Characters you hate with an unbridled, illogical passion


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Reif from Golden Sun 3. He is irritating and his character design is awful. He has awful defensive stats, so he dies in a few hits. The only way he could be redeemed is through his spells, which also suck. His offensive spells deal nowhere near the damage of the other characters, and although his healing moves cost less pp and he has access to all of them, his teammates can support each other just fine. He's pathetic and his inclusion in GS3 was part of what made me single the game out as the worst in the young series.


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Sep 6, 2010
I'm laughing at all the morons saying Final Fantasy characters in general. There's nothing wrong with hating specific characters, but saying you hate the cast of an entire game or even series instantly reveals you as a douchebag hipster or someone with tragically terrible taste.
With that out of the way, I probably would have said Vaan, but hell froze over and he became a likeable character in Duodecim - he's even fun to play as!

Oh, and you got guys like Butch from Fallout 3, Seifer from FFVIII, etc, but it's pretty logical to hate them.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Trixsy said:
AlternatePFG said:
Kahunaburger said:
Yeah, and Justice was awesome in that game too. How in the world does awesome + awesome = emo? And Merrill. Seriously, fuck Merrill. All you need to know about Merrill is this post:

Something about certain Bioware characters just fills me with irrational loathing for some reason.
Honestly, they really shouldn't have developers/writers post on their forums, it rarely ends in their favor, especially in that case.
Yes, I hate having them behave like normal people and show obsessive emotion over their characters. I'd rather get robotic responses and pretend the developers and writers are not real people with likes and dislikes.

that's a perfect response.
i love how the old saying most always holds true "no one hates [something people love] more than its fans"

i REALLY hate that batarian terrorist guy from Mass Effect 1. I swear to fucking god he BETTER be in mass effect 3 so i can kill him for putting me through that shit!


New member
Jan 18, 2011
All characters from FFXIII except for Lightning, Sazh, and Fang. This includes npcs. Also, Cloud was the most emo douche of a protagonist ever imaginable by humans. Vaan was so useless and I wanted to punch him in the mouth. There's so many more but I will stop here


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Ti said:

She didn't even put out at the end. XD No, seriously I might as well have been trying to rescue a ham sandwich. Very annoying broad.
This, definitely this.

also Nero, fuck that guy!


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Nov 24, 2009
Almost the entire cast in Halo Reach except for George.

Mirander Lawson and Ashely Williams in the Mass Effect games, Ashley is some stupid conservative republican ***** where as Mirander is a whiney ***** who complains about being perfect although i can forgive her because of yvonne strahovski

Also while i love Garrus Vakarian could you please finish your f*cking calibrations!


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Jun 9, 2010
BrailleOperatic said:


He's whiny, he's woebegotten ALL THE TIME. "Oh wah, I ate a ghost and now I am crazy, boo hoo..." It tell him to suck it up but he'd just blow the whole gorram city up again.

Go **** yourself, Anders. No one likes you.
The sad thing is, He was quite an awesome character in awakening. :<


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Nov 6, 2009
Moira from Fallout3. She's too happy and cheery, annoys the hell out of me. That and, oh yeah, her quests nearly kill you!
Rochelle, L4D2 - she just isn't Zoey.
Tali, Kaiden, Ashley and Jack from ME/ME2. All whiney and annoying.

But the character I hate the most, with unbrideled passion?
Edge, Ace Combat 5.
Get off your fucking high-horse you moaning *****! You're a fucking fighter pilot, you're going to end up killing people, get over yourself! And that voice...goes through me like fingernails on a chalk board. Honestly the most annoying character I have ever come across in a game. When Chopper went down, I was in tears. Of rage that is. Why couldn't Edge have bought it instead?
(That said, Ace Combat seems to have a thing for annoying characters, the wife in AC6 sent me round the bend too...)


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Apr 15, 2010
Rex madison from the new torchwood miracle days bare with me because I am British(yes I watched the American version early)He is smug,self obsessed acts like an asshole and obsessed with being american in england(plus theres the whole GET ME A GUN! bit with his assistant whatever and when that's stopped(presumably by someone in power with half a brain when a special agent decides to take matters into his own hands requests a firearm too take on a plane for a trans-atlantic flight)he gets one any way from the other side and ontop of all that starts insulting the British govenment and wales)Rant over.


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Aug 28, 2009
jack from mass effect 2.

she makes me want to punch kittens; and i LOVE KITTENS!

seriously though, i try to kill her off as quick as possible.


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Mar 5, 2011
luigiisawsome85 said:
The Final Boss from No more Heros: Desperate Struggle, Jasper Batt Jr. reasons, reason, hmmm I can only think of ordering a gang to murder the main character's best friend, he is incredibly cheap, he claims to have killed your half brother, girlfriend, and a college, his voice is annoying, and killing him is not satisfying because he dies with a smile on his face and without a scream. I could go on, but I already made my point
Especially hate this guy because you fight him after killing alice, who was one of the coolest bosses in that game and gets bonus points for being voiced by Jennifer Hale.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Thespian said:
Ashley Williams from Mass Effect.

No, wait, that's not her name. I believe she goes by smoking heap of bullet-ridden nuked ash discarded somewhere on Virmire and mourned by no one these days.

I kninda liked ahsley..but I always want to ramnce Kaiden so all my playthroughs I have killed her over...and over and...over

I might romance Liara next time

Mayor Mcready...and Im a whiter than white crusader in Fallout...but that little fucker made me wish I could kill children in that game


New member
Jun 15, 2009
As a gamer, General Damon from Valkyria Chronicles is a target of my hate. What an incompetent crock, helping himself to the glory while my boyz get killed.

Terumi Hazama from BlazBlue also is worthy of my hate. It's like dealing with an Internet troll fused with the Joker.

On the anime side, Takeru Shindo from High School of the Dead is a bona fide jackass and while Rei says killing him isn't worth the ammo, I'll gladly make a dissenting opinion by putting a bullet in his head.

But the one character I hate more than any of the three above, I absolutely abhor Shinn Asuka of Gundam SEED Destiny. He's a whiny, self-absorbed brat who joined ZAFT wants to destroy Orb because he blames them for getting his parents and sister killed during the first war. They had to get Kira back because the writers realized he was just plain irredeemable as a main character. Seriously, screw him.


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Apr 1, 2010
Mass Effect. Liara. DIE *****, DIE!
She got a little tiny bit less horrible in Lair of the Shadow Broker. I still want her dead.


New member
Nov 21, 2009

If anyone has played Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, then you'll understand. There is not a single thing he does - bar the end bit - that doesn't annoy you so much you want to fry newborn kittens just to drown out his whiny bitching! It wouldn't be that big of a problem if the relationship between Monkey and Trip hadn't been so well crafted. The whole experience is like an interactive Studio Ghibli film, and then suddenly they drop Jar-Jar Binks in the middle of it.

-.- urgh.