Changing lightbulbs, gamer style


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Throughout history, mankind has been plagued by one great, unsolvable riddle. It is a hydra of puzzlement, with countless heads revealing more about the truthseekers than we care to admit. This question:

How many (X) does it take to change a lightbulb?

In an effort to expand the horizons of mankind's knowledge, I put forth my own observations and hope you will do the same.

How many ... does it take to change a lightbulb?

Super Mario Brothers players?
Two, color coded red and green. Then they'll also have to do it several times because usually when they open the box, there's just a note saying "try another box."

JRPG players?
Unless you're using some kind of strategy guide, you'll never know there WAS a lightbulb changing quest.

Dead Space fans?
Three or four. One to try the quick time approach, one to try the minigame approach, one that drops in and out to help and make the process less scary, and one to hold off the ravening space zombies while the others figure out how to WILL YOU HURRY UP AND FINISHING CHANGING THAT ******** THING??!?!?!?

Aperture Science simulated testers?
Three. One to make moronic (but amusing) comments about the bulb and its history, one to disparage the subject's every effort to change the bulb, and one to spend hours figuring out every conceivable way they might possibly have to change said bulb before spotting the painfully obvious 20/20 hindsight solution.

Mass Effect fans?
One, but it depends on what lightbulbs you used five years ago, and if you changed them like Dirty Harry or Captain Picard, and if you broke any other lightbulbs in the process.

Dead Or Alive Players?
Don't even bother. As soon as you've changed the bulb, two fighters are just gonna smash up the place.
You can probably do it yourself, but if any of the girls are around, you may end up dropping a lot of bulbs.

Halo players?
Thirty-two. Two teams of sixteen, slugging it out on battlefields all over the galaxy in a desperate scramble to capture the bulb, get it to the socket, and screw it in before getting headshot and teabagged by a squeaky voiced truant.

Vault-tech inhabitants?
The player is the only one to touch the bulb, but you'll need to get the quest from a random NPC, then journey to other side of the map while getting distracted by numerous other bulb replacement issues and being ambushed by hundreds of critters/bandits/assorted nasties that want nothing more than to kill you and take your bulb.

Just one, but first you have to harvest the sand, then forge the glass, then mine the ore for the socket, then find the right material for the wick, then build the generator...

Anyone else found any good answers to this question of questions?


New member
Apr 7, 2011
How many dwarves does it take to change a lightbulb? Only one, but all 87 of them are all either off partying, tantruming, in jail, sleeping on the rubbish tip, getting murdered by a giant zombie sponge, making mica dildoes for the nobles under pain of death or those very same useless nobles or children.
Then the dwarf who finally fetches the lightbulb gets bored, drop it in the gatehouse to go get drunk, lodging the gate open and letting the slugmen necromancers in. Fun!

(Dwarf Fortress)

How many Dragonborn does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but Bitchfine demands the Dovakhiin murders a pony before she'll give up the bulb. :<


How many Stalkers does it take to change a lightbulb? Well, the spare is inside an underground room filled with meatgrinder anomalies and snorks. About fifty.


How many Artyoms does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but he's buried under a pile of underground Nazis.

(Metro 2033)

How many tauren paladins does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but all the elitist blood elf paladins are blocking the broom cupboard in protest.



Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009

One. Gordon Freeman. End of discussion. I mean, you may as well ask him to do it. What's he gonna do, say no?


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
DayZ players:

As many as it takes before the fucking sniper on Elektro hill runs out of Ammo.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Internet Gamers:

A hundred thousand and one. One changes the lightbulb. The other hundred thousand go online on forums to complain how the light is now ruined forever.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
Third Row Saints?
Just one, but he'll keep taking it back to Image as Designed until he gets the jiggle physics just right.

Garrett, master thief?
Who do you think broke that bulb in the first place?

Edit (one more):
Goku's power levels?
Over 9,000


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Dark Souls/Demons' Souls players:
Five. The first two are killed by sneaky traps on the way to the lightbulb, the next two are slain by the light bulb guardian (a fat, lumbering clawed creature who blinds you with flashes from its bulb-shaped head and throws little exploding light bulbs full of plague at you). The fifth guy makes it all the way to the lightbulb, changes it and feels like a GOD!

The Cliffe

New member
Dec 19, 2009
Borderlands 2 Players:

Only one, but four of them first have to engage in one-on-one duels for the best light bulb, then whoever's left has to spend half an hour determining if that light bulb is superior to anything he or she already has equipped...


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
The Cliffe said:
Borderlands 2 Players:

Only one, but four of them first have to engage in one-on-one duels for the best light bulb, then whoever's left has to spend half an hour determining if that light bulb is superior to anything he or she already has equipped...
Alternatively the 4 players must spend hours trying to level up a Varkid into its boss-form, then kill it for the light bulb.
Sep 13, 2009
Dark Souls players:

Fuck lightbulbs, after the last five failed attempts they're just using the bonfires.

Dead or Alive players:

You know, the shape of the lightbulbs kind of reminds me of something, I'll be back in a couple minutes....


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Valve players: 3. They will try and fail two times, and then wait patiently for a third way to come forth.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
How many tries does an point-and-click adventure gamer need to replace a light bulb?

Depends on how many things are in his inventory.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
The Almighty Aardvark said:
Dark Souls players:

Fuck lightbulbs, after the last five failed attempts they're just using the bonfires.
I love you.

OT: Uuuuuh... Apple fans, only one but they constantly need to buy a new one?


New member
Aug 19, 2009
X3: AP players:
30 to 50 people, except no one cares about the original purpose and instead work together to turn the building that houses the lightbulb into an apartment complex. Or a skyscraper. Or a skyscraper complex. Filled with lasers.
The lightbulb remains unchanged.


New member
Jun 16, 2012
Assassin's Creed Players:

One, but they need to do the same 5 side-quests at least 5 times each to unlock access to the lightbulb, the socket, a ladder...


New member
Jun 16, 2012
CoD players:

Five. One to figure out where the camping noob-tuber is holed up who keeps shooting them as they approach the socket. One to set off all the boobytraps he left. One as a decoy. One who finally knifes him in the back. And one who rushes in to finally get the job done


New member
Apr 7, 2010
chimpzy said:
Internet Gamers:

A hundred thousand and one. One changes the lightbulb. The other hundred thousand go online on forums to complain how the light is now ruined forever.
This one is my favorite. You hit all the points one of these needs. Its short, funny, true, easy to understand without having played a specific game, and a little bit mean.

OT (Please note these are jokes and portray stereotypes of gamer groups, not my actual opinion so don't lecture me on why I am wrong about your favorite genre or whatever):

How many adventure gamers does it take to change a lightbulb? 3, one with a giant magnet to remove the old one, one with the lightbulb, and one with a blender to screw it in.

How many FPS players does it take to change a lightbulb? Noone knows, their attention span is too short to get the light to the socket.

How many RTS players does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one, but he needs to get thirty of his friends together and tell them how to do it.

How many RPG players does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one, but it takes him hours to manage his inventory.

How many Darksouls players does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Eleven, Ten to keep throwing lights at the socket and bitching about it being too hard and one to actually learn how to do it.

How many Nintendo gamers does it take to change a lightbulb? Five, all of them telling the other is blowing on it wrong.

How many PC gamers does it take to change a lightbulb? Three, one to get confused because the light he bought doesn't work in his socket, another to be condescending, and a third to explain that his socket isn't good enough for the lights voltage.