Character types you hate - any media


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Baffle said:
The kid from Walking Dead. Incredibly spooky in his ability to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, as well as being a pain in the arse. Not sure how to condense that into a character type though. 'Crap children' maybe?
Yeah...god, him in Season 2. It actually really annoyed me because he was fairly competent in Season 1, and then whoever wrote the first half of Season 2 just decided to turn him into a complete fuckwad. Thankfully, he seemed to get a lot better as the season progressed, to the point where I can mostly believe he is an actual kid living in that world, and acting like that. Of course I haven't seen the most recent season, so maybe he gets the Idiot Ball again, but I hope not.


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
Mary Sues suck, I guess. Or whatever character Kirito from Sword Art Online is. Or that might be bad writing. Probably both.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
bartholen said:
Weak wimpy kid in school who's bullied (not a mandatory requirement) but has a cute female "childhood friend" (note the sarcasm quotes), and wants to protect the ones he loves, but doesn't have the strength or the courage but if he gains strength and courage then he can have the strength and courage to protect the ones he cares about with his strength and courage and courage and strength and strength and courage and strength... you get the point. The Breaker and History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi can go tag-team a woodchipper.

I'm hesitant to even use the term "tsundere", because I don't read much manga or watch much anime to begin with, but if Asuka from Evangelion is the grandmother of tsundere characters, then you can count all of them as well. I hate that *****.
Yeah, that's another character type I can't stand the "I will win by stubborn will!" type. The Naruto and the main character from Bleach type of concept. Where everything IS SAID IN A GROWLY ANGRY VOICE! AND HOW HE WILL JUST REFUSE TO QUIT! NO MATTER WHAT! AND SOMEHOW THIS ANGER/STUBBORNNESS TRANSLATES INTO POWER TO WIN THE DAY!! I'm all for determined heroes up to a point, but ones like the two of them just piss me off to no end with how single minded they are, and how they ignore anyone's advice around them.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
Single fighters beating up droves of larger, trained attackers. Usually, this is an average-sized man defeating many larger men in hand to hand combat, but can often be a woman as well, to emphasize the difference (though the attackers are almost invariably ALWAYS men), but in any case, my original urge to root for the 'weaker' party or the 'underdog' is almost always instantly shut down, because it's a movie and they are the protagonist, and will likely NOT be soundly thrashed (like they realistically would be).

Usually this character is a Mary Sue and is awesome at everything.


As you can see, I don't like action/fighting movies all that much.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
irishda said:
The ass-kicking female that meets a man and instantly stops kicking ass just so she can be saved by said man.

I had very real worries for Tauriel after Peter Jackson shoehorned in that painful "this elf falls in love with a dwarf really fast" romance angle, that she would get in deep with orcs only to be rescued by Kili, so I was pleasantly surprised when she continued to save him. It's an incredibly stupid plot twist that insults the audience because they think we don't believe anyone can fall in love without the woman being saved by the man, and it just horribly undermines the characterization of the female.

It's a way to say, "We've got a strong female character" while still using the same lazy ass tropes that can, at worst, be called sexist.
Basically a Faux Action Girl. A woman who is made out to be a total asskicker, but has to be saved by a man.

Double points of hated if in universe she's supposed to be more skilled than the man.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
None, I think.

Any character type can be enjoyable if done well. Ryan Gosling is a quiet, non-emotive guy in Drive, and I love him. Aaron Taylor-Johnson is a quiet, non-emotive guy in Godzilla, and I fucking dispise him (and the movie). Joel is a grizzled angry man with a tragic past in The Last of Us, and I think he's terrific. Kratos is a grizzled angry man with a tragic past in God of War, and... well, you know.

However, the smart-mouthed kid can generally fuck right off.
I would agree with this for the most part. If you do something well I don't much care if it's a trope, or a character archetype.


Why does it say I'm premium now?
Apr 22, 2012
Basically the people Jesse Eisenberg plays. I hated his character in The Social Network, in Now You See Me, in Zombieland and that one episode of Modern Family. I think I was meant to sort of be on his side throughout Zombieland, but he just seemed like a self-sorry prick. Same in the other three, except he was also a narcissistic prick to boot. Then again I might be meant to hate him there. If so, good job Mr. Eisenberg, you play your characters well.

I just hope he isn't like that in real life because if he is I imagine every single person he meets hates him. If not then he does an exceptional job at those three characters.

Also Claptrap. Fuck me I hate that character. "That funny little robot" my arse. I found having swine flu to be funnier.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
the December King said:
Single fighters beating up droves of larger, trained attackers. Usually, this is an average-sized man defeating many larger men in hand to hand combat, but can often be a woman as well, to emphasize the difference (though the attackers are almost invariably ALWAYS men), but in any case, my original urge to root for the 'weaker' party or the 'underdog' is almost always instantly shut down, because it's a movie and they are the protagonist, and will likely NOT be soundly thrashed (like they realistically would be).

Usually this character is a Mary Sue and is awesome at everything.


As you can see, I don't like action/fighting movies all that much.
Depends which action movies you're watching. Ninja Scroll starts off with the hero taking out three goons without breaking a sweat, yet he gets his ass kicked by the first two main baddies he comes across (twice by the second one), and achieves victory only due to interference from others.

Action and fight scenes need to have somekind of struggle, otherwise it's not fun to watch. Watching The Raid, for instance, and seeing one dude take out entire hallway filled with goons like it's nothing is just boring.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Helpless children who whine all the time but have absolutely no personality of their own.

It's especially annoying when these characters act as if they are about 5 years younger than they really are. You get 12 year olds saying things like "Mummy, make the bad man go away".


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
It's not really a "character type," but it's a plot device that's often used to create conflict between characters and it really bugs the shit out of me: the liar revealed. The story where, whether by accident or necessity, the protagonist has lied about something and at the most crucial moment the people they have lied to discover the lie, feel betrayed, hate the protagonist, and then the protagonist has to do something to earn their trust again and prove they were trying to do the right thing.

It bothers me because you can see it coming a mile away, you know how it's going to end, and it just makes whatever direction the character development was taking and bottlenecks it down the same path a million other stories have gone. It kind of makes all other character development irrelevant because no matter what you've established before everyone ends up slipping into those predetermined molds: Protagonist feels bad, other characters feel betrayed and angry and make stupid decisions because emotions, protagonist saves the day, other characters forgive protagonist and learn to trust again, everybody is happy. It's just soooo boring, and makes me give up on seeing any more character development once they set up the lie.
Jan 18, 2012
The one type of character that irritates me is the character that doesn't grow. Here are a few example to better understand my meaning.

The main 3 from Evangelion. I 'm not gonna bring out the beaten horse of complaints against them (Shinji is a whimp! Askua is a *****! Rei has no personality!). The main reason these three get on my nerves is that they're still like that at the end of the series! In the hands of a decent writer, they could have had points in the story where the realize that their attitudes aren't working and they need to change. Shinji could get in the goddamn robot when he needs too (even if its for a petty reason like "you guys are going to yell at me anyway, so I'll just get in to save you the trouble"), someone could call Askua out for her arrogant attitude and it sticks that she needs to learn humility, and Rei could find something that she's passionate about to make her want to be more than just and expendable clone.

Ash Ketchum. I was going to put Goku here, but most of his problems come from the fact that he only kept on as protagonist due to editorial mandate (Toriyama apparently wanted make Gohan the protagonist after the Cell saga). There isn't really an excuse for why Ash is still the protagonist of the Pokemon anime. I know in Japan Pokemon is still seen as a kid's game, but that doesn't mean that Ash should still be a kid. The best way to switch him out would be for him to actually win one of the Pokemon League tournaments at the end each series. By winning the tournament, Ash would fulfill his dream of becoming the best (in one region, but it still counts). He could maybe move back to Kanto for a while and do something like help Professor Oak or run a trainer school. This leaves the opportunity for a new protagonist to take the reigns like, oh, I don't know, one of the player characters from the games! If they do want to bring back Ash, they could have him become a few years older (say 14-16) and have him be the Brock for the new group. Sort of like what the did with Tommy Oliver in Power Rangers: Dino Thunder.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Aerosteam said:
Mary Sues suck, I guess. Or whatever character Kirito from Sword Art Online is. Or that might be bad writing. Probably both.
Marry Sue's are bad writing so it probably is both. Couldn't say a whole lot about that anime though since I was only able to get through one and a half episodes. Definitely agree though, they're just boring characters in general.

I also dislike characters who are massive assholes to everyone they meet for pretty much no reason. People aren't like that in real life. Some guy you just met is never going to start talking down to you in a public place. It's incredibly contrived and is usually only there so that we can have some kind of revelation scene where we learn about the asshole's painful backstory. Then, they suddenly become nice because our hero totally understand them and so they team up and become the best of buds.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
I hate the portrayal of female characters as being "feisty little dolls" or showing females to have high pitched voices, or to be portrayed as overly emotional as is common in anime. It is like fingernails on a chalkboard every time I see this. Women are not " cute little dolls when angry that go "ARRRGH!!" and become overly emotional and I find it terribly insulting to suggest such as they do.
The whole " your so cute/sexy when you are angry" nonsense just irritates the crap out of me.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
the December King said:
Single fighters beating up droves of larger, trained attackers. Usually, this is an average-sized man defeating many larger men in hand to hand combat, but can often be a woman as well, to emphasize the difference (though the attackers are almost invariably ALWAYS men), but in any case, my original urge to root for the 'weaker' party or the 'underdog' is almost always instantly shut down, because it's a movie and they are the protagonist, and will likely NOT be soundly thrashed (like they realistically would be).

Usually this character is a Mary Sue and is awesome at everything.


As you can see, I don't like action/fighting movies all that much.
Depends which action movies you're watching. Ninja Scroll starts off with the hero taking out three goons without breaking a sweat, yet he gets his ass kicked by the first two main baddies he comes across (twice by the second one), and achieves victory only due to interference from others.

Action and fight scenes need to have some kind of struggle, otherwise it's not fun to watch. Watching The Raid, for instance, and seeing one dude take out entire hallway filled with goons like it's nothing is just boring.
A good point- I guess I was referring to characters that often end up in poorly written stories that irritate me. If the struggle, or the challenge, is emphasized, then I can reasonably enjoy a fight. But characters that simply aren't in any danger in a combat scene are utterly obnoxious. A good example for me was the latest Nazi Zombie flick on Netflix, Outpost:Rise of The Spetznaz, in which a musclebound russian beats the shit out of a german bunker full of soldiers, zombies and scientists. By the second chokehold/necksnap takedown I realized that it wasn't a horror movie anymore, but an action movie, and the protagonist was not in any danger.

EDIT: It's a little personal guide of my own for certain horror movies: If the protagonist can/does kill an antagonist/assailant with their bare hands, I usually am no longer worried about the protagonist, and thus it is no longer a horror movie for me.

The Raid was just audacious- the choreography was amazing, but the story is about as bland as it gets (and I realize that that is in part in order to stuff it with action scenes), and again, realism feels like it flew out the door.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Any kid that doesn't behave his age. They should be running around babbling platitudes, not teaching adults the true meaning of whatever like they're Jesus at the temple.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
The naggy wife. Skyler in Breaking Bad could've been so much more interesting and less annoying without changing too much. It's honestly kind of sexist, and I've never seen it done in a way that adds anything to the show.


The Ship Magnificent
Dec 30, 2011
Deadweight. People who have no particular set of skills or information yet insist on participating in dangerous expeditions. Even worse when their presence is accepted or even requested by the ones pulling all the weight.

Why did Hammond approach Malcolm in The Lost World: Jurassic Park? Especially when Malcolm explicitly states he has absolutely no interest in positively contributing. What purpose did he serve apart from driving a car? Why did his daughter come along as well?

Why did the Tamers permit Kazu and Kenta to come along when they had no knowledge and no partner? Even Jeri had Leomon at that point.

sidewinder fang

New member
Sep 17, 2012
Haven't seen my pet peeve on here just yet. Villains who will gleefully do all sorts of horrible things to people and then cry like bitches when they get their just desserts, I can't stand those guys, just watching them go from gleeful sadists to sniveling brown nosing weasels makes my blood boil.

Possibly the best example is Handsome Jack from borderlands 2, who throughout the game gleefully explains how he's going to kill you and all your friends in all sorts of horrible ways, and all the people he has killed in horrible ways and (minor spoilers) when you actually do kill someone close to him suddenly he's crying like a little *****, begging and pleading and everything.

I think in the end its because I have a conscience that won't allow me to kick someone when they're down like that, even if they'll happily do it to me once they're up again, and its particularly pronounced in video games when I'm in direct control of the kicking.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Im so glad none of my personal amateur novel characters are like this... well not the ones that don't deserve it and do get themselves brutally axed dead for being moronic dumbasses. Purposely made a character that is so clichely unlikeable, all "omg, i'm strong, i'm amazing, look at my beautiful hair and omg i'm the best, arrogance, cliche tropes, I'm so good, blah blah blah" just so I could have my family and friends who read it happily jump in joy when said character has his chest ripped open in the blink of an eye later on and brutally and with great detail ripped apart because his arrogance got the best of him when one of my villains who doesn't wait an eternity to kill off a character completely gibs him as soon as he gets the chance. It felt good writing that... XD