Characters you despise, but aren't supposed to.


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Sep 25, 2010
floppylobster said:
- The big tit alien woman in Mass Effect 2.

I'm so indifferent about some of them I can't bothered looking up their names. Some of them only annoy me from time to time. But they all suck when they're trying to get me to like them.
that doesnt narrow it down much, that describes nearly all the cast


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Sep 25, 2010
370999 said:
Most of the DC superheroes. Except Batman, he's awesome. From Marvel, fucking Black Panther. The guy who has access to technology whihc could make the world a genuienly better place but refused to share because he's a dick. Fucking Panther.
i agree with you on dc, but that is what makes black panther awesome, he is the only one (other than pym) who will tell Reed Richards to shove it up his elastic ___

thanks for reminding me, i despise Alan Moore, thanks for ruining comic books with your pretentious "gritty" the black dossier was one of the worst things ive ever read, and im including req reads
Sep 14, 2009
oddly enough i hate a bunch of characters that people really like and most annoying characters dont bug me at all. so its a flip flop on what i hate.

i hate characters that are a main character but have ZERO input on the conversations/actions/plot. especially when its the main characters, it completely is the most immerse breaking thing i have ever had in a game and it bugs the living hell out of me. So anyone like that basically. Otherwise you can give me the most emo punk high pitched spikey haired weird clothing person on the planet and ill be happy as heck as long as it doesn't follow the above statement.


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Apr 23, 2008
Nimcha said:
I despise Duke Nukem.
what do you hate about him XD? -knows the duke to be a horrible stereotype in his own right but w/e, wants to know your reason ;)-


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Mar 16, 2010
Haven't played much games, and no movie or book characters come to mind. But I have to say Cecile Cosima from MGS Peace Walker. Her fake accent is so annoying, I get that she is supposed to give an "innocent" feeling to the massive army in that game, but they kind of over-did it.


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Sep 6, 2009
Sober Thal said:
On topic: Elayne (also from Wheel of Time) is worthless, not sure if anyone is supposed to like her, but God knows I don't.
As much as I like political intrigue, she was completely worthless. I wish she had done something other than being an insufferable *****'s sidekick.


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Apr 3, 2009
I HATE Tom Paris from Star Trek Voyager! He's a completely unlikable character. He's arrogant, rude, self righteous and his attempts at sarcasm just come off as unbelievably smug. He has absolutely no redeeming qualities. But what pisses me off the most is his relationship with B'elanna Tores. At some point in the final 3 seasons Paris begins courting her and eventually they get married. This was clearly just an attempt to throw an obligatory romance into the series, but it makes absolutely no sense. Paris has a reputation for being a womanizer, and shows no qualities that one would look for in a husband or father! He's an obnoxious man-child, and one of the least romantic people I've ever seen.


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Jan 19, 2009
tali(mass effect) fanboy:eek:mg shes sooooo hot me:um dude sorry to break it for ya but according to one of the me books .the quarians aint really that good all seriousness i still dont see the attractiveness in qaurians namely tali(maybe im a closet racist?)


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Sep 6, 2009
Sober Thal said:
Naheal said:
Sober Thal said:
On topic: Elayne (also from Wheel of Time) is worthless, not sure if anyone is supposed to like her, but God knows I don't.
As much as I like political intrigue, she was completely worthless. I wish she had done something other than being an insufferable *****'s sidekick.

As far as political intrigue goes tho, the new writer finishing the Wheel of Time seems to be doing a good job with his own book: The Way of Kings (Brandon Sanderson). I'm only 300 pages in, and while he likes to (annoy the hell out of me!) go to another character every 30 pages, so far I'm liking his independent work.
I love how Sanderson essentially said that Jordan was full of shit when he wanted to end it soon.


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Feb 23, 2010
Zeeky_Santos said:
AjimboB said:
Moria from Fallout 3 (she was the reason I blew up megaton).
She was the reason I saved it. Only overly cheery person I didn't think had a psychological problem (seriously, they all do). Mind you, I did convince her I was an ambassador from V101 and did supply her with misinformation for that naive little guide of hers. Muahahahaha.
If you use a specific dialogue option with the mole rat repellent stick portion of her quest ("It's like explosive Whack-A-Mole. Can I get it in bullet form? For people?"), she will betray a lot more awareness at how absolutely shitty the Fallout 'verse is than she usually lets on. For me, that characterized her less as the cheery Pollyanna, and more of the person who puts on a smile and acts all chipper, but underneath, I dunno, just wants to believe things are better than they are, and it sure would be nice if someone were to indulge her just a bit.


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Sep 7, 2010
Luke from Tales of the Abyss. I know everything has suddenly been whipped out from under him and he probably has the right to whine about it, but why the other characters put up with it (or most of them do, anyway) is a mystery.
It's apparently to make way for character development. But it doesn't work, because he STAYS annoying. I'm not a massive fan of stoic testosterone-oozing heroes, but I wish Tear would just tell him to STFU.


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Feb 23, 2010
Joshroom said:
Nina from Code Geass, anime.

I think that you're meant to sympathise a bit with her tragically flawed character. And yet everytime I heard that breathy, whiny voice pure rage just built up inside me. Shes not interesting, not funny, is actually a lot of a pyscho and doesn't even goddamn die despite all the great minor characters dropping like flies around her.

Argghhh! Rage!
YES. It's like the writers said "Okay, let's just PRETEND Nina has redeeming qualities so we can feel sorry for her, because we've killed off or made dickish more likeable characters than we probably should have, and we're running out." Hated her from the moment in the first season in that tower that she was too stupid to realize that when a group of terrorists have fucking assault rifles and are THROWING PEOPLE OFF THE ROOF, you keep your fucking mouth shut, with the possible exception of the phrase "Thank you sir, may I have another", and you DAMN sure don't throw racial slurs at them, you dipshit!


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Apr 14, 2009
TheKruzdawg said:
Mr.Squishy said:
Out of curiosity, who DO you like?
I'll give you a list =P
Lemon Demon (the guy with all the funny songs that's not weird al)

Dungeons and Dragons (editions 3.0/3.5 at least =P)

Pretty much everything BioWare has ever made

TF2 - sure, it's kind of overrated, but it's still fun as heck

Portal - the same goes here, only I was a bit disappointed with it after the hype promised the equivalent of a chocolate blowjob.

A song of Ice and Fire(there are so, so many characters here, I couldn't mention 'em all) - anyone can die, no single protagonist, no chosen one bullshit

The Malazan book of the fallen - same deal as ice and fire, but by a different author in a different universe with different characters.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - maybe the greatest musical ever

A clockwork orange/the shining - two brilliant kubrik films based on two brilliant books with main characters that rose to fame on their quite..different takes on insanity.

Assassin's Creed 1 (I haven't played the rest yet) - I didn't feel Desmond was THAT bad of an empty shell, and except for him being a dick at the start of the game, I liked Altaïr

Halo. Yeah, you heard me - halo. At least the Chief manages to joke a bit now and then ("Chief, how are we gonna get out of here?" "I thought about shooting my way out. You know, mix things up a bit") compared to the rest of the scowly tosspot supersoldierspacemarines out there.

Magic: The Gathering - lulzy nerdy fun wahey

A number of animes, most notably Hellsing

Specific characters I like? mentioned above, I'm a very big BioWare fan and I loove the TF2 classes. But I am forgetting quite a few.

Mr.Squishy said:
Do you mind of I hug you sir? I prefer Yandere's myself, at least THEY'RE nice to you for the most part, and only go psycho-killer mode if they sense a threat to your relationship with them. Not beating you half way to hell for so much as looking at their cleavage by pure accident. ONLY Two chicks I've ever enjoyed who were Tsunderes, are Tsukiumi from Sekirei, and Hiyori Sarugaki from Bleach. Oh yeah, and Akane Tendou...God where do we begin with her?

Okay! I've only read the manga so far, so don't call me out on the anime or whatever, but basically, in a nutshell, she'd take the word of a sewege encrusted rapist over what Ranma says. Outside of there being ZERO trust between them, she has in no short order, beaten the piss out of him just because he shows her how bad she really is, used numerous super powered artifects and weapons to lord over Ranma when her skills=shit compared to his, then going as far to say," If you hurt me, I'll never forgive you!" getting her ass kicked and kidnaped then still having the nerve to do the above, even Kuno can kick her ass, and he doesn't 'cos he's got a crush on her for whatever reason, when the series Butt Monkey can whoop your ass, that's a bad sign, on topic once more. She has abused Ranma for the slighest insult, beaten him to a bloody pulp for a few minor insults, taken the word of EVERY Enemy of his to date without exception and then acting surprised when they try to kill her, she has more or less shown that she's a crazed Lesbian man-hating *****, has given Ranma numerous injuries and beatings for him saying that she sucks at fighting and being right about it. Oh yeah, dare we forget, that in one arc, Ranma switchs to Nabiki, after Akane had smashed apart a balcony, then smashed a Statue upside of his head when he saved Nabiki from getting her legs broken from the fall.

My hate for her exceeds all contempt and dislike I may have for Musubi and Hinata.
Hugs are most welcome :D
I agree, really, Yanderes aren't complete bitches all the time and that is a big plus.
Speaking of bitchy tsundere characters from the mind of Rumiko Takahashi, we have Kagome from Inuyasha. And she's the lead/main character, everyone, isn't that FUN? *shudder* It's basically the Ranma/Akane deal again, if you think about it. And of course, Taiga from...I don't remember the name, but that one anime. She's the pseudololi with the wooden sword. Weeell, I say, give me a yandere(preferably not of the 'cut off your nipples in your sleep' variety) or kuudere(the most hostile thing they'll do is ignore you, not physical abuse) and I'll be happy.


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Jul 10, 2010
Everyone, and especially Edge Maverick from Star Ocean: The Last Hope.

Kratos from every God of War game that isn't the first one.

Lightning, Fang and Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII.

Joshua from The World Ends With You.

I don't know if I'm supposed to like him, but Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII.

Any character in any video game, or any media for that matter, that saves the protagonist's life and says "I didn't save you. He was just my prey. Stay out of my way, or you'll end up just like them."

And that's it for now.


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Jan 6, 2009
This may seem a wee bit strange, but Lisa Freaking Simpson- self-righteous, does not accept the opinions of others, throws her views into the faces of others and demands that they follow them, judges herself superior to others and cares little for them, and does this all behind a litte-girl facade. Need I say more?