull it off, of course. It'd be tricky.

Jaqen Hghar

New member
Feb 11, 2009
Virgil said:
I'm more looking forward to the applications to the rest of the interface. The original demos not only demonstrated the motion controls, but also facial and voice recognition. Voice and gesture commands could really improve the base system interface for people that aren't comfortable with a controller, like my wife, which would really make all the non-gaming features much more useful for her. It would be nice if she could easily watch Netflix, stream music, and check Facebook on the TV without needing any help from me.

The camera system they're using is very impressive though, and far more capable than what the Wii is able to do with it's current controllers. It's very likely that Natal-based XBLA Wii Sports equivalents could play significantly better, and wouldn't use even close to the power that a normal AAA title does. It would be a huge win for Microsoft if they can get a Xbox/Natal bundle out for a similar price to the Wii.
Exactly. I cannot understand why everyone are saying it will be crap, just a gimmic etc. when it might just work perfectly for what it is intended. And it is not like you have to buy it. It is optional.

The way the facial recognition is supposed to work might also enhance a lot of games, seeing how it could scan in your face and make it animate as you talk. If it turns out to work perfectly in those ways, and there are a few cool games supporting it, I might just get it.

But what do I know, I own a Wii. I mean, how can someone playing that have anything to say! We all know games like Twilight Princess, No More Heroes, Mario Galaxy, Rabbids Go Home, Okami etc aren't real games...
Thank God I also game on the 360 and my PC! Or else I wouldn't be a real gamer.

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
Baby Tea said:
I'd try it!
I loved the voice commands for EndWar (Best console RTS ever, if you ask me), so I'm totally up for a different approach using Natal!
If they could pull it off, of course. It'd be tricky.
I remember hearing about that. Did the whole voice command interface actually work out decently?

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Danny Ocean said:
Baby Tea said:
I'd try it!
I loved the voice commands for EndWar (Best console RTS ever, if you ask me), so I'm totally up for a different approach using Natal!
If they could pull it off, of course. It'd be tricky.
I remember hearing about that. Did the whole voice command interface actually work out decently?
Worked great for me!
The online 'Theater of War' was a big flop, but the single player is certainly fun!
And the game is super cheap right now, too, making it a bargain (I think so, anyways).


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Fuck that then.
I hated the concept as it is, but now?

Way to sell it to me Microsoft. Does good old Pretentious Pete have any words of hype for the ol' machine? No? Well then, I might just buy it...


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Lets hope they learned from nintendo and spurred 3rd-party software development for the peripheral.


New member
May 20, 2008
GethinPetrelli said:
I'm more worried at the fact that:-

a)It has a brain
b)It can see through your body and know what you've got behind your back
and c)It has complete knowledge of human anatomy

When the machinces take over natal will kill us all.
best and least idiotic post on this thread so far.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I look at this, then think back at the previous accessories released for a system that were supposed to revitalize it. Atari2600 port for the 5200, Sega 32x and SegaCD, then the mysterious port on the N64 that never got used. Well Microsoft, it was nice knowing you in the console market. This is going to be wonky, or fry your console all the faster(like it needs help). Or both. Save your money and your 360. Don't buy it.
Microsoft would be better off scrapping this and using the money they have left over towards development of the nextgen console with 3D visuals in mind. Quit following the lead and instead do something to take it over, dumbarses.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Natal HAS ITS OWN CPU, it will use that instead of taking 15% of the xbox's. so no problems there.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
This will suck more than the Wii controller. The motion detection as described there sound`s really bad and inexact in my opinion.

Just so you know I called it.