Characters that would fill you with glee if they died?


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
NemotheElvenPanda said:
Nazeem and Maven Blackbriar from Skyrim. I feel like they are going to be common responses.
You can kill Nazeem, in fact, put and arrow on his head (With a Soul trap bow), teabag him and stole his clothes for good measure, then I enchanted a bow with it's soul. And man, I really wish I could Maven Blackbriar and her entire goddamn family, except that daughter of hers, she's mostly alright even if the quest she gives you is annoying as fuck to complete.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
The Wykydtron said:
Fox12 said:
Oh God, Final Fantasy, you always provide. But there is one abomination far worse than any other.
This fucker right here ^^
Honestly, I don't understand, it's like they're really committed to making the most awful character in the history of fiction. He just keeps on getting WORSE.

Then there's the protagonist from possibly the worst anime I've ever seen. To my immense satisfaction, he actually DID die. One of the best scenes ever. The payoff was almost worth the pain. Almost. Fuck you School Days.
Really I feel sorry for Makoto, he's obviously more of a plot device than an actual character past at least the halfway point. It's not his fault the writing was so ham-fistedly terrible. Makoto from the beginning had no reason to start all that cheating business to start with. Break up with whatsherface, wait a week for it to blow over, go out with Seikai job done.

I can only see School Days as a (badly) attempted deconstruction of the harem genre (yes, i'm one of those) but it was written as though the anti-harem message was the entire point of the anime, which it probably is to be fair since everybody only remembers the ending but the message was pushed so hard the characters, mainly Makoto were used as tools to show off that message rather than craft a convincing narrative with believable characters.

TL;DR School Days wanted to push an... interesting(?) deconstruction and subversion of the harem genre but the message overshadowed the plot and characters until nothing made sense. Then Seikai got her murder on and it was the best ending in years.
Yeah, I get what they were trying to do, and it could have been interesting if it had been done well. Unfortunately they stopped developing the characters 1/4th of the way through, until nothing made sense. Besides, End of Evangelion already did a pretty good job of deconstructing the harem genre, despite some of its other flaws. And that wasn't even its intended purpose.

Alexei F. Karamazov

New member
Feb 22, 2014
EmperorZinyak said:
I'm only a few hours into Far Cry 4, but already I want Amita and Sabal to die. Let me join Pagan Min, for fucks sake! The dude's got more charisma and is far more entertaining than those two. I always hate rebel or resistance groups in games. I don't want to be allied with the scrappy civilians armed with cobbled-together weapons: I want to join the side with big guns, badass armor, and badass leaders. Originally, there was going to be a whole second storyline for Deus Ex where you side with UNATCO and MJ-12, going to war against the NSF and the Illuminati. I can imagine raiding the Hong Kong club alongside the MJ-12 commandos and doing cool shit like that, or putting down an uprising in Paris alongside some huge mechs. Does anyone know of any games where you're on the side of the bad guys, and stay on their side to the end of the game?
Man, that branch of Deus Ex would have been awesome! I always thought it was weird how the conflict with MJ-12 was basically forced upon the player. When I got to the section where your CO says "JC, don't push that button" and you push it anyways because "I haf to kno da troof," I was shaking my head. UNATCO may have seemed questionable, but it was clear who the winning team was in the fight against the NSF and the 3.5 Illuminati guys in some chateau talking about how jacked up humans were.

Not really sure about being bad all the time, though. I guess Spec Ops: The Line kinda sorta works, but that depends on your view of US military intervention. Most games that don't have the player start out on a faction that is objectively good will typically have the player be in the morally questionable area at worst, and there isn't much fun there.

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
EmperorZinyak said:
I know about the Payday games. I was thinking of more a "soldier in an evil empire" kind of game. I know you can join with Caesar's Legion in the Fallout games, and they're pretty evil bastards, but are there any games where you're always on the force of evil and are allowed to crush the puny rebellion underfoot?
Maybe "Overlord" is something for you?
You basically play as "not-sauron" and reestablish your evil domain after your predecessor was slain by those pesky heroes.
You get to ransack villages, kidnap people to work as slaves, kill innocents for live force and pocket change and wipe out races from the very face of the earth.

Oh, and the only two endings you have are:
-you become a demonic tyrant that kills, loots and tortures his people en masse.
-you are a more practical overlord that makes sure everyone does their best to serve you, but free thinking and smiling is still not allowed.

The Raw Shark

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.
Nov 19, 2014
Nathan Drake.

Seriously, why the hell do so many people like him? Sure you could argue that his goof-off everyman antics can be rather endearing. but what the shit?! HOW DOES THAT JUSTIFY MURDERING RANDOM NIGHT GUARDS?!

Yes, I am aware that most of the protagonists in any game do this, but Drake is the one that gets the MOST praise for it.

Hell I think even Desmond Miles did the same thing in Assassin's Creed III, they weren't armed, God Damn it Desmond!

It's almost like Nolan North signed on to do Captain Walker on purpose after these two annoying shites.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Jack O said:
While I'm no fan of Mr Drake, to be fair, none of the museum night watchmen actually get killed.

The weapons Drake & Co use are specifically described as being tranquilizers and that one guy you throw off a rooftop lands in a river and can be seen swimming away miraculously unharmed.

The Raw Shark

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.
Nov 19, 2014
Zhukov said:
While I'm no fan of Mr Drake, to be fair, none of the museum night watchmen actually get killed.

The weapons Drake & Co use are specifically described as being tranquilizers and that one guy you throw off a rooftop lands in a river and can be seen swimming away miraculously unharmed.
I find that I'm even less comfortable about how he just assumed everything would work out like that.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Just because of how the thread title is phrased, I'm going to go with the whole cast of Glee.

Really, most characters that I want dead are good characters. Pulling an example out of my ass, Handsome Jack is a perfect example of a character that has been written to be hated. As such, I love him, even when he's just being a despisable bastard, because he's been designed to make me feel that way. Going back to Glee, the viewers are supposed to like the characters on the show (or so I assume), but they all just should die, because that would make me full of glee.

Ten Foot Bunny

I'm more of a dishwasher girl
Mar 19, 2014
EmperorZinyak said:
I'm only a few hours into Far Cry 4, but already I want Amita and Sabal to die.
Preach it! Those two fucking annoyed me. Though I stuck with Amita to the very end, I couldn't stop thinking about how much better the game would have been if I could have sided with Pagan, cast two middle fingers to the rebels, and booked a nice room in the palace.

I wouldn't have minded a few nights with Noore either but... er...

Is it hot in here?

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Well, everytime a character died in Tomb Raider '13 I did a little dance in celebration. Oh, you mean I'm supposed to feel sorry for these one-dimensional tools biting it? Yeah right, pass the Doritos!

Chaos Isaac

New member
Jun 27, 2013
Master Chief.

Outlived your part, man. At least Bungie left you to lay, retired at a good point. Also, your story sucks now. Thanks 343. (Though some parts of the collection is kinda neat.)

Asbel Lhant or whatever.

Fuck this guy. Fuck his existence. This waste of life is a waste of time just as his game. GAH. He's like all the worst anime cliches rolled into one asshole that is portrayed as the hero, when he just makes things worse.

Trevor from GTA V.

Thanks for ruining the game's storyline, it was going somewhere until your stupid ass showed up.

Nathan Drake

Asshole extraordinaire.

Everything in Attack on Titan.

The whole thing sucks, and is wasted potential.


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
Thrall from World of Warcraft.

Not only am I tired of Mezten's Green Jesus, but he's been more and more poorly written since Cataclysm - he opens Cataclysm by making a terrible decision that, more than anything in recent years, changed the course of destiny in Azeroth by appointing Garrosh as Warchief, and the worst part is everyone forgets about it and forgives him.

Then he ends up matching power with the fucking Dragon Aspects and saves the world, then immediately disappears until Siege of Orgrimmar to deal with Garrosh, and then goes back to Green Jesus mode to guide us through Draenor.

I'm tired of it. I'm tired of everyone forgetting that his decision is the reason we're dealing with Warlords of Draenor in the first place, I'm tired of his do-no-wrong personality and I'm just tired of the character.

I wouldn't mourn if he died in Draenor.

V da Mighty Taco

New member
Apr 9, 2011
Jason motherfucking Brody From Far Cry 3. I've ranted about this guy before and don't feel like doing it again atm, but to put it simply he is my most loathed character in any medium to date. I fucking hate him with a passion to the point of kinda disturbing myself if I'm honest and I would likely be let down by him merely dying. Sucks that a fairly decent game got dragged down so very far by this worthless sonofabitch.


New member
Aug 19, 2010
Amita's "DRUGS FOR THE DRUG GOD" schtick in FC4 got grating really quick, ofcourse knowing Farcry (and not having finished it yet) she probably does bite the dust by the end.

As for other games: Tallis from DA:2

Thrall from Warcraft after he became the monster that we know today

Hurk also from Farcry 4

The entire cast of Farcry 3 save for Vaas

I'll say Kai leng from Mass effect 3 purely because he doesnt die soon enough,

Daenerys because every chapter of hers boils down to "DRAGONS" or how much of a whore she is.

the supporting cast of X-Com.

Tiny tina and Claptrap from Borderlands.

Lamar and nearly every other side character in GTA5.

These things are alot harder to think up when you actually sit down and think about it.

verdant monkai

New member
Oct 30, 2011
Ellie (The last of us): I hate her she is annoying as hell.
-She's not funny.
She acts like she thinks she is alright, but all of her snarky remarks just grated on my nerves.
-She's not clever or helpful.
She doesn't solve any of the puzzles. She only decides to you give the supplies she finds 3/4 of the way through the game, Yeah that would have been nice 5 levels back when I was running on 4 bullets you little shit.
-She is a massive hindrance
She causes you so much hassle mostly because the insipid **** won't swim. All the puzzles and time wasting in the game are due to her being crap and ineffectual.
-She won't learn to swim
ANYONE with four limbs and no serious motor neuron conditions can learn to swim, she can't swim and there are so many times where swimming is necessary. So therefore she must be refusing to learn how to swim. I hate her so much.

The only reason you guys (internet) like this cretin so much is because she is a child character who someone has spent more than half an hour writing for. If she were a fully grown woman she would be universally hated like that girl in Enslaved Odyssey west.

If I were Joel I would Carve off her head and put it in a sack, so I wouldn't have to listen to her bitching. Dump it on the fireflies and demand an extra reward for a hazardous job. "Yeah sorry guys there was a hoard coming and we had to swim to safety, but she always refused to learn how to swim! so I swam off waited for a bit then came back and salvaged her head. Morale of the story is learn how to swim am I right? So about that reward..."


New member
Aug 19, 2010
verdant monkai said:
The only reason you guys (internet) like this cretin so much is because she is a child character who someone has spent more than half an hour writing for. If she were a fully grown woman she would be universally hated like that girl in Enslaved Odyssey west.
The vast consensus i've seen about ellie is dislike. The last of us will only be remembered as much as it is because the Sonydrones banged the drums so loud that all other sound got drowned out.

Also. Played last of us to completion. Dislike every character and their motivations.


New member
Apr 10, 2010
inu-kun said:
Cersei actualy gets better fourth book onward where she's a POV character and you get more depth to her, not to mentioned she gets vicious karmic revenge.

Daenarys on the other end.... That would be both unepected and awesome and will completely change the way the show will be going.
Cersi is far to entertaining, and does get deeper. Though she's had a fair amount of depth since the beginning, it's just concealed. There is a scene for her thats among the "how will they do that" scenes. Might need to re-read everything in time for season 5 so I can see how soon it is.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
Reed Spacer said:
Lymle from Star Ocean.




She sounds like a stoner and she won't shut up.
YES YES YES! That game was bad enough as it was but forcing you to have that hideous annoying kid who is somehow supposed to be 15 but acts like she's about 5 was the thing that nearly had me snapping the CD in two


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Morrigan from Dragon Age. I can't for the life of me understand why people actually like her character. The only word I can find to describe her is '*****'. She hates everything, whines constantly, but don't you have any criticism of her, because Morrigan disapproves! Also, Alistair. Go spout your snarky childish insecurities somewhere else, please. Come to think of it, I'll just add the entire cast of Dragon Age: Origins. Except maybe the dog. I can't believe I even finished that game.

In the same vein as Morrigan: Jack from Mass Effect.

Another vote for Daenerys. She's basically the SoIaF version of George W. Bush: making stupid decision after stupid decision and only getting away with it because she has a bigger stick, and a stick that she can't even control properly.

Lamar from GTA 5 and Sweet from GTA San Andreas. Characters constantly saying you owe them because... you owe them? And you're not gangsta enough? And they themselves being complete liabilities.

And yeah, I kinda agree with the person that mentioned Trevor from GTA 5. I often enjoy his role in the story, but his crazyness makes him too much of a 'character', if you know what I mean. Luckily GTA V was self-aware enough to have Michael call Trevor out on his hipster behavior.

Claptrap, nuff said.

I never understood the hate Navi gets, though. Just because she says 'hey listen' too often and gives otherwise helpful tips and helps you target shit?