Geth Reich (Yakob) said:
Since their not forcing the DLC on anyone and it changes absolutely nothing in terms of gameplay, does it really matter? Some people might want a wolf guarding their backs, others a Dragon and others yet some sort of tentacle cat-girl robot in an SS. Handschar uniform - let them pay if they want says I.
Actually, it
DOES matter. They've already set a painfully clear precedence with the last game by selling an obscene amount of "customization" for prices that don't match the worth. And to clarify here, these kind of optional things were most typically awarded in-game for doing actual work. Challenges, leveling guns, prestiging, all of that gave you cards, weapon skins, and the like.
This is no different, and the "Horse Armor" was much the same issue. It's a purely cosmetic item that implied use when there was none, and what many people claim is actually a rather insignificant additional health to the horse from it. Considering how generally shitty horses controlled, and the overbearingly popularity of Shadowmere as the invincible horse and storage chest, there was no reason to pay 2-3 bucks for it.
Specially considering said armor could bug out Shadowmere, thus robbing players of the best horse in the game.
These are the kind of things that shouldn't be sold through DLC, and instead should be earned through playing the game. And the price of slapping in a half-baked wolf skin on a simple asset is far below the price they are asking for.