Check Out The Newly Revealed Supergirl Costume


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Aww, leggings. :(

In all seriousness, the leggings are fine, but the color on them is kind of odd. It should be contrasting, like white or proper dark black instead of nearly the same color as the boots and skirt.

All in all... 9/10?


Knower of Nothing
Oct 9, 2010
It's not washed-out enough. How am I supposed to believe this is grounded in reality if the color scheme isn't desaturated?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Eh, it's alright. Supergirls outfit isn't the most difficult outfit to hash up, so no songs of praise for the costume department from me. Unsurprisingly, it's dark and muted, much like everything else DC pushes out in their mess of a live action universe. Ditch the leggings, it makes the legs look odd, the skin colour breaks up the lower half and is much better than the boring burgandy mess you've got going on. Compared to say this....

Now, I'm not a big fan of the design of the new 52 Supergirl and that whole....crotch thing, I much prefer the skirt, but that is a considerably more striking picture of Supergirl and actually has some vibrancy to it.

So what do we have? Supergirl Universe, Flash & Arrow(*cough* we couldn't afford the rights to Batman at the time*cough*) Universe, Gotham Universe and Movie Universe. Well done DC, after your animated renaissance that was the DCAU, you sure know how to pull a Bonfire of the Vanities. This DC boy is still sad to say that Marvel have you in the dust.

PirateRose said:
Um, Kara Danvers?

Is this some shot at Marvel and Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel. Are they trying to do a copyright war piss thing.
Possibly, but possibly not. Supergirl predates Carol Danvers by 7 years(technically 11 if you count the Gender-bent versions of Superboy that predate Supergirl...comics are wierd.)where her secret identity was Linda Lee Danvers, and of course her Kryptonian name is Kara Zor-El, so it's a mash up of that. I don't believe she was ever known as such in the comics though, so it could be a "clever" attempt at a pissing competition.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Am I the only one who thinks that her costume looks like average cosplay? There's nothing really interesting about it. I like the Arrow and Flash costumes because they were great re imaginings of the comics' costumes. Supergirl's looks like it was pulled straight from the comics, except with more contrast and less detail.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
008Zulu said:
The costume could be made to be a little brighter. Not the blue from the comics, but a shade or two lighter than Almost Navy blue it looks to be.
I think that's my only real issue with the costume as well, just make it a shade or two lighter and it would be perfect. I like the leggings to be honest. :D


New member
Aug 2, 2012
Overall I like it. The colours are in the MoS hues, which is good. The subtle yellow is also good. Only bit I have issue with is the skirt which I feel is a bit too retro. Would have prefered something along the lines of Feora's krytonian outfit from MoS, where there's no need for a skirt but oozes otherworldly/feminine still.

This is the 21st century, so they should have just given her pants/leggins combo, but in blue instead of the classic red.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
ShenCS said:
Is The Flash considered successful? I watched it a few times because Flash was the best character in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon, but the live action show bored me to goddamn tears. I've yet to see Arrow but if people are saying the Flash is a of the standard, I may give Supergirl a miss.
For the channel that it is airing on? It's wildly successful.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Bob_McMillan said:
Am I the only one who thinks that her costume looks like average cosplay? There's nothing really interesting about it. I like the Arrow and Flash costumes because they were great re imaginings of the comics' costumes. Supergirl's looks like it was pulled straight from the comics, except with more contrast and less detail.
You're not alone. It just seems meh! maybe it will look better in motion? But right now? I still remember how well Helen Slater and the costume they used for her sold the role from the first promo pics. (yes yes awful movie, but she was otherwise well cast, one of only 2 good things in the movie, the other being Jerry Goldsmiths music). Hell even the girl they had playing Supergirl in Smallville sold it from the first promo pics. These shots are leaving me flat. Too dark costume with very conflicting styling (thigh high boots, leggings and a skirt? She looks like an ice capades refugee). As you say 90% of cosplayers do a variety of interpretations of the character and the costume much much better. And when cosplayers are doing it so much better, fire your wardrobe department.

As far as casting? I don't know this actress. She might be wonderful. But once again in terms of selling the part, this looks like a cutsey promo pic from one of those lawyer shows. Ally McBeal dressed as Supergirl.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
There is no way to say that without being disrespectful, so I'm just gonna say it:

I don't like her as Super Girl. She has a serious case of fat face. I bet she's nice and smart and all that and might even play the role amazingly, but that doesn't change that she doesn't look like Super Girl to me.

I don't like the boots or the pantyhose either. The whole costume is way too dark. The thing about Super Girl is that she was always a light and fun character, but this looks like she's ready to join the Justice League of the depressed and angry. I know she's supposed to match Superman's appearance from Man of Steel, but I didn't like that either. The movie was so terrible that I had to make myself not abord it twice.

I don't like the direction DC is going in at all. I blame Batman.

Liam Steel

New member
Oct 12, 2014
Costume looks really good. Now I just need to find a way to forget the old Super Girl movie and I'll be all set to add this to my weekly routine of watching Arrow and the Flash.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
I'm happy they designed this with the mentality she's a teenager and not a stripper. It looks good and has a nice feel to it, my only real issue is that it's a bit dreary and that I would have filled the shield with the yellow, but yeah, looks fine. The actress looks a little ill though, has that sort of glow to her face. Besides that, I'm now just hoping it's more Agent Carter than the failed Wonder Woman Pilot

Dominic Crossman

New member
Apr 15, 2013
Silentpony said:
Looks very...underwhelming. Like something you'd buy in a Halloween store, but then try to pass off as a cosplay you made yourself at a Con. Then you run into someone else with the exact same outfit and they call you on your bullshit.
Pretty much my thoughts so saves me typing them :)

Side note: skirts + flying? Anyone else see a problem here?

Side side note: I'm wondering if the photographer/show makers choose bad shots and if it'll look better in action.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
It doesn't look exactly new. It looks more like a typical supergirl design that they just made darker. Possible that it's just the lighting.

Still it doesn't exactly makes me want to watch it, if I want something dark and gritty I rather rewatch the batman movies or gotham.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Dominic Crossman said:
Side side note: I'm wondering if the photographer/show makers choose bad shots and if it'll look better in action.
Maybe bad lighting for sure but that shot. I think it says something that they chose a classic superhero pose for the first reveal. I mean that's not even something Marvel has done. You only see that pose these days on things like Robot Chicken or spoof porn. I'm a little more optimistic about the show now actually.


New member
Jan 17, 2012
1st part of the top half of the photo good although I don't exactly like the dark colored blue compared to a more light blue. But its fine I assume they are trying to go with the Man of Steel color Superman.

2nd part of the bottom half of the photo ugh. wtf is this? That is not the typical Supergirl skirt, it looks like something my grandma would have worn in the 60s. Very ugly and unflattering.
What is up with the pantyhose? Not cool. She shouldn't be wearing any.
Those boots go Wayyyyyy too high

I don't understand how they made the sexy Supergirl so unsexy and weird looking.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Its okay, doesn't blow me away and its not terrible either.

I've got got to say the actress isnt really selling me the confidence of Kara Zor-El to me, but I'l give it a shot.