A superhuman hero that represents hope and serves as a role model for many and a rich genius human using technology and near limitless wealth at his disposal. Their friendship and past teamwork put to the test as their clashing ideologies cause both of them to come to blows as both believe themselves to be right, and many may suffer consequences of their actions.
But enough about Captain America 3.
This isn't going to go well. Batman and Superman STARTING as enemies is not the way to go about this. I'm happy there's actual colour in this instead of that desaturated grey filter that covered Man of Steel, but otherwise it looks like they've gone Red Son/Injustice with this, making Superman out to be an unintentional dictatorial figure while Batman stops him. There's not character development for them now. It's just them meeting and fighting. No history together, no reason for Superman to feel he can't hurt his old friend, Batman's just showing up and fighting him. This is going to be the worst of Frank Miller's Batman put to screen.
Bat Vader said:
Seems like they may be and hopefully heavily borrowing from The Dark Knight Returns. That's what I hope they do for most of the film.
Pure opinion from me, but let me just say The Dark Knight Returns sucks.
It's very well written, well structured, and when Batman is being Batman it works. But when Superman gets involved, it sucks. Frank Miller hates Superman with a passion and this comic is the thing people always turn to so they can say "See, Batman always beats Superman!" ignoring the other 11 times they've fought and Batman got his arse handed to him or had to find a way out in time to not get killed. I don't buy for a minute that Superman would become a government pawn nor do I believe he would become the god-figure he's being depicted as here. He was raised as a farmboy his whole life, he was taught humility and to always do the right thing, and his father's death in the comics (seriously, MoS? The fuck?) showed that with all his power he still couldn't save his father from something as common as a heart attack. Superman is, ironically, one of the most human superheroes in the DCU.